The Week That Was…(staff perspective)
Cadet Perspective – (various sources)
Four years of PMT
Cadets from both colleges attend high-profile Vimy Dinner
PAG organized Halloween fun night
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The Week That Was…
A contingent from RMCC led by the commandant attended the True Patriot Love Dinner in Toronto this week. It was a a good opportunity to engage with a variety of Canadian stakeholders and to raise the profile of some of the excellent work that is done at RMCC.
A group of another 25 cadets attended the Vimy Dinner in Ottawa on Friday, 6 Nov. (See photo & short article below)
BGen Friday had the opportunity to tour the college Chemical engineering Department and saw first-hand the quality work being done by the operators of the SLOWPOKE Nuclear reactor and brand new Scanning Electron Microscope.
Remembrance Day is fast approaching, and the College is engaged in a number of activities to support this important occasion. RMCC has received close to 30 requests for personnel in support of various ceremonies locally and well beyond Kingston.
Cadet Perspective – (various sources)
Another action packed week at the college has come and gone as Cadets ramp up their preparation for the Commandant’s Inspection on Saturday, November 14th. Additionally, Cadets must prepare for the upcoming drill competition that will determine which squadron will have the honour of protecting the College Colours and carrying them on parade for the Class of 2017. This has resulted in many early morning and after class practices as flag drill is rehearsed to perfection.
Professional Military Training (PMT) as anyone in the forces for any period of time is well aware takes many shapes and sizes. Often during PMT a high profile and high ranking officers visit the college and shares his / her experience. At other times the realities are other aspects of military life are covered.
Last week it appears was one of those ‘realities’:
The first year’s PMT period was replaced with practice for the Drill Competition. Basic foot drill that they already know. I remember doing it two years ago and it was pretty mind-numbing.
OCdt Hawes 26960
The 2nd year Officer Cadets of the Royal Military College of Canada received two lessons this week, both relating to professionalism as a junior officer. In the first lesson, the cadets were split up into their respective divisions and were shown how to both give advice to their superiors and how to receive advice from their subordinates. This included items such as timing and delivery of advice as well as when to simply accept suggestions. The instructors gave examples from their own careers and explained situations relating to specific trades.
Afterwards, the second year class gathered as a whole in the New Gym in Yeo Hall to learn military mess history and etiquette. The instructor, Captain Crombach, went through the history of the mess from the 1700s to the current day, and pointed out the origins of many of the different mess traditions that are still used today. He then spoke about rules of etiquette, such as which cutlery to use for which dish and how to do toasts. All in all, these lessons served to teach the cadets skills which will be useful for the rest of their career; skills that will spare them the wrath of their CO someday; and skills that will hopefully save them some embarrassment at messes in the future.
OCdt Walker 27456
This week for PMT, the third years were educated on the importance of mess etiquette and practiced flag drill for the competition next weekend. The topics reviewed in the mess briefing consisted of the history, table manners, proper conversation topics, rules and common pranks pulled amongst members. This briefing will be helpful as it will refresh our knowledge as we approach the time of the year filled with Christmas mess dinners. The second half consisted of each squadron’s drill team practicing their drill routine for the upcoming competition. Each year, the third years in every squadron must organize and train themselves in the area of colour party drill. This skill will be helpful because once at our units as junior officers, we will likely be tasked with carrying the battalion colours on parade.
