
(L-R) - Current commandant, Bill Truelove, John Stewart (cmdt 1980 - 82); Tony O'Keeffe, DCdts; John Scott Cowan (principal 1999 - 08); CWO J.M. Chiasson CCWO; Bill Turner (cmdt 1973-77); Darren Rich, CoS; Ed Murray (cmdt 1987 - 91); Donald Tilley (principal 1978 - 84); John Plant (principal 1984 - 99); Joel Sokolsky current principal.
Last Monday the Commandant had the pleasure of hosting a briefing and luncheon for former Commandants and Principals. ” The intent of the day was to welcome these distinguished “Alumni” back to their ‘old stomping grounds”, explained the current commandant, Commodore Bill Truelove, “…and to give them an update on the CF and RMC today along with some discussion on where RMC is headed.”
Your e-Veritas editor, had the opportunity to touch base with these six distinguished visitors individually, a coupe of days later, which gave them time to mull over their view of the visit:
“I was very pleased to be invited back and being briefed on what is going on. I believe it was a very worthwhile and interesting exercise. I would like to think that he would find the time to give us an annual briefing.” Bill Turner – Cmdt 1973-77
“The Comdt provided us all with an interesting update on many RMC activities.”
Donald Tilley – Principal 1978 – 84
“I can briefly describe the meeting as follows: interesting, informative, worthwhile, congenial, enjoyable and very much appreciated.” John Stewart – Cmdt 1980 – 82
“I was very pleased to participate in the meeting organized by Commodore Truelove, which included all of the living RMC Principals and all but one of the Commandants residing in Kingston. This is the first such meeting to be called by a new Commandant in my memory. The content was wide ranging and revealing. I am happy with the directions being taken by the College leadership and I feel that other participants are too especially with the return to leadership development for the Cadets.”
John B Plant – Principal 1984 – 99
“We owe the Commandant a big thank you. Keeping abreast of how the College develops under the ever-changing social, financial and military pressures is so interesting to those of us who have been there before. As expected some of the “new changes” often result in a reversion to where we have been before.” Ed Murray – Cmdt 1987 – 91
“I was very pleased with the comprehensiveness of the issues covered. The briefing by the Commandant with comments as well by the Principal, covered all aspects of College operations and programs, not just the officer cadet program. I am concerned about the financial pressure that the College (and all of Defence) is under at the moment, but the Commandant seems to have a very well thought out approach to handling it, and, as always, this too shall pass.”
John Scott Cowan – Principal 1999 – 08
The verdict was unanimous. Mission accomplished! The Commandant and key members of his staff pictured in the photo above provided a comprehensive briefing which resulted in a very good conversation on a number of themes. The day culminated with a wonderful lunch at the SSM where the guests were able to reconnect with each other and reminisce about their “good ole days”.
Overall, another great event for RMC! This was an opportunity for the Commandant to interact with those who have contributed so much to RMC and continue to do so.
Commodore Truelove concluded, “We’re looking forward to seeing all the ex-Commandants and former Principals back frequently to visit and to updating them annually in a more formal manner!”