Vice President, Commercial Markets at RBC
Officer Commanding Central Flying School at Department of National Defence
Independent Media Production Professional
Naval Combat Systems Engineer, Canadian Forces
Lawyer at Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall
Director Systems Engineering Division at Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Owner at Red Patch Research and Consulting
Senior Aerospace Engineering Officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and Canadian Forces (CF)
Director, Business Development at Freedom 55 Financial
Strategic Investments & Initiatives at BDC VC.Venture catalyst, intrapreneur, champion of Canadian tech entrepreneurship
Experienced Management Professional
Broker at Right At Home Realty, Inc
Manager, Real Property Information Systems & GIS at Department of National Defence
Account Manager at SaskPower
Disability Resource Facilitator at NSCAD University
Vice President, Fantasy Games and Social Media
Former varsity rugby coach now Director, Applications Development at UNC Pembroke
Recently returned to the land of ice and snow following four weeks in Barbados
Is the Above Water Warfare Officer on board the Canadian Forces HMCS Montreal
Flies one of Canada’s Maritime patrol aircraft, which is an Aurora CP-140
Troop Commander for the Air Defense Troop; job is to ensure ground troops in the field are defended against air attack
is an Air Traffic Controller; main responsibility is to ensure the safety of all the air and ground traffic around the airport
job is to help coordinate the people and resources needed to maintain and operate the various ship systems
commands a search and rescue crew and flies the de Havilland Buffalo, a special type of aircraft that can take off and land on shorter runways
17362 Don Ludlow – Vice President, Commercial Markets at RBC
17497 Dave Prodger – Officer Commanding Central Flying School at Department of National Defence
14098 Chris Wattie – Independent Media Production Professional
22044 Craig Marsh – Naval Combat Systems Engineer, Canadian Forces
8147 Dave Lowdon – Lawyer at Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall
18364 Greg Lamarre – Director Systems Engineering Division at Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Mike Boese M.A., War Studies- Owner at Red Patch Research and Consulting
22141 Justin Armstrong – Senior Aerospace Engineering Officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and Canadian Forces (CF)
19576 Craig Gunn – Director, Business Development at Freedom 55 Financial
19199 Michael Mahon – Strategic Investments & Initiatives at BDC VC.Venture catalyst, intrapreneur, champion of Canadian tech entrepreneurship
19531 Ken Tong – Experienced Management Professional
19494 Brian Maslowski – Broker at Right At Home Realty, Inc
19288 Lenny Wall – Manager, Real Property Information Systems & GIS at Department of National Defence
20057 Cory Gelowitz – Account Manager at SaskPower
19422 Bill Travis – Disability Resource Facilitator at NSCAD University
19549 Jason Waram – Vice President, Fantasy Games and Social Media
Les Davidson – Former varsity rugby coach now Director, Applications Development at UNC Pembroke
7653 Randy Dudding – recently returned to the land of ice and snow following four weeks in Barbados
19863 Lyn Kingsley – is the Above Water Warfare Officer on board the Canadian Forces HMCS Montreal
19016 Tanya Sprathoff – flies one of Canada’s Maritime patrol aircraft, which is an Aurora CP-140
19794 Julie Brazeau – Troop Commander for the Air Defense Troop; job is to ensure ground troops in the field are defended against air attack
u/k Maryellen Cronin – is an Air Traffic Controller; main responsibility is to ensure the safety of all the air and ground traffic around the airport
21550 Melissa Vanhorn – job is to help coordinate the people and resources needed to maintain and operate the various ship systems
19971 Jennifer Tyldesley – commands a search and rescue crew and flies the de Havilland Buffalo, a special type of aircraft that can take off and land on shorter runways