Who Am I?
He retired to Kingston from a distinguished career in the Canadian Military in 1990.
He has forged a volunteer career with particular interest in the changing directions in health care delivery.
He was Chair of the Board of Directors of Kingston General Hospital, assisting in planning the redistribution of responsibilities among our three teaching hospitals.
He is a Life Governor of the Ontario Hospital Association.
As volunteer Chair, he drafted the rules of governance of the Southeastern Ontario Academic Medical Organization which establishes policies that enable the delivery of clinical services, health-professionals’ education, health-related research, and medical leadership in eastern Ontario.
In the St. John Ambulance Association, he encouraged in-school first aid training in secondary schools, has been a mentor of St. John Ambulance volunteers, and has been instrumental in the Kingston branch’s successful restructuring.
His gifts as educator, leader, mentor, and consultant have contributed to our health care, education, and health and safety.
Who is He?
a) 4459 Ed Murray; b) 3572 Frank Norman; c) 5533 Glenn Allen; or d) 3521 Charles Simonds
Who said what?
“I appreciate the strength and clarity of this message. I have worked with Canadian colleagues and fellow officers who I know have led and live these values, and with whom I am proud to have served. Let’s not allow the reproachable actions of a few to discolour the honour of many. Let’s continue to live the message to all in our own areas of influence.”
1. a) 14771 Donna Lamothe; b) 17121 – Caroline Fortier; c) 17312 Jennie Carignan; or d) 22910 Andrea Bowman.
“I would just like someone to go down to the Australian Army, RAN, and RAAF and tell them they are fifty years behind the curve and should abandon their “British” uniforms in favor of a unified Australian kit that had no military origins. I suspect you’d be sent into the outback with a very small bottle of water, and told not to return.”
2. a) 8019 John Carlson; b) 15119 John R. Graham; c) 19307 Dave Benoit; or d) 18993 Steven Graham.
“Possibly Andy is hoping to educate Trudeau in defence matters to an extent apparently unavailable or simply ignored by his father, Pierre. As anyone with a smidgeon of knowledge is aware, the latter did enormous damage to the CF, particularly when his cuts and obvious disgust with anything military occurred as a follow-on project to Unification, which also cost the CF time, money, morale and credibility.
I wish Andy the best of luck, remembering that one of his famous relatives certainly had a hand in keeping the St-Laurent Liberal govt’s nose to the proverbial defence grindstone — the results of which were the highly professional, exceptionally credible RCN, RCAF and the Cdn Army of the 1950s.
Who knows. Anything is possible…”
3. a) 10218 F. Paul Crober; b) 10161 Marc Ouellet; c) 13134 William (Bill) J Lewis; or d) 20687 Robert F. St.George.
“I always thought, perhaps naively, that one had to be a citizen to serve. I guess not. I haven’t looked at the text of the bill, but I would also hope that those who put themselves in harm’s way to support the Canadian Forces abroad (such as interpreters in Afghanistan or elsewhere) would also get special treatment.”
4. a) 13766 Konrad Mech; b) 10588 Wayne MacCulloch; c) 10223 Dan Dempsey or d) 21745 Brendan Clancy.
b) 3572 Frank Norman
Who Am I?
Who said what?
“I appreciate the strength and clarity of this message. I have worked with Canadian colleagues and fellow officers who I know have led and live these values, and with whom I am proud to have served. Let’s not allow the reproachable actions of a few to discolour the honour of many. Let’s continue to live the message to all in our own areas of influence.”
Donna Lamothe – Executive Director at Stonecroft Ministries Canada –
Commenting on: Australian Chief of Army Issues YouTube Message on Sex Abuse
“I would just like someone to go down to the Australian Army, RAN, and RAAF and tell them they are fifty years behind the curve and should abandon their “British” uniforms in favor of a unified Australian kit that had no military origins. I suspect you’d be sent into the outback with a very small bottle of water, and told not to return.”
John R. Graham – Financial, Economic, & Policy Analysis – Health Sector
Commenting on: Canada restores historical features of the Canadian Army
“Possibly Andy is hoping to educate Trudeau in defence matters to an extent apparently unavailable or simply ignored by his father, Pierre. As anyone with a smidgeon of knowledge is aware, the latter did enormous damage to the CF, particularly when his cuts and obvious disgust with anything military occurred as a follow-on project to Unification, which also cost the CF time, money, morale and credibility.
I wish Andy the best of luck, remembering that one of his famous relatives certainly had a hand in keeping the St-Laurent Liberal govt’s nose to the proverbial defence grindstone — the results of which were the highly professional, exceptionally credible RCN, RCAF and the Cdn Army of the 1950s.
Who knows. Anything is possible…”
F. Paul Crober, OMM, CD – CEO Grey Hill Consulting Inc
Commenting on: Ex-general Andrew Leslie to Join Trudeau Team
“I always thought, perhaps naively, that one had to be a citizen to serve. I guess not. I haven’t looked at the text of the bill, but I would also hope that those who put themselves in harm’s way to support the Canadian Forces abroad (such as interpreters in Afghanistan or elsewhere) would also get special treatment.”