I wrote this article in order to explain, in laymen’s terms, what an Engineer is and what we are responsible for in my industry. I often hear wails of discontent coming from trades people who have been made to comply with project specifications, etc. to which they may have taken a dislike. For the most part they do not understand what it takes to become a Professional Engineer, and to what extent we are held accountable for the many aspects of any projects we have undertaken, i.e. Building Code compliance, public safety.
Though it is written in simple and easy – to – understand prose, it does convey the message quite succinctly.
I am a partner in several companies; TECHAIRE SYSTEMS CANADA INC., a Toronto – based mechanical design – and build contractor; AEGIS ENGINEERING LIMITED, based in Concord, Ontario and offering engineering services to the public; M. E. McCARTNEY ENGINEERING LIMITED, again offering design services to the public, and am registered as a sub – consultant with GIFFIN – KOERTH FORENSIC ENGINEERS, Toronto.
I was a member of RMC ’74 but chose to leave RMC in favour of a civilian career, graduating from Chemical engineering at Waterloo in 1977.
My best wishes to all RMC Club members. Have a Happy New Year, and a may Canada enjoy a swift, safe and satisfactory conclusion to the conflict in Afghanistan.
10143 Mike McCartney