We Remember

Four Ex Cadets who died in Afghanistan 22458 Nichola Goddard; 22596 Matthew Dawe; 23513 Kenneth O’Quinn; 22007 Michelle Mendes Click on photos for better viewing Memorial Arch John M. Lyle of Toronto designed this commanding arch, erected by the RMC Club of Canada. His Excellency the Viscount Byng of Vimy, Governor-General of Canada, laid the foundation…

In This Issue 43

Each year, from November 5 to 11, Canadians join together to celebrate Veterans’ Week – this year is no different. During this week, hundreds of commemorative ceremonies and events will take place across the country to recognize the achievements of our Veterans and honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice. http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/remembers/sub.cfm?source=feature/week2010 Au Canada, du 5…

The week that was

The week that was: We took a little R&R last week visiting family and friends in different parts of La Belle province.  A great time for sure that we thoroughly enjoyed. We had originally intended to hold back this edition of e-Veritas (43) for a week. However, the In Box was full of “gems” and…

Staff, PGs & Cadets Well Turned Out!

Photos by: 24487 Dan Fleming On Wednesday morning the Military staff and Cadet wing gathered on the Parade square for medals presentations. The Commandant also took this opportunity to speak to the parade about the very difficult prior week that the Canadian Forces and the nation had experienced as a result of the heinous actions…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Photo : Mario Poirier Vignette: La division du soutien aux opérations au Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean n’est pas à court de projets ni d’initiatives pour répondre aux besoins et les membres du personnel ne chôment pas. UNE INITIATIVE N’ATTEND PAS L’AUTRE À LA DIVISON DU SOUTIEN AUX OPÉRATIONS DU CMR SAINT-JEAN Un article du…

Varsity Sports

Men’s Basketball OUA- Men’s Basketball CIS – Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball OUA – Women’s Basketball CIS – Women’s Basketball Men’s and Women’s Running OUA – Cross Country CIS Men’s Running / CIS Women’s Running Men’s and Women’s Fencing OUA – Fencing Hockey OUA- Men’s Hockey CIS – Men’s Hockey Rugby OUA – Men’s Rugby Men’s…

Sports Extra

Bringing the winning spirit to (W) volleyball By: 25432 OCdt Nathan Williams Danielle Vortisch, 26039, womens volleyball. Danielle joins us at RMC from her home town of Whitby, ON. A member of 12 squadron and an aeronautical engineer, Danielle intends to pursue a career with the Canadian Forces in air navigation. While not hitting the…

“The Major” Arrived At RMC 50 Years Ago – Celebrates 89th Birthday, Friday 5 Nov

The following is an excerpt (pages 77 & 78) from RMC Hockey History Digest Copyright 2003 by Bill and Rolande Oliver. Click on pages for better viewing The Major – still going strong with that engaging smile and solid handshake! For those interested in sending birthday wishes – 5 November (#89) His wife, Sheila will…

Catching Up With the News

CDS Message: Russell Williams Read the entire article Canadian Forces’ Decoration book launched Read the entire article _______________________________ Caption: Graeme Duke-Gibbs, Royal Military College of Canada Liaison Officer discussed the advantages of attending Royal Military College at the university information fair held at Simcoe Composite School on Tuesday Oct 19th, 2010. Students get look at…

Ex-Cadets in the News

Caption: Outgoing HCol Fred Sutherland (left) signed over command as the Snowbirds’ Honourary Colonel to Michael Potter (right), founder of Vintage of Wings of Canada. Snowbirds CO LCol Maryse Carmichael sits centre. Photo Credit: Sgt Frank Morin. Snowbirds 40th Anniversary Weekend The evening continued with a formal ceremony in which Lieutenant-General (ret’d) Fred Sutherland handed…

Victoria Edwards in conversation: CWO (retired) Jack Kopstein

E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) interviewed CWO (retired) Jack Kopstein CD, the musical director of the RMC band from 1988-1990. E-veritas: You served as the musical director of the RMC band from 1988-1990. Jack Kopstein: From the time I was nine that being a military band member was what I wanted to do. When I…

Careers | Carrières

x x Project Manager – Industrial Projects / Chargé de projets – Projets industriels – Laval – XSTRATA NICKEL Mine Raglan (min. exp. 5 years) Administrateur Base de données – Oracle / Database Administrator – Oracle – Terrebone – Mobile Maestria (min. exp. 3 years) Hydrologist / Hydrologiste – Gatineau – Brookfield (min. exp. 3…
