
Pat Stogran To Lewis MacKenzie: Shame On You For Coming Out Against The Claims of Veterans

“I suffered several rude awakenings as I arrived at the golden years of my military career. First, I was demoralized at having had committed my life to a military institution that was incapable of winning the war in Afghanistan.

12723 Pat Stogran – Source


Soldier suicides ‘worrying,’ Canada’s top general says

“We are moving away from silent suffering and we’ve come a long, long way in understanding how to help our members deal with these emotional burdens,”

12192 Tom Lawson – Source

Le chef d’État major du Canada, Tom Lawson, accueille son homologue britannique à Ottawa


Two Opinions from South of the Border…

Why the Army should fire generals and promote captains

Why the military needs to recruit and promote more women
