To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key.
To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key.
What do you know about the Sky Lancers?
Peitzsche & Snyder Wedding;
Reunion Weekend Recap;
- Out going RMC Club President speaks from the heart;
What’s happening at RMC:
- Five cadets off to India – World Military Games
- Two cadets compete @ Petawawa Ironman;
- Major McLeod Presents “Coin” To Otter I Years;
- GoENG Girl event 13 Oct /Évènement GÉNIal, les filles le 13 oct 07
Catching Up with the news:
- HMCS Toronto to the rescue & more
Manitoba & NW Ontario position available
Where are they now?
- 16905 Clayton CE Smith (RMC ‘89) & Robert Charette;
Ex Cadets In The News
- Nine Ex Cadets bring honour to CF & Canada;
Flashback – 2007 Reunion Weekend
- RMC Professor $$$ Winner
- 10th CDAI Graduate Student Symposium@ RMC 26 / 27 Oct;
- RMC researchers make the news;
We Get e-mails:
- Ex cadet running in his third marathon in honor of the Leukemia and Lymphoma survivors;
Extra Innings:
- Reunion Weekend – Come & Gone.
- Sports results
- And much, much more
Thank you | merci