
Convocation 2012:

Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence, Senator Day, Major-General Forgues, Dr. Sokolsky, Mr. Mozetich, Dr. Haycock, Dr. Barrett (all three recipients of an Honourary Degree), former Commandants and Principal, Reverend Clergy, Defense attachés, Senior Officers, Faculty and Staff, Members of the Old Brigade, Ex-Cadet Club and the Foundation, Family and Friends, Graduates,

I am very honoured and feel privileged to be the Commandant of a national institution working with our national treasure, the men and women of RMCC.

Officers Well Educated, des officiers bien éduqués est la raison d’être principale du Collège militaire royal du Canada.

As a national institution, we are proud to celebrate 136 years of excellence brought by the commitment of the military trainers and mentors, the academic excellence by the members of the faculty, and the efforts of the Athletic department to enhance fitness and to develop lifetime physical skills and habits.

Le programme du CMRC est chargé et demande un effort soutenu de plus de 48 mois. Somme toute, les parties intégrales du programme telles que l’entraînement militaire, un curriculum académique élargie, le plan d’entraînement sportif ainsi que le volet bilinguisme contribuent à enrichir le caractère et le savoir des élèves-officiers.

De toute évidence, ces diverses parties, qui vont bien au-délà de toutes autres universités, sont incluses afin de déveloper l’esprit critique, l’art du commandement, les techniques de communication, le sens organisationel incluant une familiarisation et dans certain cas une compréhension de la profession des armes et de son ethos pariculièrement chez les élèves-officiers qui ont eu l’opportunité de commander au sein de l’escadre.

On more than one occasion, your sons and daughters have been challenged and pushed out of their zone of comfort. Ultimately they had to adapt, to face the unknown in order to succeed. They certainly gained my admiration and I am sure that every single parent here today is proud of their accomplishments.

That excellence for which RMCC is known at home and abroad and amongst the other military academies around the world is also brought to bear by the actions of our Ex-Cadets, in the field, on operations or at home helping Canadians. These officers continue today to make history. Your sons and daughters are ready to march in the footsteps of more than 25,000 officer cadets who have led the way since 1876 and continue to do so today.

RMCC is also Canada’s Security and Defence University. Beyond the residential program for our under-graduates or, “red coats”, represented here today with the Class of 2012 – let’s hear you… RMCC also offers an education to officers, Non-Commissioned Members and civilians.

With all these different perspectives, about who we are and what we do, we are proud today, to have one of our largest graduations ever with 294 under-graduates and 60 post-graduates including 7 PhDs for a total of 354. Yes, we will be sitting for a while!

Cet effort et l’engagement de la part de touts nos diplomés civils et militaires méritent notre admiration. Le savoir acquis est sur un premier plan un investissement personnel. Par contre, la conséquence de ce savoir est importante pour notre société. Qui sait ce que sera le futur de nos diplomés? Ce que sera leur contribution? Qui sait?

I can’t wait to follow your endeavours in E-Veritas and from time to time, to meet during the Ex-Cadets weekend. I encourage you all to participate in the reunions…. once you have overcome your departure…

I would like to mention that we also have 5 Chief Warrant Officers getting their certificates of General Military Studies. Chiefs, my most sincere congratulations. You all deserve it. I know that this adventure has opened some new opportunities and in some ways challenged you one more time on a unique path.

Moreover, today, we also have commissioned officers graduating with a post-graduate degree. It takes a lot of determination and motivation to study as mature students, particularly for some, when you also have a family to take care of.

Votre effort est noté. Le reste de votre carrière professionelle sera enrichie par ces nouvelles connaissances et surtout ces nouvelles perspectives. Je vous encourage à continuer votre cheminement et poursuivre la poursuite de l’excellence.

Lastly, over the last year, I had the opportunity to meet some of the civilians graduating today. I hope that you will have fond memories of RMCC. I wish you all outstanding careers in the field that you have selected. I know that you will remember your stay, cherish the new friendships acquired along the way and perhaps you have developed a new perspective on RMCC and the Canadian Forces.

Members of the Training Wing, Academic Wing, the Athletic Department and Support Wing, my most sincere thanks on behalf of our graduates. Membres de l’escadre de l’entraînement, de la faculté, du département des sports et de l’escadre de soutien, mes plus sincères remerciements pour votre dévouement, mentorship et soutien au nom de l’escadre des élèves-officiers.

