New System, New Rules, Stronger Leaders
By OCdt (III) Ian Douglas Ferrier, 27144
RMCC is entrenched with a history of excellence and a long line of traditions that enhance the training of the Cadets. This year, the College Team has introduced a new model of excellence called the Leadership Level Progression Model. It aims to enhance the training of Cadets through incentives that ensure all graduates are prepared for their future careers as leaders.
The new progression model includes benchmarks in each of the four pillars that need to be meet in order to advance from first to fourth year and the corresponding privileges of responsibility and dress standards. The new model can be found at the end of this article, with the corresponding dress standards.
Cadets are already adapting to the model, working hard to maintain and improve PPT Scores for the upcoming test this coming week. The atmosphere of the college has suddenly become more professional as Cadets dress like professionals and take on the challenge of displaying superior conduct both on and off duty. While there is always resistant to change, it appears Cadets are taking the changes in stride.
What do you think the effect of these changes will have on the College? Have your say below in the comments:
Daily Civilian Dress
The following civilian orders of dress are to be worn when leaving the dormitories if not in uniform or RMC PT dress. Applicable to all civilian dress: shirts and blouses must be buttoned to second button from top and must have sleeves that cover the shoulders (cap sleeves).
Leadership Level 1: All LL1 OCdts must wear the RMC uniform #4 when out of regular dress of the day. The uniform shall be worn with the wedge, oxfords, and without gaiters.
Leadership Level 2: All LL2 OCdts shall wear a civilian suit jacket and tie, a dress shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes when out of RMC dress of the day. When in the CDH, or Cadet Mess, LL2 OCdts are permitted to wear a dress shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes without jacket and tie.
When on campus outside of duty hours, a LL2 OCdt may also wear the equivalent RMC uniform dress (i.e. #5’s).
Leadership Level 3: All LL3 OCdts shall wear a casual button down shirt with collar, casual pants (no jeans), and casual shoes. A sweater may be worn but the shirt collar must be visible. Knee length walking shorts may also be worn.
Leadership Level 4: All LL4 OCdts shall wear, as a minimum, a golf or polo type shirt with a collar, non-ripped jeans, and casual shoes. Tasteful dress sweaters (no hood) and casual knee length walking shorts are also acceptable.
An OCdt can dress to any LL below their current LL, but not above. The privileges are cumulative, and the standards must be adhered to. See the section on “unacceptable items” for more dress specifications.
Leadership Level 1: All LL1 OCdts must wear the RMC uniform #4 when out of regular dress of the day. The uniform shall be worn with the wedge, oxfords, and without gaiters.
Leadership Level 2: All LL2 OCdts shall wear a civilian suit jacket, a dress shirt or blouse, dress pants or knee length skirt, and dress shoes when out of RMC dress of the day. When in the CDH, LL2 OCdts are permitted to wear a dress shirt or blouse, dress pants, and dress shoes without a jacket. In all cases, high heel shoes are permitted but are not to exceed 3 inches, and must be closed-toe when in the CDH. All blouses and shirts must, at a minimum, have capped sleeves.
Leadership Level 3: All LL3 OCdts shall wear a casual button down shirt with collar or a blouse, casual pants (no jeans), and casual shoes. A sweater (no hood) may be worn but the collar must be visible. If a dress is worn, the shoulders must be covered and the dress must not be shorter than the persons finger tips when arms are extended downwards. Walking shorts may be worn if not shorter than knee length.
Leadership Level 4: All LL4 OCdts shall wear, as a minimum, a golf or polo type shirt with a collar, non-ripped jeans, and casual shoes. Blouses covering the shoulders, tasteful dress sweaters (no hood) and knee length walking shorts are also acceptable.
An OCdt can dress to any LL below their current LL, but not above. The privileges are cumulative, and the standards must be adhered to. See the section on “unacceptable items” for more dress specifications.
If an OCdt is attending a formal function, and Scarlets are not required, gowns are acceptable.
- Any clothing that is visibly dirty, stained, ripped or imbued with sweat;
- Any item displaying political slogans or offensive writing or designs;
- Plastic shower style sandals or flip flops without closed backs. Even with closed backs, “crocs” are not acceptable;
- Skate boarding shoes or athletic shoes when not in PT (except with a medical chit);
- Skirts/dresses shorter than or with a slit extending higher than mid-thigh;
- Coverall or pyjamas, ball caps, and hoodies (when not in PT);
- T-shirts, tank tops, and muscle shirts;
- Shirts/blouses must be tucked into pants unless specifically designed to be worn over pants.
- An OCdt shall wear RMC PT gear when conducting PT during duty hours (0800-1630) and at all other RMC activities. They may wear civilian PT outside of duty hours, so long as the standard remains, at a minimum, a T-shirt (no muscle shirts) with knee length sports shorts.
- After duty, an OCdt may also wear PT gear if intending to work on academics (in the computer lab for example) for a prolonged period of time surpassing the normal study hours.
- Tracksuits are MANDATORY for varsity athletes eating in the CDH during varsity hours.
- If a sport calls for sports attire that is below the specified minimums (above), an OCdt must ensure to be properly dressed when transitioning to and from the area of play.
- Reflective belts are to be worn whenever outside in PT Dress. This applies to both RMC and civilian PT. Furthermore, OCdts shall run from point A to point B at ALL TIMES while outside in PT.