OCdt Wood 27199
Le mercredi 4 novembre 2015, la classe de 4e année du Collège militaire Royal du Canada a reçu 2 briefings pour mieux connaitre les Forces armées canadiennes. Ces briefings ont eu lieu dans le cadre des périodes de perfectionnement militaire hebdomadaire. Durant la première heure, nous avons reçu de l’information concernant l’armée canadienne. Nous en avons appris plus sur la façon dont elle est organisée et sur les différents métiers. Ce fut très instructif pour l’ensemble de la classe, qui en a appris plus sur les capacités de l’armée de terre, les phases d’entrainement et les différentes unités. Nous avons eu la possibilité de poser des questions à la fin de la séance. Durant la deuxième heure, nous avons reçu de l’information sur l’Aviation royale canadienne. On nous a présenté son organisation, ses escadres, ces capacités et les déploiements en court. Cela a permis à l’ensemble de la classe de mieux comprendre son fonctionnement. Plusieurs officiers de différents métiers de l’aviation étaient présents pour répondre à des questions spécifiques sur les différents métiers et sur l’Aviation royale canadienne. De plus, entre les 2 briefings, nous avons eu une présentation du Doyen intérimaire aux études graduées, le docteur Greg Philips, qui nous a parlé des possibilités d’études graduées dans les Forces armées canadiennes.
Élof Drolet 26428
Cadets from both colleges attend high-profile Vimy Dinner
Article by: 26684 NCdt (IV) Marisa Warner – 10 Squadron – CDOpsO
The CDA Institute Vimy Award 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner is an event to recognize a Canadian, who has made an outstanding contribution to Canada’s security and defence and to the preservation of Canada’s democratic values.
Twenty-five cadets from RMC and CMR attended the dinner along with other distinguished guests, which included the Chief of Defence Staff, 15696 General J.H. Vance; the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin; many members of the Canadian Armed Forces, past award recipients, as well as members of the diplomatic corps to name a few.
Cadets were able to experience an evening filled with meeting new people and receiving advice and encouragement from the many distinguished guests.
This year, the S151 Honourable Hugh D. Segal, Honourary Captain in the RCN, received the Vimy Award.
Many cadets left the dinner reflecting on his inspirational speech that encouraged them to keep working hard and helped them understand protecting Canada and its democratic values is of the utmost importance.
All cadets returned to RMC happy that they had the opportunity to experience such an important and wonderful event.
10080 Bob Booth sent us a short note:
I attended a wonderful Vimy Dinner in Ottawa last night and the College was well represented through the attendance of 25 cadets many of who were present courtesy of H24263 Dr John Cowan (former RMCC principal, who was also there.
This past week, RMCC Cadets assembled on the formal side of the cadet mess for a night of scares, laughs and prizes! There, a Halloween costume competition, sponsored by the RMCC PAG team (Peer Assistance Group), was held with about 45 Cadets attending for the night. The PAG team organised the event to give Cadets an opportunity to relax, have fun, and celebrate the end of the first round of midterms.
The competition was organised into four categories, funniest, scariest, most original and group. Those fortunate enough to win one of the three individual categories earned a $25 Tim Hortons gift card and the winning group won a collection of sweet treats!
The competition went off without a hitch and Cadets at the college had a blast. Costumes ranged from Star Wars Storm troopers to the Grim Reaper and plenty in between.
Au cours de la dernière semaine, les élèves officiers du College Militaire Royal de Kingston se sont rassemblés pour une soirée amusante! Un concours de costumes a eu lieu durant la soirée qui a été présenté par l’équipe du GAP (Groupe d’Assistance aux Pairs). Il y avait 45 élèves officiers présents pour l’événement. L’équipe du GAP a organisé l’événement afin de permettre aux élèves officiers de se détendre, avoir du plaisir, ainsi qu’afin de célébrer la fin des examens de mi-session.
Le concours a été séparé en 4 catégories: le plus drôle, le plus effrayant, le plus original et le meilleur costume de groupes. Les gagnants ont mérité des cartes-cadeaux ayant une valeur de $25 au Tim Hortons et les gagnants du prix de costume de groupe se sont mérités un panier de bonbons variés!
La compétition s’est passée sans aucune anicroche et les Cadets se sont bien amusés. Les costumes se sont étendus des soldats d’assaut de la guerre des étoiles en passant par le Faucheur et bien d’autres.
MORE / plus Flickr photos from Halloween – HERE