
Le CMR Saint-Jean évacue ses élèves-officiers


Nouvelles de Saint-Jean/News from Saint-Jean – Sunday 8 May

Quelle semaine! What a week it’s been! La rivière Richelieu continuait à monter et on aurait dit que la pluie ne cesserait jamais.

Plus de 400 maisons furent évacuées, et les élèves officiers du collège durent être évacués jeudi denier pour pouvoir compléter leur routine d’examens plus ou moins tranquillement. The Richelieu continued to rise and there seemed to be no end in sight of the relentless rain. Over 400 homes in Saint-Jean were evacuated and at the College, staff and students wondered what would happen if the water breached the banks. Into this mix was the fact that final exams were set to begin on Wednesday May 4. By Thursday the decision was made that the Cadets had to be evacuated – and the College would be on minimum manning and emergency response was set in motion. Because if the water rose past a certain level, the electricity would have to be shut off as a safety precaution. LCol Ross Ermel, the Cmdt of the Recruit School welcomed the Cadets into the “Mega” and suitable exam locations were set and exam routine picked up again after a one day postponement. In the meantime, Premier Jean Charest called in the military and soon sandbags were visible all along the embankment between the river and the canal. At the College, the river rose and engulfed parts of the college grounds and the Cmdt’s residence. See photo.

Depuis vendredi le soleil est revenu, et la rivière semble s’être stabilisée. All day Friday everyone waited to see if the Richelieu would reach the critical level that would cause a complete shut down of RMC Saint-Jean. But so far, sunny skies seemed to have arrived and it is thought that the river has reached the peak. It is expected that the lowering of the water could take up to 2 weeks. At present there are no plans to postpone the End Year Ceremonies, but there may be a plan to re-locate them. Either way we will keep you all posted throug e-Veritas. Le Cmdt espère ne pas avoir à retarder les cérémonies de fin d’année, mais il peut avoir à les relocaliser. Nous vous tiendrons au courant à travers e-Véritas.

Merci à ceux et celles qui ont envoyé des messages d’appui et de prières. Thanks to everyone who sent messages of support, concern and prayers! It was much appreciated.


M0472 Barbara Maisonneuve


Click on photos for better viewing

Flood 32 C – Taken from the back patio of “Le Vieux Mess”

Flood 35 C – Commandant’s residence

Flood 37 C – Toward sports field – Cmdt`s  driveway visible at far left of photo

Flood 39 C – Sports fields, sandbagged generator


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