2014 Ottawa Golf Tournament / Tournoi de golf – Club de golf Greensmere – 11 juillet

2014 RMC Club Ottawa Branch Golf Tournament registration line-up. File d’attente d’enregistrement pour le tournoi 2014 de l’Amicale d’Ottawa du Club des CMR du Canada. 2014 Golf Tournament at Greensmere Golf & Country Club Friday, 11 July dawned as a clear day with a forecast high of 25. A sea of red and white clad…

Kingston Branch Nabs High-Profile Keynote Speaker: 14596 MGen Dean Milner

Proud Dad! – MGen (ret) Clive Milner (left), Ted Davie and guest speaker MGen Dean Milner. A large number of members were privileged to hear about Canada’s commitment to the war in Afghanistan from the final commander, MGen Dean Milner. MGen Milner was responsible for leading the last contingent of Canadian Forces home from that…


Bonjour à tous/toutes : Pour faire suite à notre publipostage du 9 juin dernier, voici à nouveau le détail des activités de la fin de semaine des retrouvailles 2014. Vous trouverez ici le formulaire d’inscription, que nous vous demandons de bien vouloir compléter pour faciliter notre planification. Le Chapitre Fort Saint-Jean lance une invitation toute particulière…

Good Crowd for 14444 Dorothy Hector Talk & AGM

  (Click on Curtis Maynard photos for better viewing) Kingston Branch – Jams In a Guest Speaker & AGM During Monthly May Luncheon By: WJO 14444 Dorothy Hector (Class of ’84) second term Councillor for the City of Kingston was the guest speaker for the monthly Kingston Branch Luncheon held last Wednesday (7 May) at…

Branch News…Kingston, Toronto & Halifax

Photo by Curtis Maynard The Kingston Branch – held their annual Spring dinner at the Senior Staff Mess – 9 Apr. Pictured is Andrew Robb, Gail and Ed Murray. The black tie affair was well attended and the Guest Speaker was current college commandant, BGen Al Meinzinger. More photos from the Dinner may be viewed…

Activité du Chapitre Fort Saint-Jean / A Fort Saint-Jean Branch Activity

Activité du Chapitre Fort Saint-Jean Dîner-conférence le 4 avril 2014, à Montréal par Mr. Léo Gravelle Le comité de direction du Chapitre Fort Saint-Jean a organisé et tenu un dîner-conférence le 4 avril, au manège du 2e Régiment de l’Artillerie, à Montréal, qui mettait à l’honneur le colonel Jennie Carignan, commandant du CMR Saint-Jean. Dans…

5780 Colonel (ret) Bernard Laliberté: Extraordinary Humanitarian

Bernie Laliberté Still Highly Involved with Humanitarian Projects By: WJO 5780 Colonel (ret) Bernard Laliberté, who has previously received an honourary degree from RMCC in November 2010 for his services in the humanitarian field, was the guest speaker at the monthly luncheon of the Kingston Branch of the RMC Club on Wed 2 April. The…

Branch News: Weather No Match for Kingston Branch

Kingston Branch Throws DART at Valentine’s Day Article by 25366 Mike Shewfelt This past Wednesday, members of the Kingston Branch of the RMC Club and their wives braved the snow and wind for the branch’s monthly luncheon. The ladies were treated to roses and Valentine’s Day cake, and the men (and ladies) were treated to…

Lundy’s Lane July 25 Update: RMC Club (Hamilton Branch) CELEBRATES THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF LUNDY’s LANE JULY 25

RMC CLUB (HAMILTON BRANCH) CELEBRATES THE ANNIVERSARY OF  THE BATTLE OF LUNDY’s LANE – JULY 25, 2014 RMC CELEBRATES THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF LUNDY’s LANE JULY 25, 2014 The Hamilton Branch is hosting a Luncheon event for RMC Alumni and guests, in Niagara Falls on Friday July 25th, 2014. July 25 is the 200th…
