

COVER STORIES: Read commentaries from Jack Granastein, Desmond Morton, Hugh Segal, Sean Maloney and Romeo Dallaire on the state of the war in Afghanistan today.



Q&A With Principal John Cowan:
Being RMC principal is the most fun you can have in a university job in Canada. But it’s long been my view that the ideal time a person should serve as the principal of any given university is about 8 to 10 years.

Essay: Isolating the battlespace: Pakistan and its role in the war in Afghanistan
by 24079 OCdt Matt Tompkins

Pakistan has long been involved in the politics and workings of Afghanistan. In recent history, Pakistan became a frontline state against communism and a vital ally to the Mujahedeen and their American supporters during Afghan-Soviet war.

Finally, a professional social network with boundaries
by Joel Halse, VP Communications, IJ Solutions

When you spend four years living shoulder-to-shoulder with many of your closest friends, you can’t help but take the RMC social network for granted. Now, thanks to the efforts of the RMC Club of Canada and IJ Solutions, you can maintain the important connections you spent years to develop long after your walk through the Arch.

And much, much more…

Summer ’08 Veritas magazine should be in “Members” – mail boxes soon

Please ensure the RMC Club has your current coordinates [email protected]

For e-Veritas readers who are not current paid-up members of the Club: We have embarked on a Club membership drive. Please help us: Ex cadets; Current & former staff members (civilian & military); parents & friends; current & past students – including undergraduate and graduate level are all eligible and encouraged to join us!

You can call us toll free 1-888-386-3762. Online http://www.rmcclub.ca/Membership.htm
Contact us by e-mail [email protected]

Nous avons lancé une campagne d’adhésion au Club des CMR. Veuillez nous appuyer dans ce projet : Anciens; membres du personnel anciens et actuels (civil et militaire); parents et amis; étudiants actuels et du passé, du premier et du deuxième cycle sont tous admissibles et nous les encourageons à devenir membres!

Téléphonez sans frais au: 1-888-386-3762.
Communiquez en ligne: http://www.rmcclub.ca/Membership.htm
Ou par courriel : [email protected]

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