
Ed: We do our best with our limited resources, including manpower to cover as many RMCC & RMCSJ events as possible. We rely greatly on the person(s) in charge to provide heads-up time and a post event short writeup. At RMCC we can usually (not always) cover the event with a camera. At RMCSJ we rely on photos & articles be sent to us in a timely manner.

Two Officers from Sweden Visit RMCC

The RMCC had the pleasure of hosting two officers from Sweden the 10 and 11 October 2013. These two officers from the Pansarbataljon of the Norrbottens Regemente came to visit RMCC in order to learn about the training and educations our OCdts receive. Indeed the changes the Swedish Army experiences with its transition from a conscript to a professional army motivated these two officers to learn from the Canadian Armed Forces. On the picture, LCol Sylvain Beauséjour, Associate Vice-Principal Academic and Coordinator for International Engagement receives, on behalf of the Commandant, a regimental flag from Capt Mats Johansson and a regimental plaque from Capt Fredrick Lindgren.

Le CMRC a eu le plaisir d’accueillir deux officiers de la Suède les 10 et 11 octobre 2013. Ces deux officiers de la Pansarbataljon du Norrbottens Regemente ont visité le CMRC pour en apprendre davantage sur la formation et l’éducation que nos élèves-officiers reçoivent. En effet, les changements subits par l’armée suédoise avec sa transition d’une armée de conscription à une armée professionnelle a motivé ces deux officiers à apprendre des Forces armées canadiennes. Sur la photo, le lcol Sylvain Beauséjour, vice-principal associé (académique) et coordonnateur pour l’engagement international reçoit, au nom du Commandant, un drapeau régimentaire du capt Mats Johansson et une plaque régimentaire du Capt Fredrick Lindgren.


“L’Italie des années de plomb (1960-1980) :Une démocratie face au défi terroriste”

Par, Jean-Noël Grandhomme – Professeur au département d’histoire de l’Université de Strasbourg, France

Institut d’histoire contemporaine


“Food Security and Implications for Canada”

LCol Patrick O’Halloran conference sponsored by Department of Political Science.




Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Research Seminar

Speaker: Dr. Stéphane Moreau, PhD, Full Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering – University of Sherbrooke


(Click on photos for better view)

RMC Saint-Jean hosted the academic symposium for the centennial of the Royal 22e Regiment on 17-18 October.

Colloque academique du centenaire du Royal 22e Regiment – Le R22eR sur tous les fronts 17-18 oct 2013, College Militaire Royal Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu.

The art display during the academic symposium for the centennial of the Royal 22nd Regiment included a number of statuettes by Col (Ret) Andre Gauthier. The statuettes, which are part of the Andre Gauthier collection at the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston, Ontario were loaned to Royal Military College Saint-Jean for the event along with a video showing the artist sculpting.

This Royal 22e Regiment coin was given to presenters at the academic symposium for the centennial of the R22eR. The symposium was held at the Royal Military College Saint-Jean 17-18 October, 2013.

“The Van Doos” by Serge Bernier, translated by Major General Terry Liston (Ret) was released by Les Editions GID during the Royal 22e Regiment Centennial, 2013.

Canada Post released a R22eR envelope.

Presenters with links to the Canadian Military Colleges included:

*LGen (Ret) Michel Maisonneuve; Col Jennie Carignan, Commandant RMC Saint Jean, introduction & welcome;

*BGen (Ret) Richard Giguere & MGen (Ret) Alain Forand, opening ceremonies & presentation on role of R22eR president & Col of R22eR

*Marc Imbeault, professor at RMC Saint Jean & MGen (Ret) Terry Liston, on the foundation of R22eR in context of Canadian history

*LGen Marquis Hainse, Army Commander on future & challenges of R22eR in Canadian Army

*LCol Steve Jourdain, My Afghanistan

*Serge Bernier, former prof at RMC Kingston, origin & creation of R22eR

*LGen (Ret) Richard Evraire, on R22eR’s service for the UN 1951-1995

*E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003), on commemorative art of R22eR

*Jacques Castonguay, creation of 22e Bataillon in Saint-Jean

*Marc Imbeault, R22eR at the heart of the nation

*Janine Krieber, prof RMC Saint-Jean, transformation of war & legitimation of combat

The art display, which complemented E3161 Victoria Edwards’ talk on commemorative R22eR art included a number of statuettes from the Andre Gauthier collection at RMCC Kingston, which were on loan to RMC Saint-Jean for the event.

Serge Bernier, ex-cadet and former professor at RMC Kingston, released his book “The Van Doos”, Les Editions GID, 2013.

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