Division of Continuing Studies celebrate significant milestone
Military Skills Team (formerly called Sandhurst team) formally recognized
The International Affairs Association Represents RMCC in Montréal
Hot Chocolate Warms More Than Just Hands / Le chaud chocolat réchauffe plus que juste des mains
Life After Grad
OUA sports scores
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Division of Continuing Studies celebrate significant milestone
The Division of Continuing Studies supports the distance delivery of BMASc, BA(Gen), MBA, MPA and MA in War Studies programs. At the end of January this year, distance education generated revenues exceed $1.5M, funds which are used to support many programs and activities in the Academic Wing and the College as a whole.
The Cmdt, Principal and Deans of Arts, Graduate Studies and Continuing Studies were joined by the Program Chairs and entire DCS staff to cut a cake celebrating RMCC Distance Education passing this important milestone.
More photos by 26503 Officer Cadet Luke Brannigan from the Cake Cutting Ceremony Here
Military Skills Team (formerly called Sandhurst team) formally recognized
On the 28th of January, fifteen members of the RMCC Military Skills Team received pins from the Director of Cadets, LCol Renahan. The cadets received these pins in recognition for their hard work and dedication to excellence as a member of the Military Skills Team, and will be permitted to wear them proudly on their 5’s uniforms for the remainder of their training season.
This year, the RMCC Military Skills Team will be representing the College at two world-class military skills competitions; the Chimaltlalli Military Skills Competition, which will be held at the Heroic Military College in Mexico, as well as the Sandhurst Competition, which is held annually at the United States Military Academy in West Point.
The military skills team has been provided top-of-the-line equipment for a number of years through the generous support of donors through the RMC Foundation who administer these funds. This specialized equipment would not otherwise be available through the regular supply system.
Team members and support staff send a BIG thank-you to all the donors.
The team is composed of fifteen cadets from all years, male and female:
1st years:
27550 OCdt (I) Augustin Mirea
27576 OCdt (I) Adam Welsh
2nd years:
27522 OCdt (II) Alura Castle
27049 OCdt (II) Elise Thivierge
27388 NCdt (II) Gavin Omand
27305 OCdt (II) Andrew Haves
27228 OCdt (II) Olivier Beaulieu
3rd years:
26881 OCdt (III) Matthew Weeks
27103 OCdt (III) Evelyne Gauvin
27002 OCdt (III) Josh Hewitt
26939 OCdt (III) Tyler Gilchrist
4th Years
26685 NCdt (IV) Graham Mater
26568 OCdt (IV) Nicholas Jobin
Team 2 I/C
26706 OCdt (IV) Anton Humeniuk
Team Captain
26941 OCdt (III) David Chadwick
The support staff includes:
Captain Justin Lystiuk, Officer in Charge (OIC) of the RMC Military Skills Team.
Warrant Officer Julian Wieczorek has a very broad role, including he Shooting Coach and Military Skills Subject Matter Expert; and
Mr. Tomasz Deren, is the Strength and Conditioning Coach.
More photos by 26503 Officer Cadet Luke Brannigan from the Military Skills Ceremony Here
The International Affairs Association Represents RMCC in Montréal:
As usual, the members of the Royal Military College of Canada International Affairs Association have demonstrated the highest levels of professionalism, speechcraft and diplomatic ability at the prestigious McGill Model United Nations Assembly this past weekend in Montréal, Québec.
This year’s team was led by Team Captain, OCdt IV (26583) John Jacob and advised by Assistant Professor, Major Pierre Lépine (ret) and comprised:
NCdt IV (27028) Kirk Lapointe
OCdt III (26982) Jae Lee
NCdt III (26743) James Craigie
OCdt III (26920) Brady McNish
The conference consisted of a comprehensive, four day schedule which began Thursday, January 28th with the opening ceremonies, first committee session and head delegate cocktail party and concluded Sunday, January 31st with the sixth committee session and closing/awards ceremonies. During this conference the officer cadets of RMC represented Thailand in committees addressing social, humanitarian and cultural issues, peacekeeping operations, and disarmament initiatives.
