RMC Holiday Concert Saturday 30 November 1400 hrs
Celebrate the season with festive music and holiday cheer. Tune in on November 30th at 14:00 for an unforgettable concert, streamed live on Facebook for you to enjoy from anywhere!
Support the Colleges With a Year End Donation
This year and in the coming years, the military training, leadership development and academic success of Canada’s future leaders attending the Canadian Military Colleges will rely on alumni contributions and the Association more than ever before.
Holiday Message from the Chairperson, RMC Alumni Association
As 2023 draws to a close, and as our Northern nation settles firmly into the more contemplative rhythms of winter, I want to take some time to reflect on the strong need for our Canadian Military Colleges. In a year where world order has continued to be shaken by war in Ukraine and now in…
Nos meilleurs vœux de santé, de bonheur et de prospérité depuis Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean
Au nom du Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean, l’adjudant-chef Plante et moi voulons vous offrir nos meilleurs vœux de santé, de bonheur et de prospérité en cette période des fêtes. Une autre année bien remplie se termine. Beaucoup de défis auront été relevés grâce au travail assidu et professionnel de tous. Merci mille fois pour…
Holiday Message from the RMC Commandant
It has been only a few short months since the RMC community welcomed me back, but my time in the Commandant’s office has been reinvigorated by the passion on the peninsula. Every member of our community, which includes your families, are supporting remarkably the Canadian Military Colleges, and this unique national institution is blessed with…
Holiday Message from the Kingston Branch
On behalf of the Kingston Branch of the RMC Alumni Association, I would like to wish everyone a safe and secure holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Keith Orton 8170 President Kingston Branch TDV
Joyeux Noël De nous tous du Chapitre Québec
À nous tous qui partageons une amitié indéfectible et indélébile, forgée au fil d’années d’engagement total et d’abnégation. Que Noël soit joyeux. Qu’il soit rempli de chaleur et de camaraderie. Qu’il soit synonyme de rires, d’amour et de la joie intemporelle de la camaraderie. Alors que nous nous réunissons dans un esprit de fraternité, réfléchissons…
Happy Holidays from the Vancouver Island Ex-Cadet Club
On behalf of the membership of the Vancouver Island Ex-cadet Club, I would like to extend to the entire Military College community our very best wishes for the upcoming holiday season, and for health and happiness throughout the coming year. The Club also wishes to advise that it will be hosting the annual “Host the Cadets” reception…
Merry Christmas from the Ottawa Branch of RMC Alumni – Chapître d’Ottawa des Anciens des CMR
On behalf of Ottawa Branch RMC Alumni Association, the executive and all its members, we would like to wish The Foundation RMCAA Kingston, la Fondation du CMRSJ and all of the Alumni Association Branches across Canada, a joyous Holiday Season and a Happy New Year 2024. TDV Au nom du chapitre d’Ottawa, de son exécutif…