
Three Ex cadets serving on HMCS Halifax

art_mcdonald.bmp16885 Commander (Cdr) Art McDonald (RMC 1990) is the Commanding Officer, HMCS Halifax. He is a 1990 graduate of the Royal Military College (RMC) of Canada, where he obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Military and Strategic Studies. Cdr McDonald holds a Masters of Defence Studies Degree. Cdr McDonald now lives in Halifax with his wife Sabine. He assumed command of HMCS HALIFAX as her tenth Captain on Friday 22 June, 2007.


stewart_hughes.bmp21793 Lieutenant (N) Stewart Hughes (RMC 2000) has been the Marine Systems Engineering Officer (MSEO) on the HMCS Halifax since July 2007. He joined the Navy in June 1996 and did a four your Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical and Materials Engineering at the Royal Military College (RMC) in Kingston, Ontario. He graduated from RMC in May 2000 and started training to become a Marine Systems Engineering Officer.


mark_brake.bmp22393 Lieutenant(N) Mark J Brake (RMC 2002) is the Assistant Combat Systems Engineer, HMCS Halifax. He joined the Navy 24 June 1998 for the adventure and to see the world.



5769 Mr Harry Kim (CMR RMC 1963) has been a Flash Designer/Developer at Etraffic Solutions in British Columbia since 2003. He develops eLearning applications, RIAs and interactive applications for web and desktop. He studied at the Royal Military College, the Computer Master Institute and the ITI Information Technology Institute. He earned a Peer Choice Award and an Excellence in New Media Award in 2003.



6343 Mr Ian Wilson (CMR 1963) is the Librarian and Archivist of Canada. Right out of high school, Ian Wilson went into the full-time program at the Collège militaire royal à Saint Jean (CMR). At the end of the second year at CMR, he had to choose which stream to enter: science, engineering, or arts. Wilson was called up to Ottawa to meet the Director of Naval Training to explain to him why history was a suitable subject for a naval officer to study.

Wilson went on to explain the value of learning from the past, particularly in navalstrategy and so on. The Director was vaguely impressed and finally agreed, but grudgingly, “Well, if you really want to waste your life and study history, fine, go to it but we really need engineers in the Navy.” At that point, Wilson decided that he and the Navy were not going to get along very well. He entered into second year of the history and philosophy program in Queen’s. The way he got a job as an archivist was that he went over to the Personnel Office at Queen’s one day. He told them that he was graduating in History and would
very much like to stay in Kingston. Did they have a job available for an historian? This was on a Monday. They said that on the previous Friday the archivist had left the library, and asked him to be an archivist. His Master’s thesis at Queen’s “Shortt and Doughty.

The Cultural Role of the Public Archives of Canada from 1904 to 1935” looked at what Doughty and Shortt, along with Mackenzie King, Laurier and Borden were trying to do with the Archives, something far removed from the traditional understanding.

[email protected]



18056 Mr Dominic JL Arpin (CMR 1987) (translated from french to
english courtesy, Victoria Edwards)

Dominic Arpin [and Geneviève Limits] are the hosts of a weekly 30 minute TV show ‘Vlog’ on Sunday evenings. Vlog features the best of the Web. Dominic Arpin is a cyberaddict who spends his days on Internet bloguing. Dominic Arpin studied for one year at the College Militaire Royal de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. After spending some time crawling in mud, he realized that he had made a mistake. Between room inspections and military parades, he took refuge in photography and writing.

The idea to become a journalist began to germinate. He transferred to college John-Abbott then completed a degree in communications at UQAM. He worked at various regional newspapers and at the CJSO radio station in Sorel. He began working in television in 1993 at TQS, where he accepted a permanent position a year later. In 1995, he moved to VAT. In 1997, he became a journalist on the TV show, Salut Bonjour. Dominic Arpin hosted l’Explorateur urbain in 2001. In addition, Dominic Arpin presented video games on Salut Bonjour and LCN and he was a movie columnist on the talk-show Merci Bonsoir. For three years, he hosted Bloopers on VAT, which earned him the animosity of his colleagues.



18056 Mr Dominic JL Arpin (CMR 1987)

Dominic Arpin [et Geneviève Borne] sont les animateur d’un émission hebdomadaire de 30 minutes qui est diffusée tous les dimanches soirs. Vlog est une émission qui présente le meilleur du Web à la télé. Dominic Arpin est un cyberdépendant! Il passe ses journées sur Internet. À bloguer. Dominic Arpin a étudié un an au Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Toutefois, après quelques journées passées à ramper dans la boue, il comprend qu’il fait une erreur. Entre deux inspections de chambre et autres parades militaires, il se réfugie dans la photographie et l’écriture. L’idée de devenir journaliste commence alors à germer. Il a terminer ses études collégiales au collège John-Abbott.

Il fait ensuite un baccalauréat en communications à l’UQAM suivi d’un long apprentissage du métier dans les journaux étudiants, dans la presse régionale ainsi qu’à la station de radio CJSO à Sorel. Il fait ses débuts à la télévision au réseau TQS en 1993. Il décide finalement de demeurer übr> TQS où il obtient un poste permanent un an plus tard. En 1995, il fait le saut à TVA, où il est affecté à la couverture des affaires générales. En 1997, il devient journaliste aux faits divers übr> l’émission Salut Bonjour. Dominic Arpin devient l’Explorateur urbain en 2001. En plus de tout ça, Dominic Arpin a aussi été chroniqueur de
jeux vidéo à Salut Bonjour et LCN et chroniqueur de cinéma au talk-show Merci Bonsoir. Depuis trois ans, il anime également l’émission Bloopers à TVA, ce qui lui vaut l’animosité de tous ses collègues de travail.



18241 Chandra Mouli Ramani (CMR RMC 1992) is Vice President, Business Development at Skyward Mobile. Prior to joining Skyward, he served as the vice president of business development, marketing andsales at Polychromix.



Jean Michael Cole is currently working as a writer and editor in Taipei, Taiwan. He is the holder of a Master’s Degree in War Studies from the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC), the International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance (IDHA) from the Center for International Health and Cooperation (CIHC) in New York City, a Diploma in Peacekeeping from the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, and a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. He has also worked as a translator (French/English), in television, journalism, and on matters of national security for the government of Canada.

[email protected]

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