
Wednesday PMT – Professional Military Training

Context: Wednesdays at RMC begin with a “military” morning. OCdts/NCdts dress in combats on Wednesdays only, and every class (1st through 4th year class) have a respective military brief or activity between 0800-1000 hrs. Here are the PMT briefs for 8 January 2014.

1st Year Class:

Now that FYOP is over, we all have to keep working as a team. It is true that our schedules are not the same but we still need to work together because as an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces that’s what we are going to do; work as a team. As a first year, we have to make sure that our studies are our first priority. We have to finish our year strong and get ready for BMOQ this summer. About our dress, we should not forget what we are allowed to wear and what we are not. Civilian clothes are not allowed for us, we always have to wear the dress of the day in lines and on campus. When we go in town, # 4’s are mandatory. Finally, we learned that during the IM’s weeks there will be no morning PT. Instead there will be mornings with our CFL’s and ComSecs. They will be spending more time with us to prepare us for BMOQ.

27027 –  OCdt Maxime Pindi – 1 Sqn


2nd Year Class:

This Wednesday the 8th of January, the second year class attended a short but informative first PMT with the new CWC of the semester. In his first address to the second year class, OCdt Pelletier introduced the rest of the Top 5 team along with his intent for the semester. He introduced the new changes for morning activities to maximize training time in the mornings and to prepare the wing for the Commandant’s inspection that is coming up very quickly. The Top 5 also reminded the second year class to keep up their leadership training that they learned over the summer to help lead the first years and that they will soon have positions of leadership in the school next semester.

26649 – OCdt Hillary Griffis – 6 Sqn


3rd Year Class

The third year PMT consisted of a brief by the CWC OCdt Pelletier and CWTO NCdt Lapointe. Present as well were the remainder of the Top 5 who introduced themselves, followed by a lecture during which the CWC outlined his intent for the semester, stating the emphasis will be on communication and accountability within the Cadet Wing. The CWC stressed the need to communicate face to face as often as possible. Next, he discussed the new plan for morning activities. He explained his reasoning behind implementing more CFL and CSL mornings, and how this follows his intent. The CWTO then took centre stage and reiterated the reasoning behind following the rules and regulations. The majority of the brief was conducted in French, in accordance with the language of the week, and the third years appreciated the succinctness in which the presentation was done.

26404 – OCdt Benjamin Simon – 6 Sqn


4th Year Class

Fourth Year PMT this week hit a chord for all the soon-to-be grads: there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel!

Capt. B. Shurdha, RMCCs Staff Officer Careers (SOC), gave an informative and lighthearted presentation on what to expect over the next few months in our final stretch on the march to graduation. While we may be focused on getting back into the semester, it’s clear that it won’t be long (relatively speaking, of course) before we’re out on the parade square once more – except this time for our own grad parade and not someone else! 129 DTG.

25982 – OCdt Colin Strong – 7 Sqn


Je suis l’élève-officier Simard et suis né à Alma dans la région du Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean. En 2009, j’ai joint les forces armées canadiennes en choisissant le métier de pilote. De 2009 à 20011, j’ai été au Collège de Saint-Jean sur Richelieu où j’ai rencontré tous mes amis de mon année (2014). Pendant ces deux ans, je suis content d’avoir fait des talents show et d’avoir mis en place de A à Z un sport que j’aimais comme sport représentatif : le volleyball. Concernant l’instruction, je suis content d’avoir eu une bonne base des aptitudes militaires avec l’expérience de certains sergents et capitaines.

De 2011 à 2014, je suis entré au Collège militaire du Canada dans l’escadron 8. Je peux vous assurer que la transition entre les deux collèges était mal organisée et c’était très déprimant pour la majorité de ma classe.

Malgré les hauts et les bas du collège, il ne faut surtout pas se décourager et il faut toujours rester positif envers nos objectifs. Le temps passe plus vite quand nous sommes concentrés sur nos objectifs. Même si parfois le moral peut être bas, demandez-vous comment vous pouvez changer les choses à votre niveau ?

Pendant mon temps au collège, j’ai créé le band de l’escadron 8 et je suis fier d’avoir joué au talent show avec eux 2 années. J’ai aussi créé avec l’élof Pouliot un fichier permettant d’assembler plusieurs documents pour améliorer le manque d’information dans la transition des deux collèges et cela peut être utile aux premières années qui arrivent à Kingston chaque année.

Finalement, je suis heureux de recevoir mon brevet d’officier le jeudi 9 janvier 2014 et de partir pour Bagotville et mon premier cours d’entraînement au pilotage à la fin du mois. Je vais m’ennuyer de toutes les personnes que j’ai connues ici au collège militaire, que ça soit dans mon escadron, dans mon année, dans les autres années, dans mon cours d’administration des affaires, dans les OJT ou dans mon quotidien. Je vous souhaite tous une bonne carrière et au plaisir de vous revoir tous dans le futur.

25666 – Élève officier Esteban Simard – Escadron 8 – D/CDL

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