OCdts. On Parade

GinoGord Clarke & Gino BruniSword Presentation

Photos: (Left) 2009 Legacy Dinner. (L-R) Gino Bruni; U/K; 10121 Brian Hook; & 10080 Bob Booth.

(Centre) RMC Club president 16412 Gord Clark presents the Reunion Weekend sports trophy to Gino Bruni representing the Ex cadets victory over the cadets.

(Right Photo) Gino Bruni (right) volunteered to be the personal escort for The Honourable Judge Matheson for the Memorial Service and Sword presentation on the parade square on the sunday of Reunion Weekend.

23988 Gino Bruni (RMC 2008) wins Rhodes Scholarship


Gino Bruni - 2010 Rhodes Scholar

Gino Bruni - 2010 Rhodes Scholar

We received word Saturday night that, Gino Bruni (RMC 2008) a Calgary native has won a 2010 Rhodes scholarship. He is the 12th ex cadet to do so.   Current college professor, 15595 Billy Allan (RRMC RMC 1986) was the last in 1987.

There were 49 applicants in the Western Region (AB, MB, SK) and 10 were short listed for an interview, 3 were selected. A total of 11 are selected in Canada and make up the Rhodes class of 2010. At press time we have not seen the entire Canadian list.

Rhodes Scholarships provide all expenses for two or three years of study at the prestigious University of Oxford in England, valued at approximately $50,000 per year.

Rhodes Scholarships are the oldest and best known awards for international study, and one of the most prestigious academic awards available to university students.

Gino will join an international group of approximately 80 Scholars chosen from thirteen jurisdictions around the world including Australia, Bermuda, the Commonwealth Caribbean, Germany, India, Pakistan, the United States and more. Rhodes Scholarships were created in 1902 by Cecil Rhodes, British philanthropist and African colonial pioneer.

When asked to describe the feeling of joining a pretty exclusive group. “I am so honoured to have received the Rhodes scholarship, it is a dream come true and I cannot wait to meet the other scholars and build new relationships,” said the son of Mike and Janice Bruni.

The former RMC CSL added, “I know that this is a great opportunity for me, but more importantly a responsibility, given this huge opportunity to embrace it and use it to make a contribution to society.”

The ever thoughtful Gino wrapped up his comments. “I would like to personally thank the staff and professors of RMC. I would not be where I am today without their mentor-ship and support over my close to six years at the College.”

The previous 11 Ex cadet winners:

2565 Adrian A.W. Duguid (RMC 1937) Rhodes Scholar 1946 Deceased 1/14/1968;

4393 Doctor DP Morton (CMR RMC 1959) Rhodes Scholar 1959;

5417 Colonel (ret) WK Megill (CMR RMC 1962) Rhodes Scholar 1962;

6219 Dr. Robin Boadway (RRMC / RMC 1964) Rhodes Scholar 1964;

6182 Doctor RB Harrison (RMC 1964) Rhodes Scholar 1964;

6508 MGen (ret) John L Adams CMM CD (RMC 1965) Rhodes Scholar 1965;

7291 Doctor T.A.J. Keefer (RMC 1967) Rhodes Scholar 1967;

10419 Captain (N) (ret) David V Jacobson (CMR RMC 1975) Rhodes Scholar 1975;

10941 Doctor Grant M Gibbs (RMC 1976) Rhodes Scholar 1976;

15040 Mr Paul E Stanborough (RMC 1985) Rhodes Scholar 1985; and

15595 LCol (ret) WDE (Billy) Allan CD (RRMC RMC 1986) Rhodes Scholar 1987.

Rolande and I have known Gino for over ten years and have been closely associated with him since his entry into RMC in 2004. From the start, we have been impressed by his maturity, focus, and well-defined personal goals. He has demonstrated a rare level of commitment and determination to achieve them all. Over the past five years, our relationship has evolved from a mentor relationship to one of social companionability where we play tennis from time-to-time and meet in social settings year round.

We have had an excellent vantage point from which to observe his development as an outstanding individual.  We couldn’t be happier – for him, his Mom – Janice; Dad – Mike; his siblings – Jesse, Amanda & Cass. And of course, RMC!

To get a feel for his undergraduate academic credentials check here.

His academic prowess was further demonstrated last year as Gino achieved an A+ average in his Master of Applied Science courses in the very challenging field of Nuclear Engineering.

Academics alone do not warrant a Rhodes scholarship.  The full criteria is listed here.

Initial RMC reaction:

“Gino Bruni’s selection for this prestigious award, RMC’s first since 1987, is further evidence of the incredible talent present at RMC both in the Cadets as well as the Academic Faculty. I join with all the Cadets; Military and Academic staff in congratulating Gino Bruni on this tremendous accomplishment.”

Commodore William Truelove – Commandant

“I am very pleased and happy for Gino!! The mind expanding experiences he will gain by studying overseas at Oxford will influence the direction of his professional career in a profound way. His winning speaks to his extraordinary personal qualities as well to RMC with the mentoring by his professors, the training and discipline instilled by the military, and the strong ethical values imparted by his family. Well done, Gino!”

Dr. Ron Weir – Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

“The news of Gino Bruni winning a Rhodes Scholarship is just wonderful.

RMC tends to attract the type of people Cecil Rhodes was interested in; those with strong academic and athletic skills but even more, those with a capacity for leadership and an interest in applying it for the betterment of society at large. And RMC encourages its cadets to develop these traits in an atmosphere of mentorship and competitive challenge. The College is really a breeding ground for Rhodes Scholar candidates.

Gino Bruni’s scholarship win make the RMC community immensely proud of him – one day we’ll say we knew him! But there are many more young men and women at RMC who will compete well for a Rhodes Scholarship in the future and we should encourage them to do so.”

MGen Tom Lawson – former RMC Commandant

I am, of course, delighted. My congratulations indeed to Gino. It has been such a struggle getting Rhodes committees of late to understand what RMC marks really mean, and also to re-emphasize the true meaning of being well rounded, something the Rhodes long stood for, but in recent years has not been as much in the forefront of their criteria, because the other universities didn’t emphsize it as much and didn’t have metrics for it. I hope this is the beginning of a new era in which we may see more Rhodes winners from RMC.

On another note, surely some thanks are due to Dr. (LCol Ret’d) Billy Allan, who won a Rhodes out of RMC himself, and now, as a prof, does a great deal to persuade cadets to apply, and to help cadets build optimized applications.

John Scott Cowan – Principal Emeritus, RMC of Canada

President, Conference of Defence Associations Institute

Vice-Chair, Defence Science Advisory Board of Canada

Hon LCol, PWOR

“This is an outstanding personal achievement for Gino Bruni and speaks so highly of his commitment to excellence in all that he does. This scholarship also speaks to the quality of RMC’s academic program and character development that occurs throughout a cadet’s academic career, indeed a superb reflection on RMC and the CF. Truly inspiring.”

LCol Tony O’Keeffe – DCdt

Previous 2008 Rhodes Scholarship articles from e-Veritas:

RMC and the Rhodes Scholarship….By: 24359 III OCdt Stephen Paish – 8 Sqn

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