Photos from 1958 & 1959


In This Issue 25

FOR LINKS TO REALTORS – CLICK ON THE PROVINCIAL ABBREVIATION : REALTORS BY PROVINCE. Contact Bill Oliver for partnership info: Please support our partners. AB–BC–MB–NB–NL–NS–ON–PEI–QC–SK   IN THIS ISSUE 25: To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for…


Aboriginal Leadership Opportunity Year (ALOY) Graduation Ceremony at RMC Commodore William Truelove, Commandant RMC and Chief Donald Maracle, Chief of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte (MBQ) were the reviewing officers for the 2011 ALOY graduation held last Friday, June 17. This is the third year that such a graduation has taken place at…

Where are they now?

  Class of 1956 – Annual Golf Tournament – Pictured (left to right) are: 3535 Bob Sexsmith, 3630 Marmoru (Sugi) Sugimoto, 3461 George Jackson, 3557 John Rutherford, 3671 Norm Freeman, 3583 Steve Oaks, 3521 Charlie Simonds, 3613 Barry Culham, 3528 Paul Manson, 3448 Andy Henning and (kneeling) H3550 Murray Johnston. In addition 3646 Fred Simpkin…

La Chasse-Galerie & 5893 Dr. Thomas Gee

“Logo courtesy of Sleeman/Unibroue”   E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) interviewed 5893 Doctor Thomas Gee (RRMC 1963), one of fifteen Ex-Cadets who will raise money for the Danny McLeod Athletic Endowment Fund by paddling a voyageur canoe from Ottawa to Kingston this September, 2011. You can make a pledge or donation at To support…

What’s Happening At RMC

Photo by Cynthia Kent RMC OP NIJMEGEN 2011 TEAM GEARS UP By NCdt Shane Beaudry – 2 I/C OP NIJMEGEN 2011 The Royal Military College is participating once again in the 2011 OP Nijmegen happening 19-22 July 2011 overseas in The Netherlands. The meaning behind OP Nijmegen for any contingent in Canada is the tradition…

Dr. Eva F. Gudgin Dickson receives the CSA Award of Merit

CSA STANDARDS ANNOUNCES RECIPIENTS OF THE 2011 AWARD OF MERIT TORONTO, June 14, 2011 /CNW/ – CSA Standards, a leading standards-based solutions organization, today officially announces the recipients of the 2011 Award of Merit. The Award of Merit is an honour bestowed by CSA Standards to individuals that have demonstrated leadership in developing Canadian voluntary…

Summer on The Peninsula: Fun in The Sun

Fun in the Sun After a hard day in the classroom, Officer Cadets like to blow off some steam. Using the pier and the volleyball court they enjoy the camaraderie that comes from playing team sports. At other times of the day, Officer Cadets will go for runs, kayak and workout in the Gym across…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

  L’Adjudant Martin Bernard s’apprête à faire feu avec un SKS chinois avec le Capitaine Brunet agissant comme observateur. Crédit photo : Sgt Eric Paré. JOURNÉE DE TIR RÉCRÉATIVE D’UNE DIZAINE DE PERSONNES DU CMR SAINT-JEAN – un article du Capitaine Guy Despatie, Officier d’entraînement du CMR Saint-Jean Le 6 juin dernier une dizaine de…


    SONDAGE DES ANCIENS DU CMR SAINT-JEAN: IMPORTANT Chers ami(e)s, Anciens, Anciennes, Depuis la fermeture du Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean en 1995, la communauté constituée de ses Anciens et Anciennes a vécu des changements importants. Ainsi, les activités autrefois parrainées par le Club des Anciens(nes) ont repris avec vigueur sous la gouverne du…

RMC Club – Ottawa Branch – Annual Golf Tournament & Other Notices

Birchall Leadership & Yellow Ribbon Dinner 2011 – Edmonton ARMY RUN – Sunday, September 18, 2011 Reunion Weekend 2011 – Schedule of Events Ship’s mast restored at RRU 2011 Vimy Award – call for nominations / Prix Vimy 2011 – appel de nominations Leveraging Technology to Enable Future Operations

Profile of a cadet selected to attend Royal Military College – 2011

Francis Castein has had a successful few years in the 2928 Royal Canadian Army Cadets Corps in Truro. The 18-year-old recently received an award recognizing her service, dedication and exemplifying the highest standards of leadership as the corps’… Beginning a new chapter First appeared in: Truro Daily News – June 14, 2011 By: Monique Chiasson…
