
Update: Fan Bus – West Point Hockey Trip – 4 Feb

Registration for the proposed Fan Bus travelling from Kingston to West Point and return 3-5 Feb has been sluggish to date. As of this writing, only eight people have expressed interest.

A requirement exists to confirm numbers for hiring the bus; reserving motel rooms; obtaining game tickets; organizing post game social. All of which requires an upfront financial commitment and a great deal of labour.

Typically fans wait for the last minute to make a commitment which often causes uncertainty for the organizer. We are not interested in this type of scenario.

Consequently, those interested in being part of this trip are advised to make their intentions known prior to 20 Dec – provide coordinates to [email protected] (A $150 advance deposit will likely be requested – details on payment process TBA)

A decision will be made on 20December on whether to proceed with the plan to hire the bus and block book the motel rooms.

A second option may be to obtain tickets for the game; provide details for accommodations; interested individuals would make their own way to and from West Point and their own motel room reservations.

Those seriously interested should let their intentions be known prior to the 20 Dec deadline.

……………………..Previous announcement:…………………….


RMC Club Organizing Trip to West Point 3 – 5 Feb 2012

Initial plans are underway to organize a Fan bus to West Point for the big game 4 Feb. Bus would depart RMC on the Friday morning (3 Feb) and scheduled to arrive back in Kingston on Sunday afternoon.

Depending on interest – package will include:

Bus fare; motel (2 nights) double occupancy; game ticket; post-game social (likely with the RMC team).

At this time exact price is not finalized but will likely be in the $250 – $300 range per person.

Those interested should contact RMC Club by e-mail [email protected]

Advance payment will be expected.

Those seriously interested are advised to make contact early!


Le Club des CMR organise le voyage à West Point, du 3 au 5 février

Les plans préliminaires sont mis en motion afin d’organiser le voyage par autobus pour les amateurs de hockey le 4 février à West Point. Départ du CMR vendredi matin le 3 fév., retour à Kingston le dimanche aprè-midi.

D’après la participation – le tout comprendra:

Trajet par autobus; 2 nuits au motel, occupation double; billet pour la joute; rencontre après-joute (probablement avec l’équipe du CMR).

Pour le moment le prix n’est pas fixé mais sera probablement entre $250 et $300 la personne.

Les intéressés sont priés de contacter le Club des CMR par courriel au [email protected]

Les paiements seront dûs à l’avance.

Ceux qui sont sérieusement intéressés veuillez contacter le Club dès que possible.


In This Issue 47:

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Town Hall @ Two Packed Venues…

Goal: Fresh Look To Determine the Needs & Satisfaction of Ex Cadets

Catching Up With the News…

UTPNCMs: Nuggets Along Side Scarlets for 40 Years

Where are they now?

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

The Week That Was…

2012 Winter Semester – H.Q. and IV Cadets – Get a Taste of Design Challenges

Sports & PPT1 High Scorers

Careers | Carrières; Realtor Partners & Tip of the Hat

Edmonton (19 Dec); VI (27 Dec) & Halifax (28 Dec) Meet & Greets

Victoria Edwards: Did You Know; The Bear & Who Am I

Deaths | Décès

First Year @ RMC–1949: I’m becoming very attached to this place, I’d hate to flunk out


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