Military Wednesday/Mercredi militaire
Exercice leadership conquérant
CMR Fencing Victory
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Military Wednesday/Mercredi militaire
Article by Ocdt Perigo and Ocdt Petit/Article par Élof Perigo et Élof Petit
This past Wednesday the Ocdt’s spent the morning preparing for the upcoming weekend in Farnham for Ex Leadership Conquerant. The focus of this morning was to educate the Ocdt’s with the essential skills needed in navigation and topography. The cadets learnt how to correctly interpret maps, locate areas using a coordinate system, how to use a compass correctly, and the importance of magnetic decline. They also had the privilege of listening to an interesting and informative presentation on the Ukraine Armed Forces by our Ukrainian MTCP’s.
This morning’s training included classes by Captain Chamberland on each of these subject areas to the whole Cadet Wing. Later on, each individual squadron was given time to split into smaller sections and work on exercises designed to further solidify their topography skills that they had just learnt. The reason that the cadets were learning about topography was to ensure their readiness for the Navigation Exercises they will encounter in Farnham this weekend during Ex Leadership Conquerant.
Mercredi militaire
Ce dernier mercredi, les élèves-officiers ont passé tout l’avant-midi à se préparer pour la fin de semaine qui arrive à Farnham pour l’EX Leadership Conquérant. L’accent de ce matin était d’éduquer les élèves-officiers aux habiletés essentielles dont ils auront besoin dans la navigation et la topographie. Les Élofs ont appris à interpréter correctement les cartes, à localiser les régions en utilisant un système de coordination. Ils ont aussi appris à utiliser un compas de la bonne façon et à constater l’importance de la déclinaison magnétique. De plus, ils ont eu le privilège d’écouter une intéressante et informative présentation sur les forces armées ukrainiennes, donné par nos MTCP’s ukrainiens.
L’entraînement de ce matin incluait des classes données par la Capitaine Chamberland sur chacun des précédents sujets. Plus tard, chaque escadron a reçu du temps pour se diviser en sections pour travailler sur des exercices désignés pour solidifier les trucs topographiques qu’ils venaient juste de recevoir. La raison des cours de topographie était d’assurer leur rapidité pour l’activité de navigation qu’ils vont rencontrer à Farnham cette fin de semaine durant l’exercice Ex Leadership Conquérant.
Exercice leadership conquérant
Par: Aspm Alison Demers, escadron Tracy
L’escadron Tracy a quitté le Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean le 23 octobre 2015 au soir en direction de la base militaire de Farnham. Les élèves-officiers ont effectué l’exercice « Leadership conquérant» pour une durée totale de deux jours.
Les activités de topographie, de routine de bivouac, le champ de tir, les patrouilles de reconnaissance la nuit, le camouflage et plusieurs autres encore ont été un franc succès auprès des élèves-officiers. L’escadron Tracy s’est donné à cœur joie durant cette fin de semaine intense physiquement et mentalement. Malgré la pluie, ils ont su accomplir avec efficacité toutes les tâches leurs étant attribuées. Cette formation a aussi donné la chance aux élof de première année de diriger leur escadron dans un contexte de manœuvres en campagne.
Finalement, cette activité fut grandement appréciée par le Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean. Cette formation de manœuvre en campagne s’inscrit dans les piliers militaires du collège et avait pour but de tester la résilience des élèves-officiers.
CMR Fencing Victory
An article by Ocdt Mujtaba
On October 18, 22 Officer Cadets of the Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean competed in a Fencing tournament hosted in Troy, New York. For most Officer Cadets, this was their first experience going to a fencing tournament. However, they did not let this lack of experience undermine the countless amount of hours they spent preparing and practicing for this occasion. They showed their determination at the tournament by winning first, second, and third place.
It is a great honour to announce that OCdt Kim placed first, OCdt Ramsperger placed second, and OCdt Bédard placed third in the junior division of the tournament. The junior division was open to all amateur fencers who had less than one year of experience. There were over 30 participants competing in this division. Most of the OCdts who competed were placed in this division as they had only started learning to fence one month ago. The tournament had exciting moments: it was the semi-finals and OCdt Kim (forth seed) was up against the first seed while OCdt Ramsperger (third seed) was up against OCdt Bédard (second seed). OCdt Kim was down 7 points with the score being 12-5 in his opponent’s favour. At that time, he received some advice from one of his coaches, Irene Malmström, and was able to turn out on top with the score at 15-14.
It was a magnificent victory on his part but he still had one more match to go. OCdt Ramsperger had a close game with OCdt Bédard and was able to beat him 15-12. It was the tournament finals and this was the match that determines who is the better fencer.
The match started with OCdt Ramsperger taking a 2 point lead and maintaining it. The score was 8-6 in OCdt Ramsperger’s favour with only 3 minutes to go. At this time, OCdt Kim started to fence more aggressively. He was able to overcome the 2 point gap lead OCdt Ramsperger maintained and gained the lead.
The score was 12-12 and the match could have gone either way. OCdt Kim advanced with caution when unexpectedly OCdt Ramsperger lunged. With precise accuracy, OCdt Kim parried and lunged. OCdt Ramsperger had no time to react; the green light lit up signifying that OCdt Kim had made contact. “Attaque-parade-riposte-touche”, said the judge while all of CMR is cheered for OCdt Kim’s magnificent victory.
This competition was a wonderful experience for all the OCdts who participated. They entered the tournament full of determination and left with a sense of satisfaction. This tournament applies to the athletics pillar of the school, which is one of the four main pillars.
Each OCdt must join a sports team to work on this pillar to achieve the athletic standard of being an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. Their display of sportsmanship and perseverance at the tournament showed their progression in the athletics pillar.
An honourable mention goes to OCdt Friedman who was the only OCdt that participated in the senior division and showed commendable effort. Another honourable mention goes to all the coaches/staff who came in and coached them for the past month: coach Serge Thiffault, coach Olivier Guillet and coach Irene Malmström. Without their coaching, the OCdts would not have been able to play as they did. The next fencing tournament will be hosted by CMR in the middle of November and the OCdts are prepared to show their determination again.
More Fencing Pictures can be found here