CoC at CDA & Major-General Daniel Gosselin Retires…

There was a Change of Command ceremony at CFB Kinston last Thursday 23 June. Major General Pierre Fourges assumed control of the Canadian Defence Academy (CDA) from Major General Daniel Gosselin. The Academy is relatively new to the Canadian Forces and came into being in the 1990s. MAJ. GEN. DANIEL GOSSELIN “I THINK ONE OF…

College Chief Warrant Officer and Both Padres…On the Move

Change of CCWO at RMCC photos by: 25385 Alex Zaporzan       From one mentoring role to another A/SLt 24498 Noelani Shore Though Chief Warrant Officer Tony Slack was only posted to the Royal Military College as the College Chief for one year, it is a position he will miss. He spent the last…

Summer on the Peninsula – Transition Well Underway

That Time of the Year When Big Changes Take Place on the Peninsula By: WJO – Photos by Alex Zaporzan It’s beginning to really look like summer in and around RMCC! While some officer-cadets and other students have been enjoying a relaxing summer, away from the college – a number of those staying on the…

Ex-Cadets in the News

Governor General presents 45 military decorations Recipients include at least 13  Ex Cadets His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, presented seven Military Valour Decorations and 38 Meritorious Service Decorations (Military Division) to members of the Canadian and allied forces on June 10, 2011 at Rideau Hall in Ottawa.…

La Chasse-Galerie & 9143 Bruce McAlpine

“Logo courtesy of Sleeman/Unibroue”   25892 NCdt (soon to be III Year) Meghan Thompson interviewed , 9143 Bruce McAlpine one of fifteen Ex-Cadets who will raise money for the Danny McLeod Athletic Endowment Fund by paddling a voyageur canoe from Ottawa to Kingston this September, 2011. Readers can make a pledge or donation at…

Where are they now?

8014 Mr Brian Barrie is a trial lawyer specializing in Civil Litigation and Criminal Law with Greenfield And Barrie, serving Owen Sound & Grey-Bruce Counties. He graduated with an honours English degree from RMC, followed by a Masters degree from the University of New Brunswick. He wrote his thesis on obscure poet and lawyer Abraham…

Careers | Carrières & Please Take Out a Club Membership

x Project Director / HVAC / Directeur de projets / HVAC, Tuyauterie Expert inc., Montreal Metallurgist – REQ11-118 / Métallurgiste – REQ11-118, Xstrata Nickel – Mine Raglan, Northern Quebec Network Analyst – Production – REQ10-194 / Analyste réseau – Production – REQ10-194, Xstrata Nickel – Mine Raglan, Northern Quebec Project Manager / Chargé de projet,…


    SONDAGE DES ANCIENS DU CMR SAINT-JEAN: IMPORTANT Chers ami(e)s, Anciens, Anciennes, Depuis la fermeture du Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean en 1995, la communauté constituée de ses Anciens et Anciennes a vécu des changements importants. Ainsi, les activités autrefois parrainées par le Club des Anciens(nes) ont repris avec vigueur sous la gouverne du…

Ottawa Golf / Reunion Weekend / Edmonton Leadership Dinner & Much more…

      The Veterans is a look at Canada’s veterans, their experiences during their time of service and what impact it had on them. It covers Veterans from World War II to the present. All branches of the service will be included in this series. By examining this series episode by episode you will…

RMC Club Vancouver Branch – Update from Konrad Mech

RMC Vancouver Branch Golf Scramble After Action Report – June 12th 2011. We had 23 golfers again this year which is the same number as last year. Weather was great, course was dry, friendship was excellent as usual. The low gross this year again was the 4some of Jim Reith, Dave and Alannah Reith, and…

DART honoured with new medal for Op HESTIA

DART honoured with new medal for Op HESTIA A/SLt 24498 Noelani Shore (RMC 2009) Less than 24 hours after the devastating earthquake rocked Haiti on Jan 12, 2010, members of CFB Kingston’s Disaster Assistance Response Team were on the ground, ready to begin humanitarian operations on OP HESTIA. On June 9, 2011, those members were…

TKD Team Twice & Serena Palmer – In the News

Military Personnel Command 2010 Team of the Year   Each year, the CF recognizes personnel who have achieved athletic excellence in their field, through the presentation of CF Sports Awards. The winners of the 2010 Military Personnel Command sports awards are: Female Athlete of the Year: OCDT S.M. PALMER Team of the Year: RMC VARSITY…
