
In This Issue 22 – Dans ce numéro

To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. RMC Club Business Luncheon – Tuesday, 23 October; The 2007 Leadership Dinner 23 November; Who is this…


Quotation | Citation

“…RMC never taught me how to lead a platoon attack or conduct a Shurah with local Afghan elders, but it has taught me three vital ideas that all officers should adhere to. Truth means leading soldiers from the front and being honest to them at all times. Duty means being there at the front when…


Trivia | Bagatelle

H24263 John Scott Cowan, B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD In 1999 Doctor John Cowan took up his present post as Principal of the Royal Military College of Canada. During that time period how may Commandants have served at RMC? a. 2; b. 3; c. 4; or d. 5 Click here for the bio of Dr. Cowan.


Deaths | deces

At press time we received word that 5158 Marcel Bourgeois (CMR RMC ’61) died on September 16, 2007. No other details are available at this time.



RMC Club Business Luncheon – Tuesday, 23 October 2007 Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto Tickets $100/person, register online! Corporate sponsorships are available including a partial donation to advance RMC programs. Join your fellow business tycoons! Confirmed Guest Speakers: 7771 Jim Leech, RMC Class of 1968, Manager, Private Equity, Ontario Teachers Pension Fund, chief architect of…


Top Headlines | À la une

Major Danny McLeod 2007 Recipient – Air Commodore Leonard Birchall Leadership Award President of the Toronto Branch, 16412 Gordon Clarke (RMC ’89) announced at the recent Reunion Weekend Legacy Dinner that S109 Major (ret’d) Danny McLeod is the 2007 ACLBLA Receipient. The Award will be presented at the Leadership Dinner scheduled for Friday 23 November.…


What’s Happening At RMC | Que se passe-t-il au CMR?

*THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY DÉPARTEMENT D’HISTOIRE* The 2007 THOMPSON LECTURE CONFÉRENCE THOMPSON 2007 Topic / Sujet “The Nature of Anglo-American Relations, 1900-1945” *Dr. Greg Kennedy, Defence Studies Department King’s College London, United Kingdom* Sawyer Bldg, Room 4076 Tuesday, 16 October 2007, 14:00h. Édifice Sawyer, Salle 4076 Le mardi, 16 octobre 2007, 14h00* Upcoming Conference Defending…


Catching Up With the News | Se remettre au courant

Proud RMC Parents Hillier’s position stronger after rumour of demise Afghan police salaries paid by Canadian military Ex-Sandhurst head wins damages over royal stress claim Hunt for Royal Navy recruit after sex attack on female cadetThe case follows another incident last month at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, when 22-year-old officer cadet Amii Calway…


Where are they now? | Où sont-ils/elles?

6440 Tony Goode (CMR RMC ’65) After 30 years of commissioned service in the Canadian Navy, during which he commanded HMC Ships THUNDER, CHIGNECTO, SAGUENAY and ALGONQUIN, as well as Training Group Pacific, Fourth Destroyer Squadron and Royal Roads Military College, Tony Goode retired as the CF Naval Attache at the Canadian Embassy in Washington,…


Ex-Cadets in the News | Anciens dans les nouvelles

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, announces the award of Mentions in Dispatches for gallantry and devotion to duty in combat. The Mention in Dispatches is a national honour that was created to recognize members of the Canadian Forces on active service and other individuals working with or…


Flashback | Rétrospective

Impressions of a Class of ‘61 Old Brigader Every member of the Class of ‘61 knew that we had no business joining the Old Brigade. As cadets we had encountered specimens of the Old Brigade-venerable but slightly decrepit, with college numbers like 102 or 204. Whereas we are young, active, tough-ready to challenge the recruits…



Pourquoi j’ai joint le Club des CMR Par 12944 André Durand J’ai joint le CMR Saint-Jean en 1977 sous le programme de formation des officiers de la régulière (PFOR). C’est à mi-chemin du programme que j’ai eu des difficultés académiques et réorienté ma carrière vers le programme de formation des aspirants officiers (PFAO). Au cours…