Kingston Branch brought up to speed

Kingston Branch brought up to speed  By: WJO The Royal Canadian Colleges Club of Canada – Kingston Branch members were the recipients of a highly informative and entertaining talk at their monthly luncheon last Wed (3 Dec) at the Senior Staff Mess. A good turnout sit through a 45 minutes keynote address including questions &…

Fort Saint-Jean Chapter promoting the Heritage Lane Project

xxx The city of Saint-Jean has embarked on a restoration project that will revitalize the old city and waterfront. In conjunction with this endeavour, the RMC Foundation, with the Fort Saint-Jean Chapter of the ex-Cadet Club, are promoting the Heritage Lane Project. This multi-faceted project at the North Gate end of the College nearest downtown…

Manitoba, Hamilton, Halifax (New!) & Vancouver Island Branch: Christmas Receptions -12 Dec (Wpg); 19 Dec (Hamilton) 29 Dec (VI)

Manitoba Branch xx WHERE: The Vancouver Island Branch of the Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada invites you to: A Christmas Reception for Ex-Cadets and Officer Cadets of the Royal Military Colleges of Canada on Monday, 29 December 2014 at 11:30 AM at the Embassy Inn, 520 Menzies Street, Victoria BC. Buffet Lunch will…

Kingston Branch: Busy Reunion Weekend & Large Turnout to Hear Hon. Peter Milliken @ Monthly Luncheon

Kingston & Area High School Students Attend Badging Parade High school students from the area who received the RMC Club Kingston Branch Book Award attended the cadet parade last saturday, as part of the Reunion Weekend activities at the College. Eleven award recipients attended with their parents for a group totaling 33. This was an…

Kingston Branch Receives Education on ALOY…

Caption: As per usual many members of the Kingston Branch mingle and catch up on the news prior to sitting down for lunch. ALOY Starts 7th Season In Good Shape By: WJO The Aboriginal Leader Opportunity Year (ALOY) program just launched its seventh year at the Royal Military College of Canada. Specifically, it was created…

Chuck Oliviero Lives Up to Advanced Hype

Kingston Branch Aug Luncheon was once again well attended. Prior to the meal many of the Ex Cadets from the area met up for a cool one. Pictured above are (L-R) Ron Mann, Chuck Oliviero who happened to be the guest speaker and Donald “Dusty” Miller. Also spotted in the crowd and visiting from the…

The Battle of Lundy’s Lane Bi-Centennial Commemoration

The Battle of Lundy’s Lane Bi-Centennial Commemoration Submitted by: #5552 Ernie Dueck, # 6296 Dave Renshaw and #5337 Bob Carr The bi-centennial commemoration of the 25th of July, 1814 Battle of Lundy’s Lane was held in Niagara Falls on the 25th of July, 2014 in and around the actual battle site, which was not only…

2014 Ottawa Golf Tournament / Tournoi de golf – Club de golf Greensmere – 11 juillet

2014 RMC Club Ottawa Branch Golf Tournament registration line-up. File d’attente d’enregistrement pour le tournoi 2014 de l’Amicale d’Ottawa du Club des CMR du Canada. 2014 Golf Tournament at Greensmere Golf & Country Club Friday, 11 July dawned as a clear day with a forecast high of 25. A sea of red and white clad…

Kingston Branch Nabs High-Profile Keynote Speaker: 14596 MGen Dean Milner

Proud Dad! – MGen (ret) Clive Milner (left), Ted Davie and guest speaker MGen Dean Milner. A large number of members were privileged to hear about Canada’s commitment to the war in Afghanistan from the final commander, MGen Dean Milner. MGen Milner was responsible for leading the last contingent of Canadian Forces home from that…


Bonjour à tous/toutes : Pour faire suite à notre publipostage du 9 juin dernier, voici à nouveau le détail des activités de la fin de semaine des retrouvailles 2014. Vous trouverez ici le formulaire d’inscription, que nous vous demandons de bien vouloir compléter pour faciliter notre planification. Le Chapitre Fort Saint-Jean lance une invitation toute particulière…

Good Crowd for 14444 Dorothy Hector Talk & AGM

  (Click on Curtis Maynard photos for better viewing) Kingston Branch – Jams In a Guest Speaker & AGM During Monthly May Luncheon By: WJO 14444 Dorothy Hector (Class of ’84) second term Councillor for the City of Kingston was the guest speaker for the monthly Kingston Branch Luncheon held last Wednesday (7 May) at…

Branch News…Kingston, Toronto & Halifax

Photo by Curtis Maynard The Kingston Branch – held their annual Spring dinner at the Senior Staff Mess – 9 Apr. Pictured is Andrew Robb, Gail and Ed Murray. The black tie affair was well attended and the Guest Speaker was current college commandant, BGen Al Meinzinger. More photos from the Dinner may be viewed…
