6440 Tony Goode (CMR RMC ’65)
After 30 years of commissioned service in the Canadian Navy, during which he commanded HMC Ships THUNDER, CHIGNECTO, SAGUENAY and ALGONQUIN, as well as Training Group Pacific, Fourth Destroyer Squadron and Royal Roads Military College, Tony Goode retired as the CF Naval Attache at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, DC in 1996 to join Litton Systems Canada (now L-3 Electronic Systems) as the Program Manager for the Tribal Class Update and Modernization Program (TRUMP). As that program wound down, Tony assumed responsibilities for program management of the CP 140 Mission Systems Avionics Engineering and In Service Support program and other related contracts. More….
Ronald RR Halpin , during his days as Ambassador to the Republic of Hungary
8919 Ronald RR Halpin (RRMC RMC ‘71)
Ronald suffered a severe stroke on Nov 14, 2003, while he was Ambassador to the Republic of Hungary. He has aphasia and apraxia. He now does speech therapy and woodworking as part of his recovery.
Ronald Halpin joined the Department of External Affairs in 1975 after a number of years of military service, includingpeacekeeping duties in Cyprus. He served in Canadian embassies inPretoria, Moscow and Warsaw. In 1997, he was named Ambassador to the Czech Republic, a position he held until 2000. At Headquarters, he worked in such areas as the Political and Strategic Analysis Division, the USSR and Eastern Europe Relations Division and the Personnel Division. He was Senior Adviser for Security and Counterterrorism from 1992 to 1995 and, from 1995 to 1997; he served as Director General of the Resource Planning and Management Bureau. From 2000 until the time of his stroke he had been Director General of
the Central, East and South Europe Bureau.
Mr. Halpin is married to Françoise Halpin (née Lacasse) and they have two children.
Ronald maintains his membership in the RMC Club and all of us wish him the best of luck and a full recovery.
It only takes a minute to read this…
A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke…totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.
to remember the “3” indicators, S T R . Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S – Ask the person to SMILE
T – Ask the person to TALK – to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE
(Coherently) eg. . . “It is sunny out today”
R – Ask the person to RAISE BOTH ARMS
If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 9-1-1 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
NOTE: Another ‘sign’ of a stroke is this: Ask the person to “stick out their tongue”… if the tongue is ‘crooked’, if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.
Pacific Safety Products Inc. Announces Executive Appointment
11588 Jacques Bonaventure (CMR ’73) ….more
11306 Pierre Rivard (RMC ‘77)
Pierre Rivard is president and CEO of wind turbine company MAGENN Corp., Pierre, one of the founders of Mississauga-based clean tech company Hydrogenics, spent 20 years with the Canadian Air Force as an aerospace engineer, making him a good fit for MAGENN whose key technology is a lighter-than-air rotor system that generates energy through wind power. Pierre earned an MBA from Western, an ME (mechanical) from U of T and a bachelor of engineering from Royal Military College.
Pierre is an avid tennis player. He is married to Catherine Paquet (CMR ’86). They have two children, a son and daughter. The daughter, Laurence is a I Year Engineering student and a member of the varsity Women’s Rugby Team at McMaster University.
11510 Barry GJ Kennedy (RRMC ‘77)
Barry Kennedy began life as a comedian in 1985 when his friends dared him to appear on amateur night at a Vancouver comedy club. Four months later he was working professionally. Kennedy has acted in a number of television productions in Canada and the US. He has appeared as a headline act at all major Canadian Comedy Clubs, numerous shows in the United States, A & E’s Comedy On The Road and as host and comic in the International United Nations Show Tour. Performance is in Kennedy’s blood — his father is actor Gordon Pinsent. Born in Winnipeg and raised in Vancouver, Kennedy studied physics and oceanography at Royal Roads Military College. His summers were spent in pilot training and on graduation be became “a young kid with a big toy” flying F101 fighter jets for the Canadian Armed Forces. And his talent just doesn’t stop, he is author of “Rock Varnish” a darkly comic novel published in 2006 by McArthur and Company. His two previous books, “Through the Deadfall” and “The Hindmost” were published by Doubleday. A never-ending delight to his listeners, Kennedy keeps his audiences in stitches as he plays with life’s quaint ironies, from the quirks of relationships, to family matters, to all things Canadian. He lives in Toronto’s Cabbagetown.