In conclusion, the last page of a chapter has been turned and another one begins. I wish you all a great journey. Remain committed to learning, to your values and your understanding of your professional ethos. Do not compromise on what right looks like, use your knowledge wisely, remain balanced, aim for the top of the mountain, help others, lead the way and remember to be proud, but humble. Fier mais humble!

Vérité, Devoir, Vaillance


Commissioning Parade 2012:

The Honorable Senator Day, General Natynczyk, Chief of Defence Staff, Dr. Ted Hsu, member of Parliament for Kingston and the Islands, VAdm Maddison, Commander of the RCN, LGen Devlin, Commander of the Canadian Army, MGen Blondin, Deputy Comd of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Mr. Peter Milliken, Former Speaker of the House, Major General Forgues, General and Flag Officers, Dr. Sokolsky, Dr. Barrett, Honourary Degree recipient, former Commandants and Principal, Reverend Clergy, Defense attachés, Senior Officers, Faculty and Staff, Executives and Members of the Old Brigade, Ex-Cadet Club and the Foundation, Family and Friends, Graduates,

Officers Well Educated, des officiers bien éduqués est la raison d’être principale du Collège militaire royal du Canada.

As a national institution, RMCC is proud to celebrate 136 years of excellence and to showcase here today the Class of 2012 and the Cadet Wing. Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me in congratulating our graduating class.

The Class of 2012, saw many changes over the last four years. In fact, I know that it will become one of their “war stories” as they meet at RMCC during their class reunions. The first Class to again wear the traditional College uniform as their dress of the day like it had been for almost a century. This year also had some changes with the military training plan. The leaders of the Class had the privilege to lead and execute change. I am sure that the complex mathematic formula 2+1+1 … and a 0600 hrs reveille will come to mind.

The RMCC program is quite an accomplishment, because it demands a sustained effort over 48 months. The integral components of the program such as the military mentor-ship and training, an expanded academic curriculum, a rigorous athletic training plan as well as a bilingualism curriculum all contribute to enhance and build the OCdts’ character.

These components, all help to develop critical thinking, the art of leadership, enhance communication techniques, inculcate the organisational knowledge including a better understanding of the profession of arms and its ethos.

Afin que ces changements puissent se matérialiser, il a fallu nous assurer de communiquer les raisons et guider la réflexion personnelle et de groupe. Je sais que l’escadre des élèves-officiers est maintenant beaucoup plus intégrée et responsable face à leur devoir d’apprentissage des attributs professionels. Je peux compter sur la classe de 2013 afin de prendre la relève et continuer sur la même trajectoire. Je sais que pour cette prochaine classe diplomés, le retour au bercail au sein de nos murs est significatif. Néanmoins, je sais que votre leadership et mentorat aménera une énergie positive et que l’escadre au complet en profitera. En ce qui à trait à la classe de 2014 et 2015, felicitations pour une autre année complétée. I am sure that the Class of 2015 is looking forward to the arrival of the Class of 2016…

When you look over the last year, and realize the number of activities that were accomplished, it is astonishing. Clearly we are more than just a university with a difference. Every week, we had many extra-curricular activities that offered another perspective about life and our profession. I have been thrilled to read E-Veritas every week. Thanks to Bill and Rolande Oliver, and their team for their effort and dedication.

Tel que j’ai discuté, avec la classe de 2012, votre boîte à outils, est pleine. Le temps est venue de faire vos aurevoirs. Vous êtes prêt à affronter les défis qui seront semés sur votre route par le destin. Ayez pleinement confiance en vos capacités car vous avez démontré le savoir faire pour devenir des excellents officiers. Lorsque le destin se pointera et que des obstacles seront devant vous, réfléchissez, demander conseil, analyser à nouveau et foncer. Do what is right the rightway.

I would like to thank the General Officers and Commanders who took the time to come to the College and share their knowledge with our Officer Cadets during the Commandant’s Professional Development Series this past year. Service Commanders, thank you for your presence and understanding during the military occupation weekend. Your enthusiasm and dedication to your future leaders is appreciated.

Le mentorat de l’escadre des élèves-officiers a été admirablement executé par les membres de l’escadre de l’entraînement. Les mentors officiers et sous-officiers ont su conseiller et guider le personnel clé de l’escadre. Special thanks to our departing DCdts. Sue, thanks, for your passion and love of the institution.

In conclusion, I wish you all a great journey. Remain committed to learning, to your values and your understanding of your professional ethos. Do not compromise on what right looks like, use your knowledge wisely, aim for the top of the mountain, help others along the way, support your subordinates and remember to be proud, but humble.

Truth, Duty, Valour


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