Deaths | Décès

4384 FORTIN, Jean-Guy «Toto». (1935-2011) Autrefois de Sterlleton, Nouvelle-Écosse, à Napierville, le 19 avril 2011, à l’âge de 76 ans, est décédé monsieur Jean-Guy «Toto» Fortin. Il laisse dans le deuil sa conjointe Pauline Boire, ses fils John (Brenda McKay), Paul (Katy Stoke), sa soeur Marie-Jeanne (Gaston Drew), plusieurs neveux, nièces et autres parents et…

In This Issue 17

In This Issue 17: To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. La Chasse-Galerie = $$$ for Danny McLeod Athletic Endowment Fund Sandhurst Competition 2011…

La Chasse-Galerie = $$$ for Danny McLeod Athletic Endowment Fund

  This September, fifteen Ex-Cadets will raise money for the Danny McLeod Athletic Endowment Fund by paddling a voyageur canoe from Ottawa to Kingston. You can make a pledge or donation at In a few days the website will feature more about the adventure, including photos of the crew. Over the next few months…

Sandhurst Competition 2011

  The following comment was submitted on 2011/04/18 at 10:28 pm from a recent article on the Sandhurst competition. Setting the record straight. Bill, This is more of a personal request than a comment and I request you assistance in getting the record straight as I understand the situation. About six years ago, I on…

West Point squad wins Sandhurst Military Skills Competition

Sandhurst Competition – US Army Perspective For the first time since 1993, a West Point squad secured the victory over its international rivals at the 45th annual Sandhurst Military Skills Competition, here. After months of training dedicated to bringing the top award back home, the Company B-3 Squad claimed the coveted Reginald E. Johnson Memorial…

MOC Weekend – Cadets Get the Straight Goods Right From the Top

  The following Military Occupation Classification (MOC) article first appeared in Precision – The student e-newspaper of RMC.     Naval Cadet MOC Weekend: Our Careers at a Glance 25892 OCdt Meghan Thompson Beginning with Friday’s Meet and Greet at HMCS Cataraqui and ending late Saturday afternoon with briefings on our specific trades, the Navy…

We missed one – 5th Ex-Cadet Running in Federal Election

Last week we ran an article about 4 Ex Cadets running in the 2 May Federal Election. We were advised of another one – 8927 Patrick Hunt – a classmates – 8788 Geoff Bennett brought the omission to our attention. Conservative takes the high road discussing chances at defeating NDP incumbent By: VIVIAN MOREAU –…

2011 Vimy Award – call for nominations / Prix Vimy 2011 – appel de nominations

Nominations are invited for the 2011 Vimy Award. The Vimy Award was initiated in 1991 by the Conference of Defence Associations Institute to recognize, annually, one Canadian who has made a significant and outstanding contribution to the defence and security of our nation and the preservation of our democratic values. Previous recipients of this prestigious…

T.D.V. and What It Means to You

T.D.V. By: WJO Over the past number of weeks we have had the opportunity to attend a few functions with Cadets and Ex-Cadets in attendance. Invariably during the course of a Q&A or just during casual chit-chat – TDV and what it means came up quite often. We have observed Alumni put the question to…

Professor G. F. Dalsin – Faculty, Royal Roads Department of Mathematics 1948 – 1978

Professor G. F. Dalsin (Faculty, Royal Roads Department of Mathematics 1948 – 1978 ; Department Head 1962 – 78) This contribution was written by Mrs. Agnes Dalsin as a response to the “Share Your Story” portion of the Royal Roads Paver Stone Campaign. For more information about the Paver Stone campaign and how to order…

Careers | Carrières

x Head of Service, Human Resources Systems / Chef de service, systèmes des ressources humaines – Montreal – Loto Québec (min. exp. 8 years) Senior Project Engineer / Ingénieur Principal de projets – La Prairie – Alstom (min. exp. 3 years) Specialist / MES Analyst (Manufacturing Execution System) / Spécialiste / Analyste MES (Manufacturing Execution…

Did you know?

Did you know? Lockhart Gordon Creek in British Columbia was named after 495 Captain Maitland Lockhart Gordon (RMC 1899), who was killed in action 7 May 1917 at Bullecourt. He was educated at the Royal Military College, Kingston, from which he graduated in 1902. Lockhart Gordon Creek flows S into head of Draney Inlet, S…
