12570 Mike Kennedy Reviews “Extraordinary Canadians” by Peter Mansbridge

Book Review: “Extraordinary Canadians,” by Peter Mansbridge Published by Simon & Schuster, 290 pp.  $36.99 Review by 12570 Mike Kennedy As we turn the page on what has no doubt been an extraordinarily difficult year for a great many people in this country, Canadians are looking ahead to 2021 with a renewed sense of hope…

16020 Lt(N) Blake Patterson, RMC Public Affairs Officer, Retires as Career Comes Full Circle

“It has been an honour to serve RMC as PAO since 2018 and to again be part of the RMC team. I was away from the military for more than 15 years, but I’m thankful my final posting on re-enlistment brought me full circle to where my military career began 38 years ago. When I…

6650 Andrew Nellestyn’s Food for Thought: ADA LOVELACE – WORLD’S 1st PROGRAMMER

In 1815, to Lord Byron & Lady Byron was born a daughter, Augusta Ada, who through marriage, became Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace aka Ada Lovelace. She was raised by her mother who favored mathematics in hopes of pushing away the influence of her father, a famous poet who went insane. It was thus…

Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk To Deliver Virtual Conversation Regarding Bow Valley Internment Camps from a Ukranian Perspective

For the full PDF file please see here: Deep Dive Jan 14th – Poster Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk is a professor at the Royal Military College of Canada and an expert on World War 1 Internment of Canadian Ukrainians.

We Get Emails: The Glee Club Visits Kingston Women’s Penitentiary in 1962

From 5675 Dennis Apedaile: In the 1870’s the Kingston Penitentiary (opened in the 1830s) was ramping up a wish to become entrepreneurial and refund some of its operational costs to the federal government and keep inmates gainfully employed. By 1876, they were really hustling for government contracts. The Pen managed to do work for the…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

(18 décembre 2020) Le dîner de Noël est une tradition annuelle au Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean, destiné à favoriser la camaraderie entre les élèves-officiers et à offrir un moment de plaisir et de détente avant la fin du semestre. En raison du COVID-19, des mesures exceptionnelles ont dû être prises pour assurer la sécurité…

Sports: Paladins Earn 2019-20 Academic Accolades

Above (l-r): Michelle Evans, Thomas Jung, Andrea Banks Article by Peter Reimer, Sports Information and Promotions Coordinator, Royal Military College of Canada Kingston, Ont. (December 22, 2020) – The Paladins are proud to announce that 49 student-athletes at the Royal Military College of Canada have earned Academic All-Star status for the 2019-20 school year. See RMC’s all-time…

Dr. Darrell Menard: Making military fitness challenges safer / Rendre les défis d’aptitude physique militaires plus sécuritaires

Above: Canadian Armed Forces members participate in the Iron Warrior competition at Garrison Petawawa in summer 2020. / Photo ci-dessus : Des militaires des Forces armées canadiennes participent à la compétition Iron Warrior tenue à la garnison de Petawawa durant l’été de 2020. (Photo credit / crédit photo: Private Aimee Rintjema) Article by Dr. Darrell Menard…

A170 Tom Rozman: Perspectives Regarding the Assistant Division Commander Leadership Role in a Maneuver Division

Above (l-r): The Colors of the 1st Cavalry, 2nd Infantry and 1st Armored Divisions Article by A170 Tom Rozman A recent professional conversation with a colleague keyed a thought.   There might be value from a leadership perspective regarding the sharing of close proximity personal observations of the assistant division commander function in a maneuver division…

“Tip of the Hat” for December 2020 / Chapeau aux membres pour décembre 2020

A tip of the hat to the following members who recently updated their Club membership status: / Chapeau aux membres suivant qui ont récemment mis à jour leur leur adhésion au Club: 5920 James Macdonald; 6655 Cecil Lukenbill; 8162 Kenneth Moulden; 10981 Lawrence O’Keeffe; 28018 Shamus Mountford – Life Membership/Adhésion à vie If your membership…

The Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston 1921 – 1925: Trials & Tribulations of First Year

Note: We do our best to identify all the photos. However, a number of photos which appear (and will appear) with this series do not necessarily mean the photos were taken during the ‘exact’ time-frame of 1921-25. We believe the photo above is a group of Ex Cadets who were visiting the college for a…

In This Issue 5

xxxxxxxx January 2016 on the peninsula (Photos by 26503 Luke Brannigan) Click on photos for better viewing   *** Flickr link which takes you to all our e-Veritas albums. HERE SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEER PHOTOGRAPHERS: Melanie Hughes, James Howells, Tristan Thomson; Blake Simpson, Erik St Gelais; Colin de Grandpré; ALOY OCdt Victoria Pierrot &…
