MASc Thesis Oral Examination
Soutenance de thèse de maîtrise
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique
20654 LCdr Dany Ouellet
Supervisors/Superviseurs: Dr. Alain Beaulieu and Dr. Sidney Givigi
Time/Heure: 1130hrs/1130am
Tuesday/ Mardi 29 March/mars 2011
Location / Endroit Swing Space 5119
Control of Swarms of Autonomous Robots Using Model-Driven Development: A State-Based Approach
Unmanned systems are becoming increasingly pervasive in military and civilian applications. A natural progression is to bestow autonomy upon these vehicles. In this case, the resultant robots must be able to deal with unexpected circumstances on their own and, more importantly, in real-time. In this thesis, we focus on swarms of robots, defined as the capability of robots to keep close to each other without colliding with neighbours and obstacles. We start by modeling and simulating a possible swarm solution in MathWorks® Matlab™ and, then, moving on to change the algorithm in such a way that a controller written as a Finite State Machine may be derived. We then use IBM® Rational Rose Real-Time™ to implement such a controller in emulation following the formalism of Model-Driven Development. Both model behaviours are then compared to validate their similarity.
Le contrôle d’essaims de robots à l’aide du développement dirigé par les modèles: Une approche basée sur les états
Les systèmes non-habités sont de plus en plus omniprésents dans les applications militaires et civiles. Une progression naturelle est d’accorder l’autonomie à ces véhicules. Dans ce cas, les robots résultants doivent être en mesure de faire face à des situations imprévues d’eux-mêmes et, surtout, en temps réel. Dans ce mémoire de thèse, nous mettons l’accent sur des essaims de robots, définie comme la capacité des robots à demeurer près des autres sans entrer en collision avec les voisins et les obstacles. Nous commençons par la modélisation et la simulation d’une possible solution générée avec MathWorks® Matlab™, puis nous modifions ensuite l’algorithme de telle manière à ce qu’un contrôleur écrit comme une machine à états finis puisse être dérivé. Nous utilisons ensuite IBM® Rational Rose Real-Time™ pour mettre en œuvre un tel contrôleur en émulation suivant le formalisme du développement dirigé par les modèles. Ces deux modèles comportementaux sont ensuite comparés afin de valider leur similitude.
Chalk one up!
23855 Lt Bianca Einsfeld, an air navigator with 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron, points to the submarine silhouette painted on the CH-124 Sea King helicopter signifying an “exercise submarine kill” during a US Navy submarine commanders’ course. Lt Einsfeld is currently posted to the helicopter detachment assigned to HMCS Vancouver, which participated in an under-surface warfare exercise with US Navy submarines off the Hawaiian Islands February 12–21. Source
Caption: 13846 LCol Kevin Bryski, Commanding Officer 76 Communication Group was among recent recipients on appointments to the Order of Military Merit (Officer level).
Governor General invests 56 individuals into the Order of Military Merit
His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, presided over an Order of Military Merit investiture ceremony at Rideau Hall, on March 11. The Governor General, who is chancellor of the Order, bestowed the honour on two Commanders, 13 Officers and 41 Members, including several Air Force personnel.
The Order of Military Merit was created in 1972 to recognize meritorious service and devotion to duty by members of the Canadian Forces. The Order has three levels of membership: Commander (C.M.M.), Officer (O.M.M.) and Member (M.M.M.). See the complete list and the entire article here
Mail call: Indian Ocean!
By 22057 Major Bob Mitchell
As a navigator on the CP-140 Aurora, I was quite surprised when I was asked to be the air liaison officer for Combined Task Force 151, which is a multinational task force tasked with fighting piracy in the Indian Ocean. More specifically, the position, which falls under the umbrella of Operation Saiph, would involve deploying on a British frigate and working directly for Commodore Abdul Aleem of the Pakistan Navy.
Fighting pirates seemed like an interesting concept and, I have to be honest, when I boarded Her Majesty’s Ship Cornwall to begin my deployment, I had no idea how big a problem piracy was in this part of the world. I don’t think I was expecting to see a sailing ship flying the Jolly Roger, with a pirate with a wooden leg at the helm and a parrot on his shoulder, but I definitely wasn’t expecting to find vessels that were 333 meters long, such as the M/V Irene SL, being captured. Nor was I expecting to see pirates stalking the seas with assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades. READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE
14356 Lieutenant-Colonel Michael A. Rostek, CD, Ph.D. joined the Canadian Forces in 1979 by way of Le College militaire royal de Saint-Jean. In 1984, he graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada with a Bachelor of Arts (Commerce) and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps. Upon completion of armoured training in 1985 he became a member of The Royal Canadian Dragoons stationed in Lahr, West Germany. He has held a variety of command and staff appointments as well as various school and training positions. He was promoted to his current rank in 1999 and has served as Directing Staff at both the Canadian Forces College in Toronto and the Australian Command and Staff College in Canberra. He holds two Master’s degrees – a Master’s of Arts (Defence Management and Policy), Royal Military College and a Master’s of Management in Defence Studies, University of Canberra, Australia and a doctorate in War Studies from the Royal Military College of Canada. He is currently employed as the Concepts Team Leader in the Directorate of Land Concepts and Designs. Source