OCdts. On Parade

RMC cadets taking on one of the seven summits in the world


25881 OCdt Anthony Matlock, 25388 OCdt Joseph Afonso, and 25730 OCdt Oliver Smith will be climbing Mount Aconcagua in Argentina.

The trio will be departing Canada 25th December and returning to RMC 15th January.

Prior to leaving for their homes for the holiday break the three keen adventurists received moral support from DCdt, LCol Sug Wigg; “A” Division Commander, Major Nevenda Bruic, Captain Nathan Price, 1 Squadron Commander, and Warrant Officer Patrick Harpelle, “A&B” Division WO.

A short ceremony was held on Thursday, 16 December at the foot of the Mackenzie staircase located in the Mackenzie Building where a very large RMC flag was unveiled.

It is the aim of the three officer cadets to place the flag at the summit of Mount Aconcagua in similar fashion of what happened at Iwo Jima, February 23, 1945.

Aconcagua at 6,962 metres, is the tallest peak in the Western Hemisphere, and South America’s contribution to mountaineering enthusiasts’ Seven Summits, a collection of the tallest mountain on each continent (Everest, McKinley, Elbrus, Kilimanjaro, Carstensz, Vinson Massif and Aconcagua).

Climbing the Seven Summits has been the lifelong goal of the group leader Anthony Matlock — the fact that OCdt Afonso and OCdt Smith agreed to form an expedition group with him speaks to the sense of adventure for all three.

They have very little mountaineering experience but have demonstrated that they have the heart to tackle major projects that most of us would only dream about. Their commitment to “extra” physical training by doing ruck-marches and interval training over the past three months, demonstrated to the staff that they were serious and the military wing approved an extra week’s leave.

The trip will cost approximately $20,000.00 in total which they are splitting three ways. Costs includes – travel, food, equipment and they have contracted with a professional civilian mountain guide, INKA Expediciones in Argentina.

If things go as planned they have their sights set for Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa around the same time next year. Heads up to the staff they will be looking for another week off classes!


A retired engineer, 75-year-old 3718 Serge Morin (CMR/RMC 1952/57) pursued studies in Art History, achieving a PhD at the Sorbonne in Paris after having been turned down by the Université de Montréal. Feeling he had been treated unethically, Serge sued the U de M. This link leads to the article in Montréal’s La Presse that related the story.

Ingénieur à la retraite, 3718 Serge Morin, 75 ans, (CMR/RMC 1952/57) a voulu poursuivre des études en histoire de l’art et a obtenu son doctorat à la Sorbonne à Paris après avoir été refusé par l’Université de Montréal. S’estimant victime de manquements à l’éthique, M. Morin a poursuivi l’université. Ce lien mène à l’article de La Presse, de Montréal, qui a relaté l’évènement.


Photo caption :

Le reflet de Serge Morin dans un tableau du peintre québécois Jean-Philippe Dallaire, sujet de sa thèse.

Serge Morin’s reflection in a painting by Quebec artist Jean-Philippe Dallaire, the subject of his thesis.


Vignette photo – Crédit photo : Mario Poirier

Le 14 décembre dernier, le CMR Saint-Jean a remis un chèque symbolique de plus de 14,000$ à M. André Simard, représentant délégué de la campagne de charité en milieu de travail du gouvernement du Canada (CCMTGC). Dans l’ordre habituel, Lcol St-Pierre, Capt Vidal, Mme Roberge, Mme Lavigne, Mme Leblanc. Capt Le Marec, Capt Beausoleil, Capt Fréchette et M. Simard.

Le CMR Saint-Jean recueille plus de 14,000 $

– un article du Capitaine Eric Le Marec, Officier d’affaires publiques

Tandis que son objectif était de l’ordre de 4709.33 $, le CMR Saint-Jean a recueilli plus de 14,000 $ pour la campagne de charité en milieu de travail du gouvernement du Canada (CCMTGC).

« Je suis très fier des résultats de la campagne, puisque ça nous permet de venir en aide à la communauté, explique le Colonel Maillet, Commandant du CMR Saint-Jean. C’est le résultat d’un comité bien organisé et d’un personnel très généreux. »

Le comité était composé des personnes suivantes : Capt Beausoleil, M. Glenn Grega, Mme Sophie Lavigne, Capt Fréchette, Mme Linda Ross, Adjum Proteau, Capt Vidal, Mme Marie-Claude Leblanc, Cpl Châteauvert, Mme Linda Roberge et Capt Le Marec. D’emblée, tous les membres du comité se sont impliqués en organisant de nombreuses activités qui ont rapidement porté fruit.

Une panoplie d’activités a eu lieu durant la campagne. Par exemple, grâce à la générosité de la Corporation du Fort Saint-Jean, des dîners spaghettis avaient lieu aux deux semaines. De plus, lors de la visite du Lgén, l’honorable Roméo Dallaire (ret.), sénateur, des places ont été « vendues.» D’autres activités, telles qu’une vente de livres de recettes (à partir des recettes fournies par le personnel du Collège), une vente de livres et films donnés et une session de cirage de bottes par nul autre que le Cmdt ont permis de recueillir des fonds.

Les délégations de solde et des dons ont été sans contredit la source principale des fonds recueillis. A titre d’exemple, la division des élèves-officiers a recueilli, à elle seule, plus de 3,000$.



Kevin Dulude is an OUA Champion for Life as an alumnus of the Royal Military College of Canada men’s basketball team.

When Kevin began his basketball career at the age of 15, it was only to stay in shape for football season. Now, almost 15 years later, Kevin can say it was a very good choice.

“I love the competition and I love the teamwork,” said Kevin. “Basketball is a team game where so much depends on everyone, whether on the court or on the bench.”

The small forward competed for RMC for all five years of his eligibility from 2000-05. Within those years, Kevin’s impact was impressive. The basketball star was named a CIS First-Team All-Canadian in 2004, and the year before that he was a CIS All-Canadian honourable mention. In 2004, Kevin also won OUA Player of the Year.

Six years later he still holds the OUA record for most points in a career with 2,092 and holds the OUA record for most rebounds in a career with 1,165. The next closest person sits at 1,008.

Kevin is currently a Captain in the Canadian Forces working as a health care administrator. He works in the headquarters responsible for all military health services in Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces.


Previous e-Veritas article on Kevin Dulude November 2007


Canadian Forces Assist Stranded Motorists In South Western Ontario

“Our raison d’être is the safety and security of Canada and of all Canadians. As part of Canada Command, Joint Task Force Central was given the mandate to lead the CF ground effort and is standing ready to assist as required. We will continue to work with our Federal and Provincial partners to ensure the affected motorists receive all the assistance they need”,

G1415 Walter Semianiw

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408 “Goose” Squadron to celebrate 70 years

“This will be a fantastic opportunity to gather the Goose family, young and old, to celebrate and share everyone’s part in adding to the rich history and traditions of this great squadron,”

18903 Jeff Smyth (RMC 1993)

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