Week 9 at RMC for 3069 W.A. McColl
Nov. 7 – 1949: Big news of the day was having my name posted for passing off. Didn’t get off but then only 2 out of 13 did. Some of us will get another chance soon. Got 4 letters today, guess I’d better write someone. Bob went to M.I.R. with a temperature of 102º F. Now both Bob and Jean are gone the bums. Strong got back from KMH today and looks like hell.
Nov. 8 – 1949: Coops and Strong both got their war service medals from the brigadier at a special parade before dinner. I got my cheque for the war savings certificates. Not much else of interest happened. Bob is having a grand time in M.I.R., he’s playing poker with the corporal! Had a hard time keeping awake today. Nearly everyone needs a real long night’s sleep but I don’t see how we are going to get it this week.
Nov. 9 – 1949: This afternoon, the lake was the calmest I’ve ever seen it; it was as smooth as glass, like one of the lakes near K.L. The rugby team smeared Vimy again 32-0 and a Trenton team came down and played our soccer team. They were the best we’ve hit yet and beat us 3-1. Got a letter from Miss MacLennan. Bob is still in M.I.R., the louse. I swiped a counterpane (bedspread) from his bed and switched my own. The M.I.R. probably has its changed each week.
Nov. 10 – 1949: Another ordinary day. We’re on fire piquet. Andy and I took the jeep out for a spin, it handles very well. Bob got back and missed a fairly strenuous P.T. period.
Nov. 11 – 1949: The light went blinko in the washroom and we had a hell of a time shaving. There was a short parade to the arch for the Armistice Day ceremony; why is it that Nov. 11th always has to be so bloody cold? Tonight, I was in the library and we heard music coming from Currie Hall. The pianist turned out to be a German woman who is staying at Col. Sawyer’s. She was famous all over Europe as a concert pianist and we listened to her ‘til tattoo and then came back for an hour. We will be polishing and dusting for quite a while yet tonight for the Co’s inspection tomorrow; No. 1 sqn. just has to win again! The hockey team tied Napanee 3-3.
Nov. 12 – 1949: Our squadron won the rifle, drill and room inspection. Spent the afternoon sleeping or listening to the Varsity Queen’s game; Queen’s won 9-0. Pete Neelands phoned up and is coming out tomorrow. Had a big bridge game going for 1/10¢ a point but soon changed it to 1/20¢. I lost 85¢ and poor Andy lost over $2. Freddy Joyce is a shrewd little player.
Nov. 13 – 1949: Had to go to church in Kingston. We marched in and the wind nearly blew us off our feet! When we got back, there were Pete and Smith. I showed them around and missed my dinner. Spent all afternoon in moving from the dorm down to my new room 328. Had to move Jean’s stuff too, he’s in 330 and Andy is in 326. Kathy McBain was out to see Bud and looks the same as ever. About 5:30 I decided to snooze so I promptly conked out until 6:30 and of course missed my supper. Scrounged a lot of oranges from guys. These single rooms are O.K. The desk and lamp are particularly good but my bed has a big sag so that it looks like a hammock. They say Moose Simpson had it last year, no wonder! I’m afraid Jean has had it as far as academics are concerned. No. 2 sqn beat no. 3 in rugby today. Got my mid-term standing yesterday: 39th with 68%. I’m going to have to knuckle down in maths and sciences.