The Search Continues…

Record/Register a Military Memorial – The Search Continues…

Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003)

Do you know of any military memorials which are not yet contained in the records of National Inventory of Military Memorials? Do you know the story behind a Canadian military memorial? Information on all memorials, monuments, cairns, plaques, fountains and dedicated stained glass windows is welcome no matter what their condition. With your help, the Department of National Defence’s Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH) and the Organization of Military Museums of Canada (OMMC) hopes to continue the search for military memorials from across the country.

Memorials on the DHH website associated with the Royal Military College of Canada include:

• 35036-012 Provincial Military Plaque -Point Frederick erected in 1982

• 35036-009 Provincial Military Plaque – Royal Military College of Canada erected by the Ontario Heritage Foundation, Ministry of Culture and Recreation

• 35036-010 Provincial Military Plaque – The Stone Frigate erected in 1957.

• 35036-019 Memorial Arch dedicated to the ex-cadets of the Royal Military College. It was erected by the RMC Club.

• 35036-023 The Girouard building was named after Major-General Sir E. Percy C. Girouard on 7 February 1976

• 35036-026 A willow tree was dedicated to 17333 Officer Cadet Kelly R. Gawne, who died in a demolitions training accident at Slesse Range on June 20, 1988.  (Site under construction)

Memorials on the DHH associated with the Royal Military College St. Jean include:

• 24063-009 A granite slab erected on 1st December 1945 is dedicated to the officers, non-commissioned officers and men of No. 48 Canadian Infantry (Basic) Training unit who died during the Second World War.

• 24063-005 A stone shaft was erected on 26 September 1964 to commemorate the founding of the 22e Battalion (French-Canadian).

• 24063-024 A metal plaque commemorates Fort St Jean

• 24063-008 A bronze plaque on a slab commemorating Fort Saint-Jean was erected by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada in 1926 and replaced in 1980.

• 24063-018 – A plaque on a granite slab is dedicated to former Sergeant-Majors of the Collège Militaire Royal de Saint-Jean.

Connaissez-vous l’histoire qui se cache derrière l’un de ces mèmoriaux militaires? Si oui, nous vous invitons à remplir la fiche d’information qui suit. Nous avons besoin de vos connaissances pour continuer à inscrire de nouveaux mémoriaux – ainsi que des renseignements sur leur emplacement et leur histoire – dans notre base de données. En répondant aux questions que contient cette fiche, vous contribuerez non seulement à célébrer le patrimoine militaire du Canada, mais également à nous aider à en assurer la préservation. Toute information sur ces m´moriaux – monuments, tumulus, plaques, fontaines ou vitraux – sera la bienvenue, quel que soit l’état de ces objets. Grâce à votre aide, la Direction – Histoire et patrimoine (DHP) du ministère de la Défense nationale et l’Organisation des musèes militaires du Canada (OMMC) espèrent pouvoir poursuivre leurs recherches sur les mèmoriaux militaires partout au Canada. Veuillez noter que les cimetières constituent un hommage important *à nos militaires dèfunts. Ils ont cependant été répertoriés par le Fonds du Souvenir et ne font donc pas partie de ce projet. Si vous avez des suggestions à faire au sujet de l’Inventaire national des mémoriaux militaires canadiens, veuillez imprimer le formulaire ci-dessous.

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