At the RMC Wall of Honour on Saturday, 16 September it was a beautifully sunny afternoon. The occasion was the 13th Inductee Ceremony at which three more Honouree plaques were unveiled.
This year’s first inductee was 2515 Major George Chisholm Baker, CM, MBE. Following graduation in 1939, Baker joined the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals and deployed to England in 1940. There, he played a major role planning and implementing the D-Day deception plan. Following World War Two, he was a key engineer in the design and construction of the Annapolis Royal Tidal Power Station, the first of its type in North America.
The second inductee was H6604 Captain (Navy) James Franklin “Jim” Carruthers, CD. A naval engineer, Carruthers was the driving force and champion behind the development and introduction of the Shipboard Integrated Processing and Data System (SHINPADS). Later, he was recognized for his knowledge of maritime matters and was a strong advocate for the RCN. Carruthers was a strong supporter of RMC, and he personally provided funding to the RMC Rowing Club and annually purchased swords for the top naval graduate.
The plaque of 2021 inductee 11721 Honourary Colonel Lawrence Napier “Larry” Stevenson, CD was also unveiled. This had been delayed by the COVID-19 Pandemic and the period of mourning following the passing of Queen Elizabeth. Although Stevenson was commissioned as an infantry officer, after four years, he pursued a career in business. As an entrepreneur, he formed Chapters and was responsible for restructuring a number of businesses to make them successful enterprises.
Once the citations had been read, and all three plaques unveiled, Honourary Colonel Stevenson gave an inspiring speech describing how his time at RMC had prepared him for the many challenges he encountered during his career both in uniform and as a successful entrepreneur.
To read the citations of all forty honourees on the Wall, please go to:
A copy of Brigadier-General Pascal Godbout’s speech can be found below:
Bonjour tout le monde. Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to the Royal Military College of Canada.
I would like to begin by acknowledging that we are gathered on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee , and Huron-Wendat Peoples. Nous reconnaissons leur force et leur sagesse; leur gérance de la terre et de l’eau, des plantes et des animaux.
Together, let’s commit to learning about, and learning with, Indigenous Peoples and honouring the Nation-to-Nation relationships Canada continues to build with Indigenous Nations, d’un ocean à l’autre, et à l’autre.
I am so pleased that we are able to gather to honour the newest inductees to the RMC Wall of Honour and would like to thank all of you from traveling from far and wide for this important occasion.
C’est grâce à la générosité de la Classe de 1963, et leur cadeau au Collège lors de leur entrée dans la ‘Vieille Brigade’, que ce mur d’honneur existe afin de reconnaître les Anciens et Anciennes des Collèges Militaires Canadiens, ainsi que d’autres personnes distinguées avec des numéros de Collège, pour leur réalisations et contributions exceptionnelles au Canada ou au monde.
Not only does this Wall of Honour fulfill the role of recognizing the remarkable contributions of ex-cadets, it also acts as a means of inspiration to current students, graduates, staff, and all those who have the privilege to explore the campus to see that they, too, can make a difference.
Living so close to the Wall, my wife Anh and I cannot help but notice the number of people who walk by the Wall, and read the citations of the various inductees. For our staff, naval and officer cadets, and visitors, the significance of the Wall of Honour is clear. RMC is forming leaders not only of the CAF, but of our society.
It is truly inspiring to see the names inscribed there, and to discover the remarkable contributions they have each made for Canada and abroad. And every time I meet a particularly inspiring cadet, I wonder whether we are looking at a future inductee who will be recognized for their service and devotion to our country.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizers of this annual event, as we formally recognize the unique contributions and achievements of three exemplary ex-cadets, including Honourary Colonel Lawrence Napier ‘Larry’ Stevenson; the late Major George Chisholm Baker and Captain (Navy) James Franklin Carruthers.
Today, we honour those who have gone that extra mile to make a difference while exemplifying the values of “Truth – Duty – Valour”.
- With us today, we have the pleasure of honouring Honourary Colonel Lawrence Napier ‘Larry’ Stevenson, a devoted Soldier, Entrepreneur, and a Business Leader
We also have the honour to recognize two inductees who are unfortunately no longer with us:
- Major George Chisholm Baker, who was a distinguished Planner, Engineer, Publisher, and a Visionary
- Captain (Navy) James Franklin Carruthers, an Engineer, Visionary, and Philanthropist
In a few minutes, our MC will highlight a short excerpt of the accomplishments of each of these inductees, who represent some of the best of what the Canadian Military Colleges contribute to our great nation. They are an example of the character, ethics, and values that should be expected of alumni of these national institutions.
As with all institutions; maintenance, reflection, and adjustments are required along the way in order to improve upon our past, and grow with the changing landscape and fabric of our society. As a military university and national institution, RMC’s mission remains unchanged: we educate, develop, and inspire bilingual, fit, and ethical leaders who serve the CAF and Canada, while remaining militarily relevant, challenging, and academically competitive.
La fondation sur laquelle repose le Collège est composée de respect, d’excellence académique, et d’intégrité, et rallie sa communauté élargie sous un objectif commun. Mais on se doit de viser à toujours faire mieux.
We are committed to provide a respectful environment where both staff and students can be their authentic self, and we will continue to create outstanding leaders for our future generations – the type of leaders you will be proud to share this wall with in the future, and reflect Canada’s values as well as the fabric of our society.
In closing, thank you once again for joining us this weekend to congratulate our new naval and officer cadets on the completion of their First Year Orientation Period, and to honour these three deserving Ex-Cadets whose name now grace the Wall of Honour.
Merci à vous toutes et tous de vous être joints à nous pour féliciter nos nouveaux élof et aspirants de marine de Premières Années, et d’honorer ces trois Anciens méritoires dont les noms apparaissent maintenant sur notre Mur d’Honneur.
Encore une fois, toutes nos félicitations à nos récipiendaires.
Congratulations once again to our recipients.
Thank you, merci.