
Trivia | Bagatelle

Current III Year hockey Paladin star forward, Paul Bradley, is closing in on the 100 point Club. At the time of this writing, Paul had amassed a total of 95 points – all in OUA league play. We do not have access to what he has accomplished in exhibition games. It is pretty certain he…


Notices | Avis

The J.D. Young Memorial lecture will be delivered to faculty and cadets in Currie Hall at the Royal Military College of Canada on Thursday 24 January, 2008 at 1700 hrs. http://www.rmc.ca/cgi-bin/cal_make.pl?p1=CON Backgrounder 2360 Major John Douglas (Doug) Young (RMC 1933) was posted to the 13th Field Regiment, RCA, a unit assigned a D-Day role on…



RMC Class of 1982, Golf – Jun 14, 2008 – (Seniors to Recruits invited from the Classes 1979 through 1985)All welcome – with significant others As a heads-up Saturday, June 14, 2008 Saw-whet (QEW and Bronte Rd) in Oakville First tee-off – 1300 hrs Dinner – at the course – Buffet in the Club house…



15582 Major Heather J Thorne-Albright (RMC 1986) Retirement 25 + Years of Dedicated Service (19 June, 1982 – 4 February, 2008)


Top Headlines | À la une

RMC Fighting For Their Play-off Lives. Hockey Paladins Up For the Challenge! By: WJO Several OUA East Division hockey teams are fighting for their playoff lives and others for playoff position, and the races likely will not be decided until the last game of the schedule for both RMC and Queen’s – the annual Carr…


What’s Happening At RMC | Que se passe-t-il au CMR?

RMC’s Distance Programme Turns 10 A short decade ago, the Royal Military College of Canada’s Division of Continuing Studies (DCS) was created to offer high-quality university education to members of the Canadian Forces who, through their operational commitments, were unable to attend traditional classroom-based programmes. Initially offering a Master of Arts degree in War Studies…


Catching Up With the News | Se remettre au courant

E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC ‘03) will present “In the Shadow of Kane(h)satake (Oka) and Ipperwash: Prospects for Reform in Indigenous/State Relations” at the 17th Annual Symposium on Conflict Resolution on Friday, February 1st, 2008 at the R.A. Centre in Ottawa.The theme of the Symposium is “Identity-based Conflict, Human Security, & Peacebuilding.” The Symposium is a…


Where are they now? | Où sont-ils/elles?

4738 Mr Louis J Tremblay (CMR RMC 1960) is currently president of L.J. Tremblay & Associates Limited, a firm of mechanical and electrical consulting engineers in Cornwall, Ontario. He is also director of VIA Rail Canada Inc., director of Cordel Developments Corporation Limited and director of Capital Cornwall Developments Inc.  He  received his Masters in…


Ex-Cadets in the News | Anciens dans les nouvelles

Ex Cadets featured on Discovery Channel documentary series. http://newsdurhamregion.com/news/whitby/article/92424 http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?threadid=60882 Matt McLeod (RMC ’07) Selected FISU Rugby (Spain) – RMC coach, Sean McDonaugh, an assistant coach http://universityrugby.blogspot.com/2008/01/fisu-update.html


Flashback | Rétrospective

RMC & Rhodes Scholars – This is the third in our series on Ex Cdets & Rhodes Scholars… In his own words….. 6219 Dr. Robin Boadway (RRMC / RMC ‘64) The 1960s were banner years for RMC Rhodes Scholars. In the Class of 1964 alone, three of us made it to the final interviews in…



The Conference of Defence Associations (CDA), in its second briefing of 2008, examines the following themes: – Canadian policy and politics towards the mission in Afghanistan. – Debate surrounding the Strategic Advisory Team in Afghanistan (SAT-A). – Developments in Afghanistan. – Developments related to Pakistan. – US Marine deployment – Comments by the US Secretary…


Extra Innings | Manches supplémentaires

Hockey – Stretch Run Kicks Off This Week Coach Shell Has Paladins Ready By: WJO RMC Paladins will resume their schedule this week with three games scheduled in four nights locked in a battle for their playoff lives. Any thing less than two wins would just about dash any hopes for post-season play and pretty…