13069 John Baker (white hard hat), general manager for Inner City Renovation (ICR) looks over some plans with site supervisor Larry Laberge as a crew renovates an old bank into a credit union in Winnipeg’s North End Thursday, October 20, 2011. Inner City Renovation (ICR) is a social enterprise in Winnipeg which does construction work and employs people with criminal records, former gang members, etcetera.
Canada’s Chief Of The Defence Staff Attends Chiefs Of Defence Meetings In Qatar
“This is the second Qatari hosted meeting I’ve attended, in as many months, which dealt specifically with the issue of the situation in Libya,”
12320 The Chief of the Defence Staff, General Walt Natynczyk article
ADM(Mat) Dan Ross with award winner 21833 Capt Karla Swift, Jennifer Pouliot, widow of 11301 BGen Marc Pouliot, and Nicole Pouliot.
21883 Capt Karla Swift (RMC 2001) honoured with 11301 BGen Marc Pouliot (CMR 1977) Leadership and Well Being Award
At a ceremony today in Ottawa, 21833 Capt Karla Swift was presented with the Pouliot Award, which is given annually to a Materiel Group employee who exhibits exceptional leadership and demonstrated concern for the well-being of subordinates. Capt Swift is Deputy Project Control Officer at the Aerospace Engineering Testing Establishment in Cold Lake, Alberta.
The citation says that her “active role in the welfare of all unit members led to her selection as the assisting Officer for an AETE member who was a casualty in Afghanistan. Her exceptional leadership and extraordinary capacity to manage a crushing workload led to outstanding results for the member and the unit. She championed him and his family every minute of the day, while meeting the needs of personnel without interruptions and providing flawless support to high tempo force-protection projects”. The honour is awarded in memory of BGen Marc Pouliot who passed away suddenly in 2005 while serving as Director General of Logistics/J4 Materiel.
Troop readiness at risk, top soldier warns MPs
14890 MGen Dave Neasmith, OMM, CD, Chief of Staff Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management), joined the Canadian Forces in 1980. He began his education at Collège Militaire Royal de St-Jean and graduated from the Royal Military College, Kingston in 1985 with a Bachelors of Science (Math and Physics).
Childhood: I was born in Montreal. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a musician, an architect or in the military. I was accepted by universities for both music and architecture, but chose the military. My best childhood memory is canoeing, swimming and sailing with my dad at the family cottage. When I was a kid my favourite toy was my bike. In high school I was an entrepreneur who played football, rugby, and track and field.
Career: My first job was at the age of 13 when I painted school buses and the school bus garages, shovelling driveways and delivering newspapers. The coolest thing about my job is the people I work with. If I were not in the military I would be an architect or a musician.
Pop Culture: My favourite TV show is Star Trek, although I don’t watch much television. The book currently on my bedside table is The Source by James A. Michener. The reality TV show I’d most like to be on is: I don’t watch TV so I’m not familiar with them. My favourite musicians/bands are Cream, Led Zeppelin, The Who and Blue Rodeo.
Food: The worst vegetable is cold cooked string beans. My favourite junk food is tortilla chips and tzatziki.
Leisure: My favourite sport is sailboat racing. My favourite board game is chess. I am happiest when I’m biking through the woods or sailing or swimming in Otty Lake or when I’m surrounded by family or when people are smiling. My perfect day would be getting up early to watch the sunrise with my wife and then having an unstructured day in the outdoors.
Travel: The farthest place I’ve ever traveled to is Australia. My favourite city is Quebec City.
Advice: My best piece of advice is: Life must be lived in balance.
14890 Mgén Dave Neasmith, OMM, CD Chef D’État-Major Sous-Ministre Adjoint (Gestion de l’information) est devenu membre des Forces canadiennes en 1980. Il entreprend sa formation au Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean puis il obtient un baccalauréat en sciences (mathématiques et physique) du Collège militaire royal de Kingston en 1985.
Enfance: Je suis né à Montréal. Lorsque j’étais enfant, je voulais être un musicien, un architecte ou un militaire. J’ai été admis à des universités dans les domaines de la musique et de l’architecture, mais j’ai choisi les FC. Mon plus beau souvenir d’enfance est de faire du canotage, de la natation et de la voile avec mon père près du chalet de ma famille. Mon jouet préféré lorsque j’étais enfant était ma bicyclette. Lorsque j’étais au secondaire, j’avais un esprit d’entrepreneur et je jouais au football et au rugby. Je faisais aussi de l’athlétisme.
Carrière: J’ai décroché mon premier emploi à l’âge de 13 ans lorsque je peinturais les autobus scolaires et les garages d’autobus, je pelletais la neige des entrées de cour et je livrais des journaux. L’aspect le plus passionnant de mon emploi : les personnes avec qui je travaille. Si je ne travaillais pas pour les Forces canadiennes, je serais architecte ou musicien.
Culture populaire: Mon émission télévisée préférée est Star Trek, mais je ne regarde pas souvent la télévision. Le livre qui se trouve actuellement sur ma table de chevet est The Source de James A. Michener. L’émission de téléréalité à laquelle j’aimerais le plus participer : Je ne regarde pas la télévision, donc je n’en connais pas.
Mes groupes musicaux préférés sont Cream, Led Zeppelin, The Who et Blue Rodeo.
Nourriture: Le légume que je déteste le plus : les haricots à filet, cuits et froids. Ma malbouffe préférée : les croustilles au maïs et la sauce tzatziki.
Loisirs: Mon sport préféré est la course en voilier. Mon jeu de société préféré est les échecs. Mon plus grand bonheur est de me promener en bicyclette dans le bois, de faire de la voile ou de la natation dans le lac Otty, de m’entourer de ma famille ou de voir les gens sourire. Ma journée idéale se passerait à me lever tôt pour voir le lever de soleil avec mon épouse et ensuite à passer une journée en plein air sans horaire fixe.
Voyages: L’endroit le plus lointain que j’ai visité est l’Australie.Ma ville préférée est Québec.
Conseils: Si j’avais à donner un conseil, ce serait : La vie doit être vécue en équilibre.