
Parker family honoured guests at Veterans’ luncheon

Uncovering your family’s military roots


Two IV Years Visit Korea

2011 KAFA International Week

By 25500 OCdt S.H.K. Han

From 31 October 2011 to 5 November 2011, myself, OCdt Han and OCdt St-Pierre took part in the “2011 KAFA International Week” held in South Korea. The purpose of the week was to have delegations from the foreign national academies visit Korean Air Force Academy (KAFA) as part of the Cadet Exchange Visit Program to promote close military ties and cultural understanding between Korea and the participating countries. There were a total of 14 countries participating: Algeria, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, France, Indonesia, Mongol, Pakistan, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA, and Vietnam.

The itinerary for the week was packed with interesting activities and involved visiting numerous places such as the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), and United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK). We first stayed at KAFA for the first 2 nights, where we participated in their morning activities and evening activities with other KAFA cadets. During the first day, we had a tour of KAFA, 20th Fighter Wing of the Korean Air Force, and the Cheonan wreckage exhibition. Throughout the week we visited numerous other places such as the Kyungbok Palace, Seoul Tower, and Hyundai Motors factory, where we could experience and learn about the Korean culture.

The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK) were the two most memorable places of which we visited. The tour of the DMZ consisted of visiting Panmunjeom in the Joint Security Area, where the tours are given to promote the awareness of the Republic of Korea (ROK) Security between the North and South Korea. Panmunjeom is the building situated most north closest to the Military Demarcation Line (MDL), the 38th parallel. The entire tour was very quiet and serious. We could all feel the tension between the two Koreas that still remains after the end of the Korean War in 1953. After the tour of the DMZ, we visited the UNMCK. The UNMCK is the world’s unique UN cemetery designated by the UN, where the holy ground is dedicated to the peace and freedom of the world. 2,300 UN fallen who gave their lives during the Korean War lay at the UNMCK. It was extremely heart breaking yet touching to see that those who have fallen are remembered for their sacrifices with Flag Raising Ceremony twice a month of the 22 participating nations including Korea in alphabetical order.

During one of the evenings at KAFA, the 14 different nations gave a presentation on their academy, education systems and the cadet life. It was extremely interesting to learn about the different military academies around the world. Each academy had something unique and different, which reflected their country. However, the intent and the goal of every military academy was the same: To prepare cadets for a demanding career in the military as an officer in their country.

The week ended with the KAFA Cadet Festival, the Sungmu Festival that took place on 3 Nov – 5 Nov. There was a talent show on the evening of the 4th of November. The 5th of November was a day full of activities including Korean traditional archery, horseback riding, and many more. The end of the festival was celebrated with Boramae Ball, a KAFA cadet ball, where the International Cadets exchanged gifts with the KAFA cadets who hosted us. The KAFA Cadet Festival occurs every year where they promote the awareness of the KAFA to the public.

It was an honour to take part in the 2011 KAFA International Week representing the cadets of the Royal Military College of Canada and Canada, our country. In addition, it was a great opportunity to meet cadets from 14 different countries, whom I’m sure I’ll meet again later in the future as an officer. This was an experience that widened my eyes of how Canada is involved and respected around the world. I look forward to my career that lies ahead of me, which I’m sure will lead me to work with those of different nations such as the 14 nations that participated in the 2011 KAFA International Week.


La semaine internationale 2011 à KAFA

par 25045 Élof M.J.E. St-Pierre

Durant la semaine du 31 octobre au 5 novembre 2011, moi-même et l’élof Han avons participé à la semaine internationale 2011 à KAFA (Korean Air Force Academy) qui se tenait en Corée du Sud. Le but de cette semaine était d’améliorer les liens et la compréhension de la culture entre la Corée et les autres pays participants. Les autres pays étant : Algérie, Belgique, Colombie, France, Indonésie, Mongolie, Pakistan, Suède, Thaïlande, Turquie, Royaume uni, États-Unis, Vietnam et bien sûr le Canada.

L’horaire de la semaine était très occupé avec plusieurs activités intéressantes qui comprenaient la visite de nombreux sites. Les deux premières journées, nous sommes demeurés à KAFA et avons participé aux activités matinales et de soirée. Nous avons aussi eu droit à une visite guidée des installations de KAFA soit : le muséum, le wind tunnel, le simulateur de vol, etc. Plusieurs autres activités sportives étaient aussi à l’horaire tel qu’une partie de soccer entre les Élofs de KAFA contre les Élofs des autres pays participants et aussi la possibilité de faire du parapente.

La visite de la zone démilitarisée ainsi que celle du cimetière des Nations Unies à la mémoire des soldats qui ont perdu la vie lors de la guerre de Corée ont été un des points marquants de cette visite en Corée. Il nous a alors été possible de ressentir les tensions constantes entre le Nord et le Sud ainsi que le sacrifice fait par les soldats des Nations Unies lors de la guerre de Corée de 1950-1953.

La semaine, c’est terminé avec le festival des Cadets de KAFA, qui comprend un Talent Show et se termine avec un bal. Les Élofs de KAFA nous ont alors démontré leur multiple talent de chant et danse ainsi que de body-building. Même, certains pays se sont permis d’improviser un numéro de dernière minute. Nous avons donc eu droits à une chanson d’amour en vietnamien et les cadets de l’école de l’air en France nous ont interprétés « Au champ Élysée ». Lors du bal nous avons eu la chance pour la dernière fois de rencontrer les Élofs des différents pays participants et d’échanger des cadeaux de toutes sortes.

Ce fut un honneur pour nous deux de représenter le Collège militaire du Canada ainsi que le Canada à cette semaine internationale en Corée du Sud. En plus d’avoir eu la chance de rencontrer des futurs officiers de 14 pays différents, que nous espérerons avoir la chance de rencontrer de nouveau dans de futures missions des Nations Unies. Cela nous a permis de voir à quel point le Canada est impliqué et respecté à travers le monde.



Congratulations are in order: RMC Professor makes an international mark.

Dr Allister MacIntyre, Professor at Royal Military College in Kingston, was the recipient of the Harry Greer Award at the International Testing Association Meeting. This award, created back in the 60s, is not given each year. Allister is the third Canadian since its inception to win the award. It was supported by all 22 member nations. The award honours outstanding support to the IMTA organisation, outstanding support to partner nations, as well as outstanding contributions to the field of research domestically and internationally and support to international research bodies.

All of us at the college are very proud to see Allister honoured in this manner.



Former Otter Squdron Member Now a Full-Time Travel Agent



Theresa Winchester
Cruise & Vacation Specialist
Kincardine Representative
[email protected]
519-386-6393 (cell)
576 10th Street, Hanover ON
TICO Registration # T730535

M0361 Major (retired) Theresa Winchester, OMM, CD, joined the Canadian Forces in 1973 and served as an Admin Clk 831, now a defunct species, and a PAdmin O 68Y until retirement in 2002.

Personal Life: Theresa was born in then unknown Walkerton ON in a family of fourteen. Theresa remembers fondly the days when she believed that life was ideal at age 16. She met & eventually married Joe and they have two children together as well as the two from his first marriage and two grandchildren. Son Bryson was married in September 2011 so she has hopes for more grandkids and maybe some great grands.

Career & Jobs: In keeping with the expectations of that time and place, Theresa held several secretarial type jobs and partied hearty at night to compensate for the day time boredom until 1972. At the age of 19, she decided to join the military to see more of Canada and experience more of life than was possible within 100 miles of her birth. Cornwallis was difficult for Theresa who was drill & PT challenged but like most, she survived it to begin training at CFSAL Borden in 1973. She was stationed at CFB Shearwater, CFH Halifax and CFRC Edmonton until her life-changing posting to RMC in 1981. In her two years as Records Section staff, she studied part time with a supportive husband and two bewildered children behind her, upgrading her education from “didn’t finish high school” to 1 year of undergrad credits. She began full time education in 1983 as a member of Otter Squadron, then “the green caboose”, wrote Dear Diary in her first year as a kind of shock absorber, and graduated with great surprise in May 1986 with an Honours History degree. Postings as an officer included the Naval Engineering Unit (Atlantic), CFS Masset, CFHQ Trenton, CFC Toronto, 8 Wing Trenton and Director Military Policy Development in NDHQ splattered with periodic French Language Training and heavy volunteer work. What a wide range of experiences and an even wider range of Canadians she met along the way! Theresa tried retirement for almost five years then returned to the working world as the Shelter Manager at a local women’s shelter for four years.

Leisure: Reading (100 books in 2011 so far), quilting, cross stitching and scrapbooking. But her leisure travel has become Theresa’s passion as she is now a full time travel agent with Expedia Cruise Ship Centers in Kincardine ON. “A cruise specialist but not just cruising”, Theresa loves to travel to new places and to facilitate the experience of others who want to do the same. With the internet, she can help anyone who lives anywhere to go to anywhere else at any time – amazing! She has travelled independently with her husband to Belgium and the Netherlands and with her daughter to Italy in 2011 and France in 2008 including a World War I battlefield tour to trace the steps of Kyla’s grandfather who, as part of the Nova Scotia Highlanders 85th Bn, famously took Vimy Ridge in April 1917. She recommends cruising as the most luxurious and comfy way to travel, having lived this good life in the Caribbean, on the Waterway of the Czars, in the Mediterranean and through the Panama Canal with, with luck, many more experiences in the future. Contact her at [email protected] or 519-396-2036 – she’ll get you there!

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