Quotation | Citation

“This is a very important exercise,” says Colonel Dean Milner, Commander of 2 CMBG, “This is a huge logistical challenge for the brigade to get down to Texas, and it will be challenging training for all the soldiers who will be a part of the exercise.” 14596 Dean Milner (RRMC RMC ’84) “The unit will…

Top Headlines | À la une

RMC-Careers.com Official Launch – May 2008 Message to the RMC Club Members CMRCarrieres.com Lancement officiel Mai 2008 Message aux membres du Club des CMR

What’s Happening At RMC | Que se passe-t-il

  Dynasty in the making! By: WJO Over the past few years the varsity fencers have become RMC’s paragon of athletic excellence, seldom imitated, never equaled. The Fencing teams, Men & Women, reincarnated about five years ago with the arrival of the head coach, Patricia Howes have produced results unseen or unheard of at RMC…

Extra Innings | Manches supplémentaires

Most readers will be able to relate to the saying, “a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing”. Well, I certainly can relate to it. In fact, I’m living proof! Over the past few weeks, I have been “keen” to learn more of the technical aspects of publishing e-Veritas. Things like, the layout of…

Catching Up With the News | Se remettre au

23785 Matt McLeod (RMC ’07 & current PG student) and E5917 Dan Plant (II Year) have earned themselves a spot on the Canadian National University 7’s team for this summer World Championships in Cordoba Spain. McLeod and Plant both participated in a training camp that brought some of the best University talent from coast to…

Where are they now? | Où sont-ils/elles?

5690 Douglas A Caldwell QC (CMR RMC ‘63); 9632 Craig R Armstrong (RMC ‘73); 9869 Clément C Fortin (CMR RMC ‘73); 10363 David W Aitken (CMR RMC ‘75); 10541 Terry D Cuthbert (RMC ‘75); 10719 DS (Shawn) McReynolds (RRMC RMC ‘75); 11199 Jacques St-Laurent (CMR RMC ‘76); 11521 B.R.(Brian) Leonard (RRMC RMC ‘77); 11713 Bruce…

Ex-Cadets in the News | Anciens dans les nouvelles

Become a member in good standing: http://www.rmcclub.ca/Membership.htm Membership Services: http://www.rmcclub.ca/MemberServices/ServicesLead.htm 14596 Dean Milner (RRMC RMC ‘84) 2 CMBG begins Exercise Southern Bear in Texas http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/newsroom/view_news_e.asp?id=2574 15194 Dana Woodworth (RRMC RMC ‘85) KPRT Change of command at Camp Nathan Smith http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/newsroom/view_news_e.asp?id=2575 We received word that a number of Ex cadets were among the most recent recipients…

Flashback | Rétrospective

What was happening around RMC in Feb 1963/’64/’65/ & ’66? Water polo; SNOWSHOERS; BEST DRESSED CURLERS; Debaters; Hugh Heffner; And much, much more…. http://www.rmc66cmr.ca

Meloche Monnex



Thank you | merci

Regular e-V readers will notice a number of well written and informative articles by cadets in this edition. Once again, with the approval of the Chief Editor, OCdt III Year, Nick St-Amant from the “Precision” we have reproduced those which we believe will catch the eye and be of interest to many Ex cadets. Victoria…
