S146 General General Raymond Roland Henault, C.M., C.M.M., M.S.C., C.D. (Ret’d) receives Order of Canada – https://www.gg.ca/en/order-canada-appointees-december-2023
Pepper Pod – Beyond Trauma Retreat – https://pepperpod.ca/programs/beyond-trauma/
18021 Michèle Mullen, CD, RRMC 1991 announces new role as Director General of Military Communications and Space Systems at the Department of National Defence – https://www.linkedin.com/in/mich%C3%A8le-mullen-cd-47635013/

How this military chaplain’s experience with racism led him to open up a conversation he hopes sparks change among members – https://www.cbc.ca/newsinteractives/features/not-alone-military-chaplain-racism-forum
Canadian Army Commander Announces CO and RSM 2023/2024 Appointments- https://www.cmfmag.ca/policy/canadian-army-commander-announces-co-and-rsm-2023-2024-appointments/
Captain Médric Léo Robert Cousineau, S.C., M.S.M., C.D. (Ret’d) receives Meritorious Service Decoration (Civil Division) – https://www.gg.ca/en/meritorious-service-decorations-civil-division-december-07-2023
Ron Vincent (G1407 RMC MSc and PhD Professor of Physics and Space Science at RMC) recently published a novel featuring an RMC graduate and CP-140 ACSO titled Life at the Precipice which won the 2023 Best Independent Book Award for literary fiction – https://bestindiebookaward.com/live/product/life-at-the-precipice/
Additional General Flag Officer and Flag Officer 2023 Promotions – https://www.cmfmag.ca/policy/additional-general-officer-and-flag-officer-promotions-announced/
Canada’s top admiral says navy staff, resource needs in ‘critical state’ – https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/canada-s-top-admiral-says-navy-staff-resource-needs-in-critical-state-1.6665063
National Defence vows to get better at helping men who report military sexual misconduct – https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/dnd-sexual-misconduct-canadian-forces-1.7075817
8014 Brian Barrie RMC Class of 1969 Authors new book titled: Four Bullets, Four Witnesses, Four Liars – https://irwinlaw.com/product/four-bullets-four-witnesses-four-liars/