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To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key.
- RMC Club Business Luncheon – Tuesday, 23 October;
- The 2007 Leadership Dinner 23 November;
- Who is this gentleman – Major Danny McLeod?
- Catching Up With The News;
- Where Are They Now:
6440 Tony Goode (CMR RMC ’65);
8919 Ronald RR Halpin (RRMC RMC ‘71);
11588 Jacques Bonaventure (CMR ’73;
11306 Pierre Rivard (RMC ‘77);
11510 Barry GJ Kennedy (RRMC ‘77);
13789 Darren Rich (RRMC ’83);
17315 Mr Glenn G.D. Coltman (RMC ’90);
17525 Wendy W. Weise (RRMC ‘90);
M0547 Major Damian FW O’Keefe CD, PhD (RRMC ‘92);
19972 Malachi M Nordine (RRMC ‘95);
- Ex Cadets In The News:
22841 Lieutenant Nicolas Forsyth (RMC ‘04);
21381 Captain Lee James Mossop (CMR ‘98);
And many more;
- Flashback:
Impressions of a Class of ‘61 Old Brigader
- Misc:
Pourquoi j’ai joint le Club des CMR;
Tournoi de ballon sur glace;
- Extra Innings
Reunion Weekend – Changes On The Way;
Sports Summary.
And much, much more