OCdts. On Parade



An RMC Summer – SLT plays some Volleyball

By: 25892 Meghan Thompson

Despite being busy with studies, the summer sun has been calling RMC cadets out of their class rooms and out of their dorms to take advantage of the great weather. RMC cadets have been in the water, on the water, in the sand and on the soccer field. From swimming, windsurfing and kayaking, to soccer, football, and, of course, beach volley ball, opportunities for summer fun have not been wasted. In fact, after classed on Thursday, July 7, the beach volleyball courts were even more crowded than usual, as RMC ramped up for a beach volley ball tournament.

Two weeks ago, eight teams of OCdts, some pre-assigned and others created on the spot, met to compete in a beach volleyball tournament organized by OCdt Ragetli, the CSSO for SLT this summer, and OCdt Arzoz, one of the most dedicated beach volleyball players this summer. A tournament that RMC cadets at the college were invited to participate in, and Military Wing staff were invited to attend, it showcased the skills of some of the summer’s strongest players, and even encouraged many of those who were less experienced to get involved. Although a scheduling conflict meant that it wasn’t staff but other RMC cadets in the stands, the tournament was still a success.

Organized as a seven-game, elimination style tournament, the competition required that each team win their match in order to progress. The first qualifying rounds saw the elimination of Teams 1, 5, 3 and 8, allowing Teams 2, 4, 6, and 7 to move on to the semi-finals. The final, determining match of the tournament came down to a game that pitted Team 2, with OCdts Alshek, Richmond, Hawn, Wonchala and White, against Team 7, made up of OCdts Ungeitis, Rathbone, Pynn, Braidwood and Ingram . With strong players on both teams, the final match offered a chance for them to shine. Eventually winning 25-20, Team 2 walked away as the top team of the tournament.

Although the tournament came to an end, the games of beach volley ball and other summer activities have not. As summer training wraps up, RMC cadets have been making the best of the time remaining by getting out on the water and the field. With a soccer match held just earlier this week, and the pier bustling with cadets anxious to cool off in the lake almost every day, the summer here at RMC hasn’t stopped offering opportunities, and RMC cadets haven’t stopped taking advantage of them.


On Friday, July 22nd, there was a barbecue for the SLT students hosted by the Director of Cadets, LCol Susan Wigg, the Division Commanders, Major Anick Chayer and LCdr Roman Antoniewicz and the Division Warrant Officers – Warrant Officer Pat Harpelle and Petty Officer First Class Tony Poirier who donned their aprons to serve up lunch for the Cadets.  (Photos by Cynthia Kent)

Que l’entraînement de la deuxième langue à Kingston se rapproche de la fin et les gens se préparent pour les examens, un barbecue a été organisé pour marquer l’occasion cette vendredi le 22 juillet. Le barbecue a eu une grande participation, avec beaucoup de personnes de l’escadre cadet et l’escadre militaire, par exemple le DÉlof, le Sergent Major, le Major de division de l’entraînement de la deuxième langue, le Commandant d’escadron de l’entraînement de la deuxième langue et un nombre d’autres membres de l’escadre militaire. L’adjudant de l’entraînement de la deuxième langue, adjudant Harpelle, était la force en arrière le barbecue, en faisant la majorité de l’organisation. Le barbecue a été une occasion pour les cadets à parler avec l’escadre militaire individuellement dans leur langue seconde. Il est évident les cadets veulent devenir bilingues parce que les professeurs ont dit que l’effort et la participation étaient le meilleur dans quelques années. Il était un plaisir pour moi de diriger la formation de l’entraînement de la deuxième langue cet été. Je veux remercier les professeurs pour leur travail cet été. Les examens oraux vont commencer cette semaine et les examens compréhension et écrit vont commencer la semaine suivante. Bonne chance à tous les cadets avec leurs examens à venir.

OCdt Aaron Barry 25484


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