“In 1984 I was the Director of Administration at the Royal Military College of Canada. My RMC Number is S103. I think that history was made on 13 August 2007 when three members of the RMC Class of 1984 gathered in 2 CMBG for a Change of Command Parade. The Reviewing Officer was 14274 Brigadier-General Alan Howard (in the centre of the picture); the outgoing commander was 14378 Colonel Denis Thompson (on the left in the picture) and the incoming commander was 14596 Colonel Dean Milner(on the right in the picture). I say history because all three were from the RMC Class of 1984. I could be wrong. I thought this may be of interest in your newsletter. Thanks very much.”
(Click on image to enlarge)
S 103 Colonel Harky Smith (Ret’d)
7771 Mr James W Leech (RRMC RMC 1968)
Jim Leech, currently Senior Vice-President, Teachers’ Private Capital, has been appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (Teachers’) effective December 1,
2007. Mr. Leech joined Teachers’ in 2001 with a mandate to expand Teachers’ private investment activities globally. Since then, Teachers’ Private Capital has become one of the world’s largest private investors, with assets now exceeding $16 billion, including private equity, venture capital, infrastructure and timber. Mr. Leech also is a director at Cadillac Fairview, Teachers’ real estate subsidiary. Mr. Leech is the former President and CEO of Unicorp Canada Corp., one of Canada’s first public merchant banks, and Union Energy Inc., then one of North America’s largest integrated energy and pipeline companies. He graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada with a B.Sc. (Honours Math and Physics) and holds an MBA from Queen’s University. He is a certified director, as a graduate of the Institute of Corporate Directors.
Colonel John Blaxland a former RMC War Studies Ph.D. student.
/Strategic Cousins/, cited by name by our PM in his address to the Aussie parliament. more…
Fewer Canadians to monitor vote
Toronto Star – Ontario, Canada
… among the 1.3 million Canadians of Ukrainian heritage,” says Lubomyr Luciuk, professor of political geography at the Royal Military College in Kingston.
Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk of RMC
Cadets…On the job in the Goose
Royal Military College students spend summer working at 5 Wing
from: The Labradorian
As part of a new pilot project with the Department of National Defence, students of the Canadian Forces Royal Military College in Kingston were sent to various bases and training facilities across the country…more