What’s Happening At RMCC

Olympic Torch at RMCC



Truelove Family-2009

Truelove Family-2009

Truelove Christmas Message

Although Brenda and I only came here with our family a short few months ago; we have been told time and time again that our time in Kingston will be some of the best years of our lives. So far, I must say we are in total agreement.

The reception we have had by both the military and civilian communities has been nothing short of remarkable. The new friendships I am sure, will last for many years to come.

This is the time of year when most of us take a moment to reflect upon the past year and where it has brought us and of course where the New Year will take us. We have so much to be thankful for.

I would be amiss if I did not thank the Base Commander, Col Fawcett and his staff for the wonderful support they give RMC.

I would also like to thank Mayor Rosen, the counsellors and the city staff for the kindness and interest taken towards the Canadian Forces and RMC in particular.

Most of all, I would like to thank the citizens of Kingston. Your open support for the Canadian Forces is heart-warming. The yellow ribbon stickers on your vehicles and homes, and the “wear red on Friday” campaign mean a lot to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and airwomen and Special Forces soldiers. We all acknowledge and appreciate your support and caring.

In closing, as you celebrate the holidays, I would ask that you each take a few minutes to remember our Canadian Forces members, our civilian partners from across all departments, and our allies who today are conducting operations on the ground, at sea and in the air to ensure our defence and security. I would also ask that you remember their families who sacrifice so much so that their loved ones can fulfill their duty to country. We owe them all a great deal of gratitude.

On behalf of my entire family, I would like to offer my best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year. Special wishes are extended to those separated from their loved ones serving overseas during this period. We eagerly await your safe return in the New Year.

Message de Noël du Commodore Truelove

Brenda et moi sommes arrivés au Collège en compagnie de notre famille il y a seulement quelques mois. On nous a souvent répété que notre affectation à Kingston compterait parmi l’une des meilleures de notre vie. Jusqu’ici, je dois dire que je suis entièrement d’accord.

L’accueil que nous ont réservé les communautés militaire et civile a été tout à fait remarquable. Les nouveaux liens d’amitié que nous avons forgés dureront pendant de nombreuses années, j’en suis sûr.

Voici venu le temps de l’année où la plupart d’entre nous prennent un moment pour réfléchir à l’année qui se termine et aux réalisations accomplies et, bien sûr, à l’année qui s’approche et aux projets futurs. Nous avons de nombreuses raisons d’être reconnaissants.

Je ne peux passer sous silence le merveilleux appui offert au CMR par le commandant de la Base, le Col Fawcett, et son personnel. Je les en remercie.

J’aimerais également remercier le maire Rosen, les conseillers et le personnel de la ville de leur bonté et de l’intérêt qu’ils portent aux Forces canadiennes et, en particulier, au CMR. Surtout, j’aimerais remercier les citoyens de Kingston. Le soutien manifeste que vous accordez aux Forces canadiennes fait chaud au cœur. Les rubans jaunes sur vos véhicules et vos maisons, et la campagne invitant les civils à porter des vêtements rouges le vendredi réconfortent beaucoup nos soldats de l’Armée de terre, de la Marine, de la Force aérienne et des Forces spéciales. Nous reconnaissons et apprécions tous votre appui et vos bons sentiments.

Pour conclure, je vous demanderais à tous de prendre quelques minutes dans le temps des Fêtes pour penser à nos militaires canadiens, à nos partenaires civils de tous les ministères et à nos alliés qui conduisent actuellement des opérations sur terre, en mer et dans les airs pour assurer notre défense et notre sécurité. Je vous demanderais également une pensée pour les familles qui sacrifient tant afin que leurs êtres chers puissent s’acquitter de leur devoir envers le pays. Nous leur devons toute notre reconnaissance.

Au nom de ma famille, j’aimerais vous souhaiter de joyeuses Fêtes et une bonne et heureuse année. J’offre mes souhaits en particulier aux personnes séparées de leurs proches qui sont en mission à l’étranger pendant cette période. Nous attendons avec impatience qu’ils reviennent sains et saufs au cours de la nouvelle année.


Squdrons Commanders Leaving for Bigger and Better Things


Photos by: Ken Eady

Two classy RMCC squadron commanders are leaving the college this week.

Lt(N) Greg Walker (Two (L) photos with Maj R Parent & DDCdt LCdr H Laplante) is off to England for the next 18 months or so on course.

Lt(N) Tony Lefresne (Two photos (R)  with Maj M Parisien & LCdr H Laplante) is heading off to Victoria for a career course at Esquimalt.

Both these officers were well known and highly respected  in and around the college for the past couple of years;  both made significant contributions to the development of the cadets and could be counted on to go “above & beyond” to make sure things were done right.

From all of us at Panet House – thanks for the support. You will both be missed!


Fire 2 Fire 1

Otter Squadron Officer Cadet Saves Burning Building

Sea RRT Training Pays Off…In KINGSTON PMQs

Article by: WJO – photos by: Ken Eady

A University Training Plan – Non  Commissioned Members (UTPNCM) officer cadet is being credited for saving a burning CFB Kingston, Private Married Quarter (PMQ), but he says he just did what anyone would have done.

He may be right but he did it quickly and he obviously knew what he was doing likely because of his previous training at sea.

II Year, M0972 David Demel (photo above) who grew up in Woodstock, Ontario after emigrating to Canada with his family when he was 13 years old from Prague, Checkoslovakia responded to a frantic knock on his door from a good Samaritan last Wednesday evening.

An unidentified, person who was driving by noticed smoke coming from 12 Queenston Heights – which happens to be next door to Dan, his wife Maria and their six year old son Ethan.

After taking a quick look to ensure no one was home, OCdt Demel ran back inside his house to retrieve a small fire extinguisher which he subsequently emptied into the fire.

Seeing that it was not enough, a second fire extinguisher was brought by OCdt Demel’s wife Maria, and was again emptied. Being out of extinguishers, the Good Samaritan and OCdt Demel then proceeded to throw snow on the fire, until the arrival of the Kingston Fire Department.

The firefighters jumped into action, ripping off the siding, dousing the remaining fire with water, and inspecting the remainder of the house. Minimal damage was done to the PMQ which was free of occupants at the time of the fire. (See (R) photo above)

“OCdt Demel quick thinking by using his personnel fire extinguisher prevented the fire from worsening until the arrival of the fire vehicles,” stated Michel Arpin, Base Fire Chief.

The Fire Chief added: “By his action the damage to the structure was kept to a minimum and prevented the fire to propagate to the inside of the structure and possibly damaging a lot of the content and ruining someone Christmas.”

The former Leading Seamen, Naval Weapons Technician who will be an AERE officer at graduation credits his training with the Rapid Response Teams while he was serving on HMCS Algonquin 2006 – 2008 for being able to handle such an emergency.

“We had numerous training drills while serving on Algonquin,” said the modest 12 year member of the Canadian Forces while his wife Maria stood nearby beaming with pride.

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