Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, announces the award of Mentions in Dispatches for gallantry and devotion to duty in combat.
The Mention in Dispatches is a national honour that was created to recognize members of the Canadian Forces on active service and other individuals working with or in conjunction with the Canadian Forces for valiant conduct, devotion to duty or other distinguished service. Recipients are entitled to wear a bronze oak leaf on the appropriate campaign or service medal ribbon.
22841 Lieutenant Nicolas Forsyth (RMC ‘04) Mention in Dispatches Lieutenant Forsyth was deployed with the Intelligence Surveillance Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance Squadron, 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group, in Afghanistan. On October 3, 2006, his observation post was attacked by small arms fire, rocket-propelled grenades and rockets, killing and wounding many soldiers. Lieutenant Forsyth, himself debilitated by shrapnel wounds and flash burns, crawled headlong into effective enemy fire to report the ambush and to request reinforcements. Maintaining command, he assisted with the treatment of casualties and ensured the perimeter security was maintained. Lieutenant Forsyth’s leadership under fire helped save the lives of his fellow soldiers and repel the enemy attack.
21381 Captain Lee James Mossop (CMR ‘98) Mention in Dispatches Captain Mossop was deployed as the mentor to the company commander of the 3rd Company, 2nd Kandak, 1st Brigade, 205th Corps of the Afghan National Army (ANA). On October 10, 2006, his company was assigned to secure Route Summit in the Pashmul region of Afghanistan. For the next two weeks, the company endured repeated insurgent attacks, during which Captain Mossop demonstrated outstanding leadership, composure and resilience under fire that inspired the ANA soldiers to successfully ward off all enemy action. Captain Mossop’s leadership directly contributed to the professional development of the ANA Company, and to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan.
Ed: We have no up-to-date coordinates on Capt Mossop & Lt Forsyth, if any of our readers are aware of their current address, we would appreciate the opportunity to update our records.
Ex-cadets In The News As Compiled By Sgt. Jeff Brideau
- H7860 Senator Romeo Dallaire (CMR RMC ‘69) Retired Canadian General testifies at Rwanda’s war crimes trials
- 14444 Dorothy Hector (RMC ’84) voted in favour of the closure but said she thinks the city is being bullied by the University.
- 20725 Capt Aidan Costelloe, (RMC – ‘97) Canadian Air Drops save lives
- 22841 Capt Nicolas Forsyth, (RMC ’04) Canadians honoured for Bravery in Afghanistan
- 23054 2LT Alexandre Cadieux RMC ‘05 At Peak Performance – Joint SAR exercise at 19 Wing