
Sports day…smashing success! (Click on images to enlarge)

harrier_race.gifUnder sunny skies and ideal weather conditions the 2007 Harrier Race gets underway.

OCdt Matt Setlack being congratulated by the commandant, BGen Tom Lawson as top finisher in the Harrier Race. The IV Year Mechanical Engineering student and future AERE officer also won the Wheatley Challenge Cup in 2006.setlack.gif
On Saturday, 8 September, the Royal Military College hosted their annual Cadet Wing Sport Day which included the annual Harrier race (5km). This event involved over 900 Officer Cadets and staff from RMC, as well as Richelieu Squadron from CMR. These sporting events are designed to encourage teamwork, esprit de corps, and cohesion at the college.

For the Harrier race, Matt Setlack (24055) captured the top male position for a second year in a row while Eve Boyce (24411) captured the Greenwood cup, which is awarded to the top female. At press time, we are trying to obtain a photo of Eve.

Other activities included a Tabloid, Orienteering race, Relay race, Flag Football tournament and a Tug-O-War in which the Cadet Wing staff challenged unsuccessfully the Otter Squadron who once again captured the title.

tabloid.gifHaving fun while competing was pretty well the theme for the Tabloid.

The following are the final results for the day. Well done and a tip of the hat to the cadet organizers and PSP staff who worked hand in hand in ensuring the day was an enjoyable one for all the participants!

Event Winning Squadron
Overall Sports Day 8 Squadron
Tug-O-War Otter Squadron
Relay Race 9 Squadron
Orienteering Race 1 Squadron
Spirit Competition Richelieu Squadron
Flag Football 8 Squadron
Tabloid 2 Squadron
Harrier race Richelieu Squadron



Dozen new Otter Squadron Cadets Impressive On Arrival…Ready To Make Their Mark Too!

csto_andrew_cullum_leads_otters_through_the_arch_as_the_cmdt_looks_on.gifNCdt Dean Fleet
III M0917

The final day of Labour Day saw hundreds of cadets march through the Arch to begin their new life at RMC. While the vast majority of those are headed for ‘fun’ and ‘interesting’ times as part of First Year Orientation Period (FYOP), a small cadre of lesser-known individuals took their place dutifully at the back of the parade. By the time it was their turn to pass under this most heralded of RMC traditions, the vast majority of parents and grandparents had already shuffled further along to get more shots of their pride and joy. Otter, however, being well schooled in the ways of the military, carried on with little fanfare other than some spouses and children to look on. While the majority of the parade was geared towards those members coming to the college through the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) program, Otter recognizes that it serves an important support role at the college. In recent years, Otter saw twenty-two new members in 2005, twenty-three in 2006, and with twelve new intakes for this year, the squadron now contains forty-five members. While this is not much given the overall population of the college, the squadron’s collective qualifications and service knowledge serve to create a participation greater than its number. From drivers, to lecturers, to trainers, varsity, and trainers, Otters can be found in all walks of life in the school. With a new Squadron Commander, Lt(N) Gary Jackson at the helm, Cadet Squadron Senior, Jarrod Campbell (m0909), and Cadet Squadron Training Officer Andrew Cullum (m0923), this should prove to be another great year as Otter supports the school as only it can.


RMC staff member – new Tier 2 Natural Sciences and Engineering Canada Research Chair in Aeronautical Fluid Mechanics

xiaohua_wu.bmpThe federal government recently announced $109.5 million to fund the appointment or renewal of 126 Canada research chairs. The funding also includes $10.5 million from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) to fund research infrastructure essential to the work being done by 62 of the chairs. Xiaohua Wu, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Royal Military College of Canada is the new Tier 2 Natural Sciences and Engineering Canada Research Chair in Aeronautical Fluid Mechanics, with research funding of $500,000.

Xiaohua Wu holds a B.Sc. (Engineering Thermal Physics) from the University of Science and Technology of China (1986); a M.Sc. (Thermal Physics and Engineering) from Zhejiang University (1989) anda Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) from the University of Manitoba (1993). [email protected]



Positions Available at RMC

RMC invites applications for a number of tenure-track positions in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering. Applicants should have a PhD in the respective field (or equivalent) as well as a strong or promising record of publication and teaching experience. The closing date for applications is 30 September, 2007 and the expected starting date for all positions is 10 December, 2007.


RMC also invites applications for instructors for part-time employment positions, both onsite and through distance learning in one or more of the following Divisions or Faculties: Engineering, Arts, Science and/or Continuing Studies. Applicants should have a PhD in the respective field (or in exceptional circumstances, a completed Masters Level in a related discipline) as well as an acceptable record of publication and teaching experience. Applications will be considered until the all course sections are filled. Calian’s client, The Royal Military College, is currently looking for a laboratory technician to join the Environmental Sciences Group (ESG). ESG specializes in carrying out environmental site assessments at remote locations, and in applied environmental research. ESG is a multidisciplinary group of about 70 people: biologists, chemists, geologists, geographers and engineers, and logistical support staff. Reporting to the Analytical Sciences Division (ASD) Supervisor, the Laboratory Technician will be responsible for performing laboratory functions for ESG during a contract of 7 months with possibility of 1 year extension. The mandatory requirement is a Bachelor of Science Degree OR Diploma in science discipline with a minimum of 1year work experience may be acceptable. To send your resume directly to the Calian Recruiter responsible for this position, please visit calnan jobs and apply using their automated application system.



For updated information on the men’s and women’s soccer team and the RMC rugby team, click on the corresponding links;

rugby_ball__goal_posts.jpg Men’s Rugby soccer_logo.jpg Men’s Women’s





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