The Model United Nations Assembly consisted not only of formal committee sessions in which the delegates were required debate political issues and form coalitions with one another to achieve their position objectives and (if successful) peaceful resolution of the issues being addressed, but also of a multitude of social and cultural events in which delegates were required to practice political relationship building with their fellow committee members, off the clock.
The cadets were put to the test this weekend against the brightest minds currently attending Universities across the world and performed admirably, demonstrating the strong character expected of students of the Royal Military College of Canada.
Team members are very aware that opportunities to compete at this event would not be possible without the financial support provided by donors to the RMC Foundation. Those who are fortunate to participate away from the college are very appreciative of this support.
Hot Chocolate Warms More Than Just Hands
By: NCdt Justin Kellermann-Thompson, 27317
In the middle of the Winter Sports Day, braving the icy wind and bitter cold, PAG, the Peer Assistance Group of RMC, was there to support the troops. As in past years, PAG took the initiative and provided free hot chocolate to all, warming their spirits as well as their bodies. This extra little effort on PAG’s part was very well received by the students, who took advantage of it as often as they could to grab a little heat and a lot of sugar. We can thank Justin Kellermann-Thompson, Alura Castle, Celine Faucher, and Jennifer Bryant for this remarkable event, since responsibility for organizing and running this morale boost was in their hands.
We should also recognize the active participation of all PAG members, who are involved throughout the year, bringing support to their peers, receiving formation to perfect their knowledge in the matter, and organizing a diverse range of morale-boosting activities ranging from hot chocolate to exam-time therapy dogs, which do as much for the college’s mood as they do to remind us that PAG will always be there if we need it.
Le chaud chocolat réchauffe plus que juste des mains
par L’Aspm Justin Kellermann-Thompson, 27317
Au milieu de la journée de Sports d’hiver, bravant le vent glacial et le froid, GAP, le Groupe d’Assistance aux Pairs du CMRC, était là pour soutenir les troupes. Comme les années précédentes, le GAP a pris l’initiative de fournir du chocolat chaud gratuit pour tous, réchauffant les esprits ainsi que les corps. Ce petit effort supplémentaire de la part du GAP a été très bien accueilli par les étudiant(e)s, qui ont profité aussi souvent que possible pour récupérer un peu de chaleur et beaucoup de sucre. Nous pouvons remercier Justin Kellermann-Thompson, Alura Castle, Celine Faucher et Jennifer Bryant pour cet événement remarquable, puisque la responsabilité d’organiser et de diriger ce remonte-moral était entre leurs mains.
Nous devons également reconnaître la participation active de tous les membres du GAP, qui sont impliqués tout au long de l’année, apportant leur soutien à leurs pairs, recevant la formation pour parfaire leurs connaissances en la matière et organisant un large éventail d’activités remonte-moral allant du chocolat chaud aux programmes de chiens de thérapie, qui en font autant pour l’ambiance du Collège comme il en fait pour nous rappeler que le GAP sera toujours là si nous en avons besoin.
Life After Grad
This past, Friday, 29 January, the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department was delighted to have 22892 LCdr Jonathan Lafontaine, RMC Mech Eng class of 2004 and Guest of Honour at the Department Mess Dinner that same evening, provide a presentation loosely titled: “Life After Grad…”.
LCdr Lafontaine related his professional and personal experiences during the first decade of his career, which included, working for the Governor General of Canada, working on various ships (including major damage control events at sea) and commanding HMCS ALGONQUIN.
The presentation also covered the expectations, general opportunities after graduation and a high-level overview of Canadian Armed Forces initiatives.
This was quite an eye opening, enjoyable and interesting presentation for the close to 50 naval and officer cadets who were in attendance.
Photo by 26584 NCadet Wilson Ho (We may have some more photos on flickr – check back later)
OUA sports scores
(M) volleyball
Ryerson 3 – RMC 0
U of T 3 – RMC 1
(W) volleyball
Ryerson 3 – RMC 0
U of T 3 – RMC 0
UOIT 4 – RMC 2
For more OUA new – go here