
With the 2023-24 Men’s Hockey Season completed and Graduation Activities on the college upcoming we thought it would be a good time to look back at some of the activities of the RMC Hockey Alumni over the past 8 months.

During the 2023-24 season the RMC Hockey Alumni group continued to grow as we welcomed more former players to the group and connected through e-mails, social media and in person events.  We continued to expand our presence not just through re-connecting with former players but connecting with family members of current players and showcasing what it means to be RMC Hockey Alumni.

RMC Hockey Alumni were able to show up and support the team for almost every game this season.  It may have been numbers as small as 1 or 2 at some far flung away games in St. Catherine’s or London/Kitchener or in groups of 40-50 at games in Ottawa or Kingston.  During opening weekend numerous Alumni were in Kingston to see RMC take 3 of a possible 4 points in games against Carleton and Ottawa and then in November upwards of 50 RMC Hockey Alumni and Family saw RMC again take 3 of 4 points in games in Ottawa.

In addition to the RMC Hockey Alumni, we saw RMC Alumni support with the Military Appreciation Night in North Bay against Nippising and at a game in Montreal against McGill where the Chapitre Fort St-Jean organized an evening that saw CMR cadets be the flag party and numerous Alumni in the stands.

The signature event for the RMC Hockey Alumni was the 2nd Annual Pre-Game Reception as part of the 36th Carr-Harris Cup. Over 50 guests attended the event held at the Warf and Feather at the Kingston Holiday Inn Waterfront before they headed over to the Slush Puppy Palace for RMC Paladins Men’s Hockey Action. Guests at the event included families of 10 players on the current roster including 3 sets of parents who flew in from Alberta for the game and RMC Hockey Alumni hosted events. In addition to the families there were over 20 RMC Hockey Alumni who attended as well. These Alumni came in from Toronto, Trenton, Kingston, Perth, Ottawa, Petawawa, Quebec City and Gagetown to meet up and share some stories. RMC Hockey Alumni who were in Kingston on course also took advantage of being in town to attend the event. 

Teams from 1991-92 all the way through to last years 2022-23 team were represented. The 1990’s were represented with RMC Hockey Alumni from every team from 1991-92 all the way through to 2000-02 teams. Coach Richard Lim’s influence on the RMC Hockey Program can be seen through the attendee list as teams that he has been apart of as either a player, Assistant Coach or Head Coach. Every team that Rich was part of from the 2006-07 season up until last years 2022-23 Season had at least one player represented as former teammates and players alike came out. The pre-game event allowed an opportunity for old teammates to catch up, RMC Hockey Alumni to expand relationships across different eras and for families of players to see what the RMC Hockey Program is about and how the RMC Hockey Alumni support both current, future and past players.

As the college prepares for graduation activities, the RMC Hockey Alumni look forward to support the 2023-24 RMC Men’s Hockey Awards and Graduation Banquet in April.  Through ticket sales and donations the RMC Hockey Alumni will raise funds to purchase the Graduation Gifts for the 5 graduating players this year Mitch Larabie, Nicholas Maillot, Will Murray, Christopher Paquette and Marshall Skapski and welcome them officially to the RMC Hockey Alumni.  To order your tickets please click here:  http://weblink.donorperfect.com/HockeyGradBanquet2024

In addition to seeing the RMC Hockey Alumni family continue to grow and engage with the RMC Hockey Program, we are seeing increased involvement in the form of Alumni giving back to a team that is near and dear to their hearts.  Not only are members coming out to support the team at games in Kingston or on the road, we continue to see generous donations of time, effort and money directly to the RMC Hockey Program.  This year the team is looking for $23,000 in support for the following items/activities:  In Game Video System, team jackets and apparel, Year end banquet and grad gifts, and other Hockey Alumni event support.  Your continued support is appreciated.  Please consider donating here:  https://www.rmcalumni.ca/en/donate-today/athletics/hockey/

Hope to see you at the next RMC Hockey Alumni event in 2025, details coming soon.

Wayne Green
President RMC Hockey Alumni Association
Class of 1997
RMC Hockey 1994-97
Donate – https://www.rmcalumni.ca/en/donate-today/athletics/hockey/

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