
“I have enjoyed every role I’ve held in education…”

Article by 25366 NCdt (IV) Mike Shewfelt

15992 Andre Labrie graduated from the Reserve Entry Training Program at RMC with a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1987. After graduation, he left military life behind and started his career with the Canadian Standards Association (Canadian Welding Bureau) in Toronto. A year later he moved back to Kingston to work for UTDC (Urban Transportation Development Corporation) Lavelin which later became Bombardier. The first year with UTDC he worked in R & D before moving into system integration on the HLVW project (10 ton Military Trucks) where he spent two years. He later went back to Queens for his Teaching degree, following which he worked as a high school physics, math and technology teacher for seven years. His career continued in the educational system as he worked as a High School Vice Principal for two and a half years and Principal for 8 years at Rideau District High School, Frontenac Secondary School, La Salle Secondary School and Bayridge Secondary School. He then became Superintendent of Secondary Program and Safe Schools for the Limestone District School Board and most recently, for the past five years he has been the Superintendent of Human Resources and IT for the Limestone District School Board.

Of his career in education, Mr. Labrie says, “I have enjoyed every role I have held in education. While I very much enjoy my current role it is possible that when I look back on my career after retirement that I might say that the job I most enjoyed was Principal, because as a Principal you are still very much part of the day-to-day action of the school working with students. ”

“What stands out for me from my College days,” he says, “would be the life long friendships, as well as the time spent with the hockey team both on and off the ice. Our trip to Europe and the tour of France and the tournament in Alabama certainly stand out. Our end of year and pre-phase training camping trips to Bon-echo Park will never be forgotten. Second language training and our trip to Quebec city is another memory that stands out. Swimming the Olympic size swimming pool with my buds on the Jump Course in Edmonton and getting compared to just a bunch of “Civy” still brings about a smile. I could go on and on about the great memories of events and people of my RMC years. It sure was a great 4 years.”

Mr. Labrie fondly remembers several members of the College staff, in particular Dr. Wayne Kirk, (photo left) who was a Cival Engineering prof, Dean and Hockey Coach. “He was an amazing man who made a huge difference in many cadets’ lives. He went above and beyond to support cadets both academically, in life and in sports, and he was truely an exceptional man.”

As far as negative memories go, Mr. Labrie says he doesn’t have any. “It is funny how time works. Even the things I recall that were not so pleasant at the time now bring a smile to my face. It really was a time that I would not trade in for anything. It was intense at times but only positive in hind sight.”

“I played four years with the Varsity Hockey team,” says Mr. Labrie. “The highlights of that include 2 Westpoint wins, 2 Airforce wins, beating Notre Dame to make it to the finals in Alabama during the Crimson Tide Tournament hosted by the University of Alabama, and, finally, touring and playing some pro-teams in France as well as the French Military Elite team (who we beat 11 to 1). Multiple road trips with a great bunch of guys were always memorable, as was winning the first ever Carr-Harris Cup against Queens.”


  1. Stephanie Myatt on September 26, 2023 at 5:12 pm

    Congratulations Andre! I’m trying to connect through LinkedIn as Stephanie (Tattersall)Myatt. Please accept, I’d like to chat!

    Stephanie (from Chilliwack, remember?)

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