Veterans demand accounting of more than $1B in unspent funds
19894 Erin O`Toole
Source (interesting short video)
7771 Jim Leech (RRMC RMC 1968) said one of his goals is to have at least 25% of the students know his name during his three-year term.
“This is a serious institution, but you have got to have fun at the same time,” Article
Queen’s Introduces New Chancellor – CKWS video
Corps of RCEME Commandant Change of Appointment Parade
Appointment Parade took place on 24 October 2014 in the 2 Svc Bn, Maint Coy lines at CFB Petawawa.
The individuals seated at the table are (l to r): 6560 Colonel (Retd) Andrew Nellestyn (incoming Col Comdt), BGen Scott Kennedy (DGLEPM) , 8684 BGen (Retd) Peter Holt (outgoing Col Comdt).
Standing: 19350 LCol Carla Harding (CO 2 Svc Bn), CWO Mark German (DGLEPM CWO), CWO Rene Gilbert (RCEME Corps SM) and CWO Dany Dubuc (RSM 2 Svc Bn).
Governor General invests fifty recipients into the Order of Military Merit
Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada David Johnston presided over an Order of Military Merit investiture ceremony at Rideau Hall on Friday, November 7. The Governor General bestowed the honour on three Commanders, 10 Officers and 37 Members.
Among the recipients were five Ex Cadets, a Grad student, and the College Chief Warrant Officer for RMCC. We apologize if we missed anyone. If we did, let us know with a comment below.
14245 Major-General Richard Foster, C.M.M., C.D., Office of the Chief of the Air Force Staff. Ottawa, Ontario
14474 Major-General David Millar, C.M.M., C.D., This is a promotion within the Order. Chief of Military Personnel, Ottawa, Ontario
15706 Major-General Paul Wynnyk, C.M.M., M.S.M., C.D., This is a promotion within the Order. Office of the Chief of the Army Staff, Ottawa, Ontario
16656 Colonel Scott Clancy, O.M.M., M.S.M., C.D., North American Aerospace Defense Command, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States of America
20591 LCol Luc Girouard, O.M.M. C.D., 9 Wing Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
G3561 Colonel Michael Rouleau, O.M.M., M.S.C., C.D., Office of the Chief of Force Development, Ottawa, Ontario.
Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Keith Davidson, M.M.M., C.D., Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario
Caption: Panjwa’i District, Afghanistan Brigadier-General Dean Milner, Commander of Joint Task Force Afghanistan along with members of his close protection unit and members from Oscar Company, The Royal Canadian Regiment, take part in a foot patrol in the Panjwa’i district on October 18th, 2010. Joint Task Force Afghanistan (JTF-Afg) is Canada’s military contribution to Afghanistan. Canadian operations focus on working with Afghan authorities to improve security, governance, and economic development in the country. Photo by: Corporal Keith Wazny.
Fated to become a Canadian soldier, 14596 Major-General Dean J. Milner shares some of his journey
“I really wanted to go to Germany and Germany was home to the Royal Canadian Dragoons, so my first actual posting after training was to Germany to join the Royal Canadian Dragoons. I absolutely loved the opportunity and the experience,” Source
Crew from HMCS Toronto fight fire and evacuate casualties in Turkey
“My officers and crew are professional sailors, which they demonstrate constantly on board HMCS Toronto in their daily work,” said 18793 Commander Jason Armstrong, Commanding Officer of Toronto. “These men responded instinctively, bravely and selflessly to a dangerous situation. Their fortitude and training are proven. The entire ship’s company is very proud to have them as part of the team.” Source
HMCS Toronto completes Exercise Mavi Balina as part of Op Reassurance
“Exercise Mavi Balina provided an ideal forum for HMCS Toronto’s anti-submarine, submarine and surface warfare specialists to hone their skill sets while working collectively with NATO allies to strengthen alliance interoperability and confidence in each other’s capabilities,” said 18793 Commander Jason Armstrong, Commanding Officer of Toronto. “The ship’s company performed well throughout the exercise as they met every challenge and simulated threat with tenacity, vigour and professionalism.” Source
Childhood dreams can come true: 16538 Brigadier-General Wayne D. Eyre is living proof that dreaming big can pay off
“Throughout my high school years, I had wanted to join the Army. I was very keen on going to military college. In 1984, when I was accepted, I went to Royal Roads Military College in British Columbia and later graduated from the Royal Military College in Kingston in 1988.” Source
EDUCATION: ‘Rookie astronaut’ visits with Assumption College students
“The 2020s are going to provide so much more opportunity. Historically, the odds of going to space were slim. That’s going to change. In your lifetime, people are going to walk on Mars. We’re all going to be amazed.”
21364 Astronaut Jeremy Hansen – Source
“Dependent” is an insightful and thought provoking work of fiction, written with the perspectives gained by the author, former military officer Brenda Corey Dunne – wife of 17829 Tom Dunne.
“When 45-year-old Ellen Michaels loses her husband to a tragic military accident, she is left in a world of gray. For 25 years her life has been dictated by the ubiquitous They—the military establishment that has included her like chattel with John’s worldly goods—his Dependents, Furniture, and Effects. They—who have stolen her hopes, her dreams and her innocence, and now in mere months will take away the roof over her head.
Ellen is left with nothing to hold on to but memories and guilt and an awful secret that has held her in its grip since she was 19. John’s untimely death takes away her anchor, and now, without the military, there is no one to tell her where to go, what to do—no one to dictate who she is. Dependent deals with issues ever-present in today’s service families—early marriage, frequent long absences, the culture of rank, and posttraumatic stress, as well as harassment and abuse of power by higher-ranking officials.
It presents a raw and realistic view of life for the lives of the invisible support behind the uniform.”