Read up on his latest book – Rock Varnish
Commander Darren Rich, CD, BSc rrmc, pcsc
13789 Darren Rich (RRMC ’83)
Commander Darren Rich joined the Canadian Forces in 1978. He graduated from Royal Roads Military College in 1983 with a degree in Physics & Oceanography, was commissioned as an Acting Sublieutenant and began training as a Marine Systems Engineer.
After completing engineering training in MACKENZIE, the Royal Naval Engineering College in Manadon, England and the Canadian Forces Fleet School Halifax, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant (Navy) and posted to MARGAREE in Halifax in 1986 as the Assistant Marine Systems Engineering Officer. In 1988 he was posted to National Defence Headquarters where he worked in the field of naval maintenance policy.
Cdr Rich returned to Victoria as the Marine Systems Engineering Officer in RESTIGOUCHE in the summer of 1991. In 1992 RESTIGOUCHE deployed to the Red Sea in support of UN sanctions against Iraq. The six-month deployment resulted in RESTIGOUCHE circumnavigating the world, the last Canadian steam-powered warship to do so. He was posted to the Damage Control Division of the Canadian Forces Fleet School Esquimalt as the Damage Control Officer in 1993.
Promoted to Lieutenant-Commander in 1994 and posted to the Naval Engineering Unit Pacific as the Marine Systems Division Head, Cdr Rich led a staff of civilian engineers and technicians in providing technical engineering support for MARPAC ships. In 1996 he coordinated the complex task of repairing HURON’s main gearbox after an internal coupling failure caused bolt material to pass through the meshing gears. In 1997 he returned to the Canadian Forces Fleet School Esquimalt, this time as the Engineering Division Commander.
In 1998 Cdr Rich attended the Canadian Forces Command and Staff College and was promoted to his current rank in June of 1999. After completing the course he remained at the College in Toronto for one year as the National Security Studies planner for the Command and Staff Course. He returned to Victoria and joined the Fleet Maintenance Facility CAPE BRETON as the Shop Consolidation Project Officer in July 2000. He was posted to the Royal Military College of Canada as the Special Advisor to the Commandant in July 2003. In July 2007 he assumed the duties of Deputy Director of Cadets.
Between October 2001 and March 2005, he was occasionally seconded to the Director of Pay Policy Development, NDHQ to participate in a first principles review of the various Environmental Allowances (Sea Duty Allowance, Field Operations Allowance and Aircrew Allowance). During this assignment he lived in the field with troops on various exercises, visited Afghanistan and Bosnia, flew in several different types of CF aircraft and went to sea in all classes of ships.
Cdr Rich is married to Valerie Rich (nee Timmerman) of Greenwood, NS. As a commercial pilot he holds an aerobatic endorsement in addition to a multi-engine instrument rating.
17315 Mr Glenn G.D. Coltman (RMC 1990)
Glenn Coltman is a member of the Academic Teaching Faculty – Coach (Human Resources) at the Centre for Innovative at Management Athabasca University. He earned a BA (Royal Military College) and a MBA (Dalhousie). He teaches Human Resource Management and Strategy & Organizational Analysis. He was accredited as a Certified Human Resources Professional, with the Human Resources Association of Nova Scotia. [email protected]
17525 Wendy W. Weise (RRMC ‘90)
Wendy Weise is the Ontario Military Families National Advisory Board Representative. Wendy Weise has been married to a full-time Reservist for almost 13 years and was a serving member of the Regular Force for nine years. More…
M0547 Major Damian FW O’Keefe CD, PhD (RRMC ‘92)
Major Damian O’Keefe joined the Royal Military College of Canada in July 2007 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Military Psychology and Leadership. More…
Caption 19972 Malachi M Nordine (RRMC ‘95)
SkyTrac Systems Hires Senior Manager of Service Delivery more…