What’s Happening At RMC | Que se passe-t-il au CMR?

Commandant pumps up cadets for the home stretch! ED: Following is a copy of an e-mail (English / French) sent by the Commandant to the Cadet Wing early last week. Ladies and Gentlemen, 130 years of experience tells us that several of the toughest days in the RMC year are those that follow a wonderful…

Catching Up With the News | Se remettre au courant

Hockey Paladins Visit Lakehead Kris Hogg is one focused hockey player. Not just on the ice, as evidenced by Friday‘s performance, but off of it as well. The Lakehead Thunderwolves freshman, fast becoming a bonafide scoring threat, was forced to conduct his post-game interview at the entrance of the team locker room in clear sight…

Where are they now? | Où sont-ils/elles?

6588 Stephen J Arnold (RRMC RMC 1965) is Professor Emeritus, School of Business, Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada. He is currently a Visiting Professor attached to the Retail Group at the University of Surrey. Steven has a BSc from the Royal Military College of Canada and MBA and PhD degrees from the University of Toronto.…

Ex-Cadets in the News | Anciens dans les nouvelles

RCMP to review Grozelle investigation Posted By Ian Elliot Kingston Whig Standard January 12, 2008 The RCMP will review the military-led investigation into the death of Royal Military College cadet Joe Grozelle. His father, Ron, and mother, Minnie, were in Kingston yesterday to re-erect the small memorial to their son near the spot where his…

Benefits of a Gift of Stock

Making a Gift of Stock to RMC is a ‘triple win’ for you. You support the work of the RMC CLub Foundation You receive a charitable tax receipt to offset income. You pay no capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the securities. One tax break available since early 2006 has been to give…

Flashback | Rétrospective

Rhodes Scholars – Ex CadetsThis is the second installment, in short series of articles – In Their Own Words Lousy Point is a location on the MacKenzie River delta not far from Tuktoyaktuk. The photo was taken on the ice-road at about minus 30C (no wind), while 5417 WK (Bill) Megill (CMR RMC 1962) Rhodes…


The Toronto Branch of the Royal Military College of Canada Club Annual “General Meeting” *and* Dinner will be held Fri. 25 April 2008 This year’s challenge goes out to any class that can send more classmates than the class of ’69! http://www.toronto.rmcclub.ca/events.htm

We get emails | Nous recevons des courriels

I wanted to extend my thanks on behalf of the hockey team for the great hospitality shown by the Calgary Branch of the RMC Club during our holiday visit to Calgary. Everyone was really supportive of the team despite half of our performance that weekend. The large crowd at the SAIT arena was overwhelmingly RMC…

Extra Innings | Manches supplémentaires

The word that a Running Team will once again be competing at the OUA / CIS level is welcome news. Over the past few years a number of talented and motivated college runners had no real place to compete Our experience at and around RMC is that whether it’s an academic endeavour or a military…

In This Issue 1 – Dans ce numéro 1

To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. A lot of brilliance to enjoy; RMC & The Rhodes Scholarship; Death Notices: 2776 LEE, William E.…

Quotation | Citation

A lot of brilliance to enjoy. “He had delusions of adequacy.” – Walter Kerr “He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.” – Winston Churchill “A modest little person, with much to be modest about.” – Winston Churchill “I have never killed a man, but I have read many…
