1. The Tommy Smart Cup. Given by his classmates, The Class of 1927, in memory of Gentleman Cadet Thomas William Smart who was killed in a sports activity at RMC on 12 October 1926. What sport?
a) boxing;
b) football;
c) rugby;
d) hockey
2. Kevin Dulude won the Tommy Smart Cup a total of four times.
a) The Cup is awarded annually to the best all round male athlete during the current College year.
b) The Cup is awarded annually to the best all round male cadet during the current College year.
c) The cup is awarded annually to a male cadet in recognition of athletic performance and excellence in the four Components throughout the current College year.
d) The cup is awarded annually to a male athlete in recognition of athletic performance and excellence in the four Components throughout the current College year.
3. The following cadet won it three times.
a) WR Scott;
b) Paul Hungler;
c) John Czich;
d) HA Cunningham
4. The Kelly Gawne Memorial Cup, instituted in 1989, in memory of Cadet Kelly Gawne who lost her life as result of an accident in 1988. What type of accident?
a) sports accident at RMC;
b) summer training accident;
c) car accident;
d) aircraft accident
5. Who won The Kelly Gawne Memorial Cup three times?
a) Marilyne Lafortune;
b) Jennifer Donofrio;
c) Claire Bramma;
d) Sharon Donnelly
6. For three years in a row three different athletes from the same sport won the The Kelly Gawne Memorial Cup. What was the sport?
a) soccer;
b) fencing;
c) taekwondo;
d) cross country running
Answers: (caption on picture.)
1. b)
2. a)
3. a)
4. b)
5. c)
6. b)