
Colour Party Competition Intensifies with Dry Runs

With the Cadet Wing Colour Party Competition only a few weeks away, the Squadron teams took preparations to the next level this past week with dry runs in the New Gym. Over the course of half an hour, each Squadron’s team ran through a course similar to what they will face on the day of competition. While the dry run course is not identical to the real one (being in the New Gym, it is substantially smaller), it still gives the teams an opportunity to go through the course under actual test conditions. The teams’ dress and deportment are evaluated, and they are observed throughout by drill instructors. At any point, the teams can be told to stop and repeat a movement, or if necessary, return to the start and begin the course again.

With the honour of carrying the College Colours on the line, the teams are dedicated and determined. If the performances during the dry run are any indication, the competition itself, scheduled for 2 March, should be intense.


On 15 February, in Toronto, OCdt Shaun Goodfallow, OCdt Bill Bellamy and OCdt Eric Choi represented the RMCC Business Administration Department at the Certified Management Accountants Challenge Cup, sponsored by CMA Ontario.

With competition from all major Ontario business schools, including Ivey from the Univesrity of Western Ontario and Schulich from York University, RMCC won prizes in all the competition categories.

OCdt Goodfallow won the runner up prize for the fastest successful completion of the simulation; OCdt Bellamy won the runner up for the successful completion of the competition with the fewest moves; and OCdt Choi won first place for the highest leadership score.

This was a tremendous accomplishment for our talented Officer Cadets and a great opportunity to showcase the value and quality of a RMCC Business Administration education.

Well done.


French Defence Attache Gives 4th Years an Inside Look at World Events

Article by / Écrit par 25891 OCdt (IV) Brandon White 

Ce mercredi 13 février, les élèves-officiers (Élofs) de quatrième année ont eu une présentation sur la France par l’attaché militaire de la France à Ottawa, le colonel Siegfried Usal. Pour les Élofs qui ne connaissaient pas la France, la présentation leur a apporté une connaissance de base qui pourra leur servir dans un futur proche. Si l’on peut résumer la présentation en point, il y aurait le passé de la France, leur nouveau concept stratégique, l’exemple opérationnel du Mali et leur coopération avec leurs alliés.

The Officer Cadets (OCdts) learned about the ordeals that France went through and the ones they imposed on others from Charlemagne to the end of the Second World War. During certain periods of history, the French had large armies such as la Grande Armée of Napoleon; in others, they were defeated like in 1939-1945. Regardless, they took their destinies in their own hands under Général de Gaulle.

À partir de ce point, la France va s’équiper en armes et en personnel pour devenir l’une des puissances militaire de l’Europe. Pour parvenir à ce résultat, la doctrine de détérence va être suivie avec le développement de l’arme nucléaire. De nos jours, la France priorise l’anticipation et la rechercher d’informations avant de passer à l’action avec les nombres précis de soldats pour différents types de missions : sécurité et intervention.

Currently, France is involved in a civilian war in Mali and has taken the side of the Malian troops. They have deployed their forces by following the steps of their operational concept. With logistical help from countries such as Canada, Belgium and United States of America, they are waging a war on terror in the northern region of Mali against Islamic factions. People such as Colonel Siegfried are directly responsible for making arrangements with foreign authorities to receive the help and cooperation of Allied nations.


Engineering Cadets Get Hands On

Engineering Cadets at the College have the opportunity to perform a number of laboratory experiments over their four years at the College, experiments performed on high-tech equipment under the watchful eye of professors and lab-assistants. e-Veritas has had the opportunity to observe a number of these experiments in recent weeks, including a jet propulsion lab this past Thursday afternoon, when 4th Year Aeronautical Engineering Cadets had the opportunity to examine a jet turbine engine in action (albeit on a small scale).


Cadet Dining Hall Staff Role out the Red Carpet for Valentine’s Day

Hearts and roses abounded in the Cadet Dining Hall this past Thursday as the Dining Hall staff gave the Cadets a real treat. In honour of Valentine’s Day, Cadets were treated to a special meal, included lobster tails. There were also a number of deserts on hand; Cadets could choose from everything from cup cakes to massive slices of chocolate cake to a chocolate fountain and fruit. It was a gesture that was well received by all those present.

Unless otherwise indicated, photos and articles by 25366 Mike Shewfelt